Rogoff mansion for sale


The wealthy heiress who came to Alaska to transform its media and political landscape has put her home on Campbell Lake up for sale. It’s the only home in Alaska visited by a sitting president, and Rogoff wants $3.2 million.

In the summer of 2015, when Obama came for dinner, the menu at the Rogoff table included cold-smoked king salmon lox, razor clams, Mat-Su lettuce, Koyukuk moose hunted by Alice, and berries picked by Alice.

It was a media sensation.

At that time, she was the publisher of the Anchorage Daily News, which she had renamed the Alaska Dispatch.

Take a virtual tour of the house here.

Rogoff bought the Anchorage Daily News from the McClatchy Company for $34 million in 2014.

She ended up selling the operation in 2017 to the Binkley Companies as a crush of bills were drawing lawsuits. She — rather, the Alaska Dispatch News — filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Aug. 12, 2017.

Rogoff was a part of Gov. Bill Walker’s inner circle and backed him for governor in 2014. By the time he ran again, she was mainly gone from the state. She has not been spotted in Alaska for months but now runs, which she has converted into a nonprofit, to avoid paying taxes on it.


  1. Maybe with the sale of the house she can pay her liabilities she incurred in this State. I know an electrician and a few other still hanging waiting for payment.

  2. Meh. Crammed onto a tiny lot. Tons of plane noise. Only a 2 car garage. No privacy. In Anchorage. (No offense to my Anchorage friends). If you didn’t see the house, you’d think it was a low rent neighborhood.

    • Lake Campbell is an elite address. High fliers like Ron Duncan of GCI and the late Robert Gillam lived there. But if I was rich I wouldn’t want to live there because of the noise.

  3. Between her and Natasha Von Imhof, you lost your PFD. They are neighbors. Tell me again how Von Imhof is a Republican.

  4. The house isn’t worth $3.2 million. It was a remodel to start with , and the construction was rushed , so there were a lot of untrained workers brought in to push the schedule. While there are some interesting features to the house , some of the work was poor because of the rushed schedule and untrained workers.
    Rogoff collected all sorts of useless junk she bought at auction. When obama walked into that house , I am sure he had to work hard to prevent breaking out into laughter.

  5. Whatever the market value actually is, it could well be worth one-third less a year from now should Biden win next month!

  6. You know the inside is horribly outdated if all the real estate agent showcases is the exterior of the property. Built in 1965, it most likely has asbestos and lead paint. No privacy from your neighbors either. No thank you!

    • Yeah, that was my first reaction too. What? No pictures of the interior? I went back and replayed it just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. One of the exterior features are the balconies (kind of like upstairs porches)–sorry, they don’t work so well in Alaska’s winters.

  7. Sitting President Nixon visited his former Secretary of the Interior Walter Hickel at the Hickel home in Turnagain in 1971.

  8. A note: President Richard Nixon attended an event at the home of then former governor and Interior secretary Walter Hickel in 1972. I watched the President’s motorcade from Minnesota Drive.

  9. In the 1980s Alaska real estate values collapsed. Alaska has spent its
    reserve accounts and we now face massive, additional budget cuts and an
    income tax. If Ballot Measure One does not pass, there will be no
    revenue other than from an income tax.

    Rogoff will be like a lot of Alaskans. She’ll be slashing the price to
    attract scarce buyers.

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