RFK Jr. to appear on Bob Bird’s ‘Talk of the Kenai’


Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be the Thursday, April 4 guest on The Talk of the Kenai, heard on KSRM Radio 92 & 92.5 FM, online at www.radiokenai.com.

The station serves the central and southern Kenai Peninsula communities, and is heard in Anchorage and the MatSu Valley. It airs Mon-Fri from 3-5 p.m. Alaska Time. Kennedy will be on the show Thursday, April 4 from starting at 3:15 p.m.

The show’s host, Bob Bird, has been chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party since 2020, and has been at the microphone on “The Talk of the Kenai” afternoon talk show for over seven years. Bird was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1990 in the Republican primary against Ted Stevens, taking 34,000 votes against Stevens’ 81,000, and again in 2008 as a member of the AIP. Stevens’ narrow loss to Democrat Mark Begich that year is attributed to Bird’s presence on the ticket.

Kennedy’s recent vice-presidential pick Nicole Shanahan will be discussed, as well as how Kennedy’s ticket, now top-heavy in environmental reputation, will affect Alaska’s resource development. Bird will also quiz how a Kennedy presidency will deal with abortion, the Jones Act, border security, weaponization of the Justice Department, digital currency, Indian Health and VA Services and the 90/10 revenue split promised Alaska at statehood.

The Alaskan Independence Party came into existence because of the 1980 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act [ANILCA], which prevented resource development on nearly all federal lands. This consists of about 65% of the state. That year Alaska voters approved a citizen initiative that read: Shall the Alaska Statehood Commission be convened to study the status of the people of Alaska within the United States and to consider and recommend appropriate changes in the relationship of the people of Alaska to the United States?

The AIP maintains that in 1958, by treaty obligation in the U.N. Charter, the U.S. was obliged to grant Alaska and Hawaii the same options as it had offered to Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and the Virgin Islands: territory, statehood, commonwealth or independence.

No presidential candidate, Alaska governor, state legislature, or either of the two major parties have ever pushed for this claim. The AIP believes that the 1980 initiative demonstrated that the people of Alaska called for it, and was completely ignored, and that Alaska’s economic troubles would be solved by the state making this claim, forcing the federal Congress to be more respectful of Alaska’s rights, and no longer treated as a 2nd class state.

Kennedy is also hopeful to be placed on the presidential ballot in Alaska under the AIP banner, Bird said. “Kennedy’s courageous stand in the face of withering criticism during the Covid vaccine scam was ahead of its time,” said Bird, “and reflected the libertarian values of our party.”

“The AIP has placed Constitution Party presidential candidates on the ballot before. Our upcoming convention should decide this matter on the floor, and therefore the radio appearance by Mr. Kennedy will help the delegates answer this vitally important question,” said Bird.

The AIP convention is scheduled for Fairbanks on Saturday, April 13 at the Round Up Steakhouse from 10 a.m. to – 5 p.m.


  1. I’m going to tune in to listen. We need good participation for our top job in this country and we should take a look at what is offered from these successful in life candidates. Its a good thing to know about the talent out there and what their values and management styles are made of. We are a country that has choices without the barriers we see in other lands and what is put to other countries, so we should listen and take into consideration the choice of talent to manage this country. then make a choice and go VOTE!!!

  2. No thanks for Bob’s work in the past election. We paid a heavy price for sending Mark Begich to Washington over Senator Stevens (with the help of the FBI..Fony Bureau of Investigators).

    We must take the bad with the good.
    In light of the independent party’s efforts to “farm out” Alaska’s natural resource development in the past its worth it to support RFK over the corrupt Biden Regime who with the help of Murky/Sullivan appointed Deb Holland nightmare from Hell who locked up Alaska so tight the birds cant escape.

    Hopefully with RFK and Biden sharing the same ballot box there wont be enough for either of them to pull off a win.

  3. Bob Bird, please ask RFK Jr about his radical ANTI-OIL-&-COAL stance 10 years ago. He would have shut down Alaska in a heartbeat, deeply believing he’s saving the planet, and that oil producers are treasonous, and should be thrown into jail!

