River to the sea? Democrat Chuck Schumer gives comfort to terrorist Hamas government by calling for Israelis to remove Netanyahu

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer threw around words like “international pariah” and “right-wing” in speaking about Israel’s government on the Senate floor on Thursday. He called for Israelis to hold an election and get rid of Prime Minister Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the postwar future,” Schumer said.

“As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me, the Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed, radically, since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” Schumer said.

“Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask: Must we change course? At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government,” he said.

Schumer is the highest-ranking Jewish elected leader in Congress.

For his part, Netanyahu said he expects Schumer to respect Israel’s elected government and not try to undermine it.

“Israel is not a banana republic, but an independent and proud democracy that elected Prime Minister Netanyahu,” the prime minister said. “Contrary to Schumer’s words, the Israeli public supports a total victory over Hamas” and “opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza.”

The Gaza war started Oct. 7, with a terrorist attack on Israel by the ruling government of Palestinian Gaza, an area that is not an actual state but is cordoned off from other countries and governed by terrorist Hamas. Israeli hostages were taken, raped, tortured, and killed. Israel responded with military force, but it is fighting not only Hamas, but terror-exporter Iran, which is supplying Hamas with weapons.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican minority leader, issued a scathing response to Schumer: “Israel is not a colony of America whose leaders serve at the pleasure of the party in power in Washington. Only Israel’s citizens should have a say in who runs their government. It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of a democratically elected leader of Israel. This is unprecedented. We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, said that Schumer’s remarks were inappropriate and “just plain wrong for an American leader to play such a divisive role in Israeli politics while our closest ally in the region is in an existential battle for its very survival. We need to be standing with Israel.”

Schumer’s remarks appear to be in coordination with President Joe Biden, who has taken a harsher stance against Israel, telling MSNBC last weekend that Netanyahu needs to “pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost” in the war.

Netanyahu responded that Biden is now hurting the interests of Israel and the “wish of the majority of Israelis.”


  1. Israel has turned the saying around; from the sea to the river. They were wanting a canal for a long time. Looks like a start.

    • Just when we should be competing for world markets and minds, we find ourselves drawn back to old religious conflict. The balance between East and West has been going on for thousands of years. The West has to stand by Israel to strike that balance.
      For all of our astonishing achievements, we are still bogged down in religious conflicts.
      Thus far, to end all Religious wars was always for the intellectuals, a crazy dream.

  2. We need to get our nose out of the world’s business.
    We have piss off most of the country’s of the world and look at how we are treated.

      • Global economy built by politicians.
        You missed the point as we need to quit being the big bully on the block as we have made many enemies for what money?
        Our leaders just care about power and money not about the people so go find your own rare earth minerals.

  3. Yeah, listen to Joe Biden says Chucky. He makes the worst foreign policy decisions in history…according to his former boss Obama when Joe won the primary in 2020.
    Obama was overheard telling one of his cohorts “Leave it to Joe Biden…He knows how to really f**k s**t up”.
    Even Obama knew the REAL Joe Biden back then!

  4. Why don’t we let the Israelis figure their government and neighborhood out on their own? Our “help” doesn’t seem very helpful to anyone.

  5. I concluded years ago that Chuck Schumer does not meet the needs of the United States of America. I sincerely hope that his state will elect someone better.

    • Let’s see about some of their other elected leaders , Letitia James and AOC and the wacky governor . Oh wait the presidents estranged wife , Hillary . I am not sure these folks really get elected in NY ? I think just installed by some process when no ones looking . Total idiots , the voters for putting up with this and poor fools that think that someone actually voted for these America haters .

  6. The CIA and State Department are very adept at promoting color revolutions in other countries.
    Although the outcomes are usually disastrous for said countries.
    I wouldn’t put it past their black hearts to be involved with shenanigans in Israel.

  7. Why do Democrats so frequently attack democracy in favor of authoritarianism?

    Israel is in the middle of a war against terrorists and this clown thinks it’s appropriate to go on the United States Senate floor and call for the removal of a duly elected official of a democratic nation, a close ally, and a foreign country.

  8. I thought the left said we stay out of other nations politics.

    Unless the left is losing Muslim votes, it seems.

    What a dolt.

  9. Bibi should call for the ouster of Schumer and Biden’s loss in November.

    Fair is fair.

    • I think Prime Minister Netanyahu has better things to do, apparently the Senate Majority leader doesn’t.

    • As one of my Jewish friends once said “no loyalty amongst us Jews , we will slit another Jews throat “. I guess Chuck just proved my friends thoughts absolutely correct . Chuck and our DC crew have been funding both sides of this war and even the Jewish people are starting to figure it out . The liberal Jews in America are starting to smell a rat . Thank you Chuck Schumer for confirming this.

