RFK Jr. supporters say they’re part of unstoppable movement to Make America Healthy Again’



Most cabinet nominees invite their families and key supporters to attend their confirmation hearing. Yet, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s team is calling upon thousands of Americans to descend on the nation’s capitol to rally behind his nomination.

Kennedy, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is set to appear before the Senate Finance and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committees Wednesday and Thursday flanked by a legion of “Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)” advocates. If busloads of supporters were to pack the Senate Dirksen building hallways as planned, it would be a striking display of grassroots support for one of Trump’s cabinet nominees whose confirmation fate is uncertain due to a number of Senate Republican holdouts.

Kennedy’s numerous supporters, many of who are calling their senators or visiting their offices in person to lobby on his behalf — view the confirmation hearings — and Kennedy’s nomination more broadly — as a once in a lifetime opportunity to reverse Americans’ worsening health outcomes.

“This is a pivotal moment in history,” Zen Honeycutt, founding executive director of the medical freedom and health advocacy nonprofit, Moms Across America, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Look how many people are coming to DC. A year ago, people were like the government was completely bought out and felt hopeless. Most people have had a crisis of trust in the government [during former President Biden’s term].

“He’s [Kennedy] bridging the divide,” Honeycutt, a prominent MAHA advocate who traveled to Washington to support Kennedy, added. He’s bringing people together.”

Kennedy’s opposition and current holdouts may include Murkowski

Opposition to Kennedy’s nomination, partly funded by Big Pharma, appears to be formidable. The former Vice President Mike Pence-aligned group Advancing American Freedom is running ads hammering Kennedy for his longtime support for abortion rights while Democratic Party-affiliated groups — Protect Our CareCommittee to Protect Health Care and 314 Action — are highlighting Kennedy’s past comments on vaccines and labeling the nominee as a threat to public health.

Left-wing Democratic senators, including Patty Murray of Washington, have come out hard against Kennedy for his “dangerous” views on vaccines despite the HHS nominee maintaining that he will not seek to ban the shots, but subject them to further scientific study.

Kennedy can afford to lose the support of just three Republican senators on the Senate floor assuming all Senate Democrats oppose his nomination. But his nomination has to clear the Senate Finance Committee first and due to the panel’s 14-13 Republican majority, just one GOP senator could prevent Kennedy’s nomination from advancing out of committee.

GOP senators who sit on the finance committee and have thus far refrained from endorsing him prior to Wednesday’s confirmation hearing include Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

“Every Democratic Senate Senator and every Republican senator should be voting ‘yes’ on him,” Honeycutt told the DCNF, citing Kennedy’s commitment to tackle the various health crises facing Americans. “It should be practically impossible for senators to not confirm him.”

Kennedy’s team is also urging the HHS nominee’s supporters to call the offices of GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who are seen as potential “no” votes on Kennedy’s confirmation when his nomination reaches the Senate floor. All three notably voted against Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth’s nomination last Friday.

MAHA advocates want Kennedy’s holdouts to understand that they are committed to funding and running primary challenges against senators who vote “no” on Kennedy’s nomination in their next election.

“Will they [senators] be on the right side of history,” Honeycutt questioned. “[Or] Will they be looking back at this point two years from now — before their elections — and be wondering maybe I should have listened to all of these Americans that were speaking up for Kennedy?

“They [Kennedy’s detractors] want to continue to be able to do business as the status quo, which is a corrupt system,” Honeycutt added.

An ‘unstoppable’ movement

Honeycutt and other MAHA activists are confident that Kennedy’s supporters outnumber his detractors, which they hope will be on full display during the HHS nominee’s back-to-back confirmation hearings.

“The MAHA movement is a tidal wave of people,” Honeycutt told the DCNF. “There are hundreds of us working together, collaborating — even people who don’t like each other — to ‘Make America Healthy Again’ right now.”

MAHA advocates’ conviction that senators must honor the will of the American people by confirming Kennedy and their determination to see his nomination through that could very well catch senators by surprise, Honeycutt told the DCNF.