    Here is the video of him saying it with the quotes:

    2014 Video: RFK Jr Wants To Jail Energy CEO’s for Destroying Earth – Accuses Koch Brothers of ‘Treason’ – ‘They ought to be serving time for it’


  4. RFK Jr has SERIOUS ethical problems he’s never come clean on, which may make him blackmailable!

    MAUREEN CALLAHAN: I bet you didn’t know of RFK Jr’s appalling misogyny. No one dares ask about his sex diaries – or how he tormented his suicidal wife then exhumed her from the Kennedy plot. So Bobby, are you man enough to face MY questions?


  5. Kennedy drops truth bomb about Covid!


  6. I’m just not sure about this Kennedy. The family is shady. I was a fan of JFK and Bobby when I was younger but there are definitely lots of skeletons!

    • Then you know about the Kennedy family fortune being raised illegally running illegal booze, and you know about JFK trying to be court-martial by the navy for his screw up with P. T 109. You also must know that it may have been Bobby himself who administered the lethal enema to Marilyn Monroe.

  7. Isn’t this the extreme environmentalist that pushes for solar/ wind until they planned a big wind farm off Hyannis Port and then he said “Oh no. I didn’t mean there! ” (I meant somewhere where the peons live) ?

  8. Parents success is not hereditary. Junior had admirable uncles and dad who contributed into American history. Their American spirit can’t be passed down. Kennedy family in politics is s thing of our country’s past.

  9. Thanks for your comments. I share most of your concerns and the list of questions covers most of them. I would take BIDEN on my show if it was offered. Whatever RFK has in his own closet, when we consider the field of candidates from A to Z, who is clean? I can’t guarantee how the floor vote will go, but it looks pretty difficult for him right now.

    Regarding Uncle Ted: what was the diff between he and Begich? It certainly wasn’t abortion. Ted was pushing federal statutory Roe v. Wade legislation in 1990 — the same garbage Biden is doing, so Ted was WAY ahead of his time, wasn’t he? The AIP has been overlooked regarding our lands and resource development. We can thank Uncle Ted for ANILCA, remember? He said it wasn’t going to be so bad, then admitted 20 years later that — IT WAS. When the AIP says “Alaska First, Alaska Always”, we mean it, so when the 2 big parties ignore the true solutions to our issues, we WILL run candidates. Republicans are clueless about constitutionalism, just slightly less so than Dems.

    Had enough?

    • Mr. Bird I’m a proud registered AIP member and a fellow central Kenai Peninsula resident. I’m not sure if RFK is the guy we should back. Honestly I don’t think we should back ANYONE, unless they will support us in gaining independence, or at minimum a new, correct, vote instead of the illegal and unethical vote in 1958.

  10. I read Kennedy’s “Wuhan Cover-Up”. A question Bob Bird might ask is if Kennedy were prez, would he bring charges against Fauci and send him to prison? Seems like Kennedy has more then enough evidence in his book to put Fauci away.

  11. This is all just theatre! Everything being controlled by the guys behind the curtain!

  12. Mr. Bird , please take the time to let Mr. Kennedy explain to your audience on his involvement leading to the deaths of 83 people in Samoa from measles. Most of these deaths were children under 4. His influence led to the Samoan government suspending its measles vaccination program for 10 months. Source -Youtube “Shot in the Arm Clip 2023. Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Samoa Measles Outbreak.” Very easy to find. Probably would be worth your time to watch the entire documentary.

  13. Why give RFK any air time? Did RFK pay to get air time w Bob Bird?

    RFK does not have the strength of character necessary to be CinC.

  14. Hey RFK Jr does EO 11110 have anything to do with the murder of your Uncle & the continued failure of this Nation & its freedom of Americans & would you free us of the Financial burned of the FED finally? Will silver become KING! Our Dollar is a disaster! How many times does our labor/ money get taxed before we DIE in this country? Both Party’s make out on taxing the taxpayer ….time for the TRUTH!

  15. Someone might have brought up the railroad debacles “growing pains” as a result of public policy to diminish the valuation of private property from inception as a state. it would have been the best opportunity to teach this candidate something about Alaska.

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