RIP Lisa Levang: Local activist falls ill, leaves Assembly meeting, dies at hospital


Lisa Levang, a frequent observer of the Anchorage Assembly meetings who became an activist during the Covid lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, died on Tuesday night at about 9:30 pm, after falling ill during the Assembly meeting and being taken to Alaska Regional Hospital by ambulance.

Assemblywoman Jamie Allard heard about it from members of the audience that Levang was having a medical issue, and asked if the Assembly could take a moment to pray for her. Assembly chairwoman Suzanne LaFrance turned to Assemblyman Chris Constant, who shook his head. LaFrance allowed a short recess.

Levang’s husband, John Yurman, later wrote on Facebook: “At around 9:30 Tuesday night Lisa Levang my lovely wife, the most wonderful person I have ever known went home to our Wonderful Savior. All I can say now is that she was with friends and it was peaceful. I will be in touch…..”

Levang started attending meetings of the Assembly after watching the degeneration of local government under Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. She was also a frequent commenter here at Must Read Alaska. She was always cheerful and upbeat, maintaining a good sense of humor, even when things were going in a disagreeable direction on the Assembly.


  1. She was a beautiful lady, that became a friend through my time on the Assembly. Her attendance last night and her supportive hug meant a great deal to me. I will miss our late night conversations and her smile. She was such great activist in her community. She will be missed, she was one of us!

  2. Thanks, Constant. The power of wonderful prayer so offends you. We’ll try to remember you when it’s your turn.

  3. How unreal disrespectful to refuse to allow the observance of those of faith to pray for someone. The liberals of the Assembly are absolute tyrannical brats. So much for freedom of religion.

  4. If I regularly attended Anchorage assembly meetings dominated by the Marxist Nine, I think I would fall ill as well.
    Thank you for your community service, Lisa. In Pace Resquiescat.

  5. So admirable that she was there until her last moments to keep an eye on the late night machinations and give encouragement where needed. I wish more could assemble regardless of the lack of welcomes. In her honor let’s seat conservatives with integrity so they can work for half the state’s population who live in this community. May she rest in peace.

  6. Suzanne LaFrance–not an un-comely looking woman. As a Purdue graduate you’d think that she’d be a little more self-assured in handling simple requests from the assembly. Looking to Constant–for what? A wink or a nod or a shake of the head? Well, the pretty girl’s Purdue ain’t MIT or Caltech, and she is after all from Palmer. I wonder how her husband likes his boiled eggs–from caged or free-roaming hens? A recess, eh? Now that’s as classy as a pretty girl from Palmer can ever get!

    Who knows, maybe she’ll atone for her error and call for a simple moment of silence for Mrs. Levang.

  7. I’m sure she’s bending Jesus’ ear this morning about the Plandemic and the Communists that run the assembly. I hope she’s enjoying the conversation.

  8. So heartbreaking. She sounds like a wonderful person who cared about her community. I will be praying for her family and friends.

  9. May Lisa rest in peace.

    I hope and pray we learn something from Damar Hamlin’s episode and the ESPN commentator who was not afraid to call on Our Lord to protect and heal Damar on live television (

    Fellow Christians, we must ask the Holy Spirit for courage to give witness to God in these days -at home, at church, and in the public square!

  10. Rest in Peace with Our Lord Lisa Levang.
    Constant probably said no to prayer because they didn’t have the golden calf set up yet.
    Good chance this guy’s our next mayor.

  11. Looks like Chris Constant’s term ends in April(2023), it’s time to put this piece of work out in the real world and find a real job, from the looks of his past he’s been a parasite do-nothing his entire work history! Maybe he will shake his head then, It’s time to Get this total loser out!

  12. She died in battle, doing what she felt in her heart was the right thing. This should be respected all. Many of us have stood down and can’t bear the burden of making an unwanted community presence at these meetings, yet she persevered. She will be missed. A memorial should be displayed in the meeting room, at the very least.

  13. Lisa is my sister
    She was trying to help the community and
    Make Anchorage a better place to live.
    It hurts me so much of some of the comments some of you make at this terrible loss

    • Mary, Agreed.
      I don’t think this should be a smear campaign when anyone dies. Lisa, was my friend and the last time I saw her she gave me a hug. More than anything she would want everyone to know that”God so loved the world (even the assembly members), that He gave His 1 and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” Written by a follower who witnessed His death, burial and resurrection.” John 3:16.
      I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. Mary.

  14. A saint gone to heaven!! Many ofUS will join her there in due time!! She had more courage than I did!! I love Anchorage and it’s people but I couldn’t make myself go to those meeting!!

  15. Lisa was my sister also. The core of faith is to love and to accept those who believe different than us. Wake up.

    • I don’t think this should be a smear campaign when anyone dies. Lisa, was my friend and the last time I saw her she gave me a hug. More than anything she would want everyone to know that”God so loved the world (even the assembly members), that He gave His 1 and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” Written by a follower who witnessed His death, burial and resurrection.” John 3:16.
      I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister.

  16. Shocking.. I don’t like partings. First a friend we call jimbly, then topel, then young, today levang, all great and smart people admirable for their modeled grace, intelligence, faith, and hospitalities they developed from their experinces, sins, and mistakes. These people
    are remembered most by their love how they made people feel. The bible says love is greater than its abiding hope and faith (1cor13:1-13). I don’t like partings. I’m going to miss seeing her face and sharing my bible with her again. For those of us who are in the Faith, i know i’ll see her again, still i will miss her. The goal remains get the gospel out through our lives. That’s what these guys did, they weren’t perfect, but you could see they loved. And it was their love that like the gospel celebratory song i’m going to the otherside, love brought them to the otherside. Now
    i need to ask for forgiveness. I broke my mcc 40 day fast from visiting mrak and akwatchman, which started by a mrak
    video about lisa frank whom never gave permission for her diary be published, which usually contain intimate details the writer would may had deleted before publication if they were
    alive. Zalta’s diary is a better book for kids. she was alive to work with her publisher. Remember to read to your child and don’t read any books the word of God wouldn’t approve not guarding our heart.

  17. Dear Suzanne Downing,
    I read your January 11, 2023 article on Lisa Levang and I went to her funeral. She was a friend of my wife and I had met, talked with and came to like Lisa also. I appreciate your prompt and respectful article concerning her and her loved ones’ recent tragedy.
    I believe there is a CHANCE that poor Lisa Levang died needlessly. This January 10, 2023 incident was a witnessed loss of consciousness in someone who was present that night and who was known and attended assembly meetings regularly. I understand that the Mayor had left the meeting prior to her incident, but people of leadership were still present and apparently in charge of a meeting of the Anchorage Assembly that continued despite a member of the audience leaving the meeting with obvious chest pain and in obvious distress. I believe there is an Automated External Defibrilator (AED) hanging in the Loussac Lobby. I believe security was present and observing the meeting. The Anchorage Police may have been present also at the meeting? There may have been a physician or a nurse in the audience–and certainly there would have been someone present in the audience who had had Basic Life Support Training.
    I would ask why Assembly Chairperson Suzanne LaFrance, in a leadership position that evening, after consulting with her Siamese Twin, Assembly Member Christopher Constant, did not immediately stop the meeting and through her loudspeaker ask if there was a doctor, a nurse or anyone who knew Basic Life Support in the audience who could assist this poor lady (Lisa) who was having medical issues just outside the chamber doors?
    My understanding of this situation is that Lisa Levang was having a cardiac event on the evening of January 10, 2023, leaving the assembly meeting with obvious chest pain and in obvious distress, then collapsing to the floor/ground and losing consciousness. Someone knowing Basic Life Support (CPR) would have/should have approached her and yelled in her ear, “are you alright, are you alright?” If no response, that person should have checked for a carotid pulse on her neck and observed if she was breathing effectively. If not, that someone should have shouted out, “call 911” immediately. He/she/they should then have promptly retrieved the AED, turned it on and placed the pad on Lisa’s chest. If the AED detected an abnormal and treatable heart rhythm (eg. ventricular fibrillation), it would have verbally told all to step away from the patient and to depress the appropriate button on the AED to shock poor Lisa. If this had been done, I submit that there is a very good chance that a young, otherwise healthy, fit, vibrant woman with many family members and friends who loved her dearly, would have survived this event and continued living for > 20 years. If Lisa did not regain a normal rhythm and normal heart function following the shock (s), then rapid chest compressions should have been started and continued until the ambulance arrived. This also I submit would have increased her chances of survival.
    In response to what actually transpired I now ask? “Why are these AEDs hanging in the Loussac Library Lobby,” (and in every other public facility in Anchorage at taxpayers’ tremendous expenmse) and why would not security, police and especially people in leadership positions on the Anchorage City Assembly, such as
    Assembly Chairperson Suzanne LeFrance and Assembly Member Christopher Constant, who was consulted by her, not stop the meeting during this emergency situation to make sure that this fellow human being attending the meeting and having problems was provided with the fundamental assistance that she needed and deserved??? It seems like the efforts of Dr. Michael Levy, M.D., EMS Director, State of Alaska and many others he has been working with are to no avail, given that through his/their efforts “Basic Life Support” has been taught to many Alaskans including most High School Students over the past twenty years and many others; and, as mentioned, many tax dollars have been spent on placing these AEDs in most all public places without benefit to poor Lisa Levang who probably died needlessly on the evening of January 10, 2023. May God bless her soul and may God help these very stupid, irresponsible Anchorage Assembly Leaders and others who had a chance to “do the right thing” to help Lisa Levang. Yes, I also believe that all present who where not involved with her resuscitation should have been praying for her.
    Michael D. Brandner, M.D.

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