“This has never happened before in the history of America that I remember where people have rallied for a [cabinet] appointee,” Honeycutt observed to the DCNF. “And I think this is a testament to the love that people have for Kennedy.”

“He has said I will die with my boots on for your children,” Honeycutt reflected. “He has inspired us and gives us hope.”

In the event senators were to reject Kennedy’s nomination, which MAHA advocates promise will be met with fervent backlash, the HHS nominee’s supporters believe the MAHA movement he helped launch will persist and demand accountability from the senators who chose to tank his confirmation.

“There’s no stopping it [the MAHA movement] even if Kennedy doesn’t get appointed,” Honeycutt told the DCNF. “There is an unstoppable movement of people who are fully aware that what Kennedy has been advocating for is absolutely correct.”

“[And] a lot of what Kennedy has been advocating for … is already underway,” Honeycutt added, citing the Biden administration banning the artificial food dye, Red No. 3 in the last weeks of the administration and Trump reinstating U.S. service members previously discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 shots.


    • Sorry, mate, but he’s a dead man walking. After his confirmation hearing yesterday, which had a strong resemblance to the recent F-35 pancake at Eielson, there’s not a chance in h*ll that he’ll be confirmed.

      It’s hard to believe that you would pull the lever for a someone who is a former heroin addict, a serial adulterer, and who more than likely caused the suicide death of his wife. He brings great shame upon the Kennedy family name. But I guess once again he is right on brand for the decency-free world of MAGA. Why is it that so many of Trump’s nominees bring such heavy baggage along with them? The fun never seems to stop.

      • oh Dog. Once again you and the other trolls over at the DNC cannot come up with an argument, (that actually is based in LOGIC) with which to challenge Bobby jr, so you resort to your favorite fallacy… Invective and Character Assassination.

        Meanwhile you’re cool with the brave people in your Party who advocate genital mutilation for children!

        And you wonder why Trump whipped yer a–/

  1. If you failed to get covid vaccination and got covid associated with fever, then you got at least some brain damage, all health sites reporting.

    • And if you willingly took the experiment, you will likely develop mydiocaditis, turbo cancer and at minimum 12 inch blood clots.

    • “all health sites reporting”???? Give it up 3rd.
      From the NIH:
      “However, the viruses in these people’s brains weren’t associated with damage. “What we did not see is pathology that was attributable to viral infection,” says Chertow. Nor did they find evidence of inflammation in the brain.

      This aligns with other studies suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 infection in the brain may not cause significant harm. “Is it neuroinvasive? Yes, we’ve seen evidence of the virus in the brain,” says Benjamin. But is the virus strongly attracted to brain cells and causing damage? “Not convincingly,” she says.”

      It should further be pointed out that this study did not differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, simply individuals with covid infections, which as we know you can still get after being vaccinated.

    • Very funny, 3rd.

      As is usual for all you pro-establishment radical leftist trolls, you are completely inverting reality here. It was your beloved experimental and unsafe clot shots that did FAR more damage, and inflicted more deaths, than the bad flu season known as the “Covid pandemic”. In reality, it was mostly just a pandemic of hysteria, sheepishness, conformity and authoritarianism. All of which you apparently fell for hook, line and sinker.

    • Well it’s curious 3rd, after not getting vaccinated and getting covid multiple times I’m now doing advanced calculus, and my math skills are about genius level an all new development for me. Most of my associates that got vaccinated are dead or have cancer. So what’s your point ????

  2. Wow, Taxachusetts senator Fauxcahontas really went on the warpath in RFK Jrs. hearings today! She was literally foaming at the mouth, and completely unhinged in her hysteria (Greek: “thinking with the uterus”). Obviously, somebody senses that their corrupt megacorporate gravy train might be imperiled by RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary.

    • I actually agree with you. RFK is a bit out there for me. That being said, it is time to interrupt the “business as usual” Fauci style approach, that views the American people as a lab animals for another drug trial on the latest and greatest. Advertising of prescription drugs on TV/radio and print media needs to stