RNC headquarters evacuated after biological attack

Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley said the organization stands “firm in our mission,” to deliver greater freedom and opportunity, no matter the terroristic tactics some may use against the party.

He made the statement after an evacuation of the RNC headquarters in Washington, DC, due to someone sending two vials of blood to the building.

“Today, vials of blood were sent to RNC Headquarters in DC. We are thankful to law enforcement, who responded quickly and ensured everyone’s safety. The lockdown has been cleared and staff has resumed their office duties because we remain unintimidated and undeterred in our efforts to elect President Trump to the White House,” Whatley said in the statement.
“This revolting attack comes on the heels of pro-Hamas protestors violently demonstrating on college campuses and deranged Biden supporters physically attacking our campaign volunteers for supporting President Trump,” Whatley said.
“While Republicans fight to strengthen our economy, secure our southern border, and halt the violent crime in our communities, the fringe-left is wreaking havoc, sowing fear, and lying to the public in a bad-faith effort to divide Americans and sway an election. No matter what violent tactics Biden’s extreme left supporters try next, we stand firm in our mission to deliver greater freedom and opportunity for all Americans, and we won’t back down.”

In January of 2021, a pipe bomb was found planted at the RNC headquarters and was destroyed by law enforcement. Another pipe bomb was placed at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at around the same time.


    • Same if Biden wins. The difference will be if Biden wins nothing will be done about the violence. It will probably be supported. If Trump wins I’m guessing it will come to a swift end. At least where he is permitted to make an influence. California and the like might be in deep trouble but red states should have quick solutions.
      At least that’s my thought on this issue.
      Sadly, Anchorage is now deep blue.

  1. Quick, check the broom closets for Angelina Jolie and Billie Bob Thorton on a vial swapping tryst.

    • No kidding! What a bunch of pantywaists. Better not tell them what happens in a typical doc’s office, what w/ their smoking health insurance program and all. That would be scary!

      • No one’s asking anyone to take a swig there, Jimmy. It might not be the healthiest thing to be around if the donor was an intravenous drug addled homosexual but beyond that… meh.

        • Beyond that is a range of blood borne diseases you seem to have never heard of which can kill you easily with the smallest of exposures.

          Best part: many times blood borne pathogens are spread by contact so minor the newly infected never knew contact occurred.

    • And, I suspect that during the COVID panicdemic, Basinhunter was fully in support of shutting down all businesses, and contact tracing everyone so that quarantines could be enforced because of a scary virus.

  2. My guess is they came from an activist who wants to codify murders in the name of “reproductive freedoms.”

  3. What did “Popa Blood Stains “give some of his blood to the Republicans as a donation? Ha Overkill ! Scare me again but wear your rubber gloves please! Mild distraction, make the best of it RNC!!!!!!

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