        • EXACTLY! Self loathing Jews, can’t get out of their own way.
          They still think this is the democrat party that allowed all our parents and grandparents in at Ellis Island, it is the exact OPPOSITE democrat party than it was when our ancestors arrived in America (mine escaped Russia when the tzar/cosacks threw out all the Jews, ~1919).

  10. I thought I was in favor of Israel’s plan to eliminate Hamas and its owners. Schumer’s support of Hamas confirms my support of Israel is correct.

    • Genesis 12:3 DOES NOT SAY: “I will bless those who bless *Israel*, and curse him that curses *Israel*.”

      Genesis 12:3 SAYS “I will bless those who bless *you* [Abraham], and him who dishonors *you* [Abraham] I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed [through Jesus].”

      “The most misquoted verse in the Bible must be the promise God made to Abraham in Genesis 12, where he told Abraham he would bless those who bless HIM [Abraham] and curse those who curse HIM. The covenant later in Genesis 17 was passed on to his Seed on the child, which was Jesus Christ….” – Steven Ben-Nun

      The Scofield Study Bible started this false doctrine, which needs to stop.

      Jesus said our priorities should be:

      #1 “Love the Lord, your God with ALL of your HEART, soul, mind and strength.”

      #2 “Love your neighbor [including Palestinians, the woke left, everyone, including our enemies] as yourself.”

      Jesus used the Good Samaritan parable to illustrate this to the Pharisees. They hated the Samaritans, and considered them as inferior, having lesser souls, according to Talmudic thought, which is the basis for what the rabbis teach today in Israel. Jesus was trying to correct their Talmudic, racial supremacist thinking.

      Those of us who claim to follow Christ must actually follow Christ, “walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8).

      Jesus said we MUST BE PEACEMAKERS (not haters and warmongers) TO BE CHILDREN OF GOD, walking in love, the fruit of the Spirit:

      “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the SONS OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

      • How many Jewish babies cooked alive in ovens will make you happy?

        I’m really curious. You hide behind scripture which suits your agenda. Fine. I can rebuff it but will not bother to do so.

        So, how many cooked Jewish babies, raped Jewish women, dead Jewish teens from terrorist attacks does it take for you to come out of hiding and into reality?

        Or are you OK with another Holocaust if it “keeps the peace”?

      • Interesting that a guy claims scripture is misquoted and then adds his own words to that same scripture to make it say what he wants…that should tell you something.

        • What is telling is he’s not over there actively trying to free hostages so this can be over.

          One thing I really hate about this forum is the amount of alleged Christians on it promoting a version incompatible with the faith or reality.

  11. Polling for Biden in Michigan must be really bad along with polling among the young skulls full of mush on the college campuses. Lose the Muzzies and the indoctrinated young women and dems are in deep trouble in November. Its the only reason Schumer ran his mouth. Happily, Israel is almost finished with Hamas. Cheers –

  12. And now Grandpa Bloodstains seems to be slow walking ammo delivery to force Israel to comply.

    I’m sure both Russia and China, who have no love for Muslims, will be happy to step in.

  13. Schumer is good at reading the tea leaves, the majority of Israelis want a new election and on April 1, Israel will start drafting ultra orthodox jews. This will cause Bibi’s coalition to fall apart. Americans are waking up to the idiocy of funding a dual government; Democracy for Jews and a police state for Palestinians.

  14. Schumer and the rest of the democrats may as well be wasting their breath insisting Hamas adopt all of their woke DEI ideology.

    You’ve never actually accomplished anything in your entire career, so just stay the hell out of this issue, Chuckie.

  15. Chuck had made him and his family very rich . This is what political elite do in the country . The right side is also ingratiating themselves in cash and luxury. Just look at Mitch McConnell and his wife , puppets of the Chinese communist party . A huge fleet of cargo ships running all over the world .

    The surveillance state has created a lot of loyalists . These loyalist fear being hung or their family’s are at risk for being exposed and the consequences. Peter Schweitzer’s new book shows the cash flows in DC to the power and control . All bought and paid for and money and power corrupts . It’s all getting exposed . Mountains of corruption . Just the Biden’s alone is more than folks can imagine . The cash is coming in by the fire hose from China . The cash has corrupted our entire political system .

    Go Joe Biden and all the sheep that support the puppet man

  16. Just like the US. Israel has a deepstate…aka…zionists.

    Schumer is the head zionist in America. He is evil, depraved, corrupt, and in rebellion to Adonai.

    Hopefully he finds Jesus, repents and turns from his wickedness…if not, I sure would hate to be him when he faces eternal judgement.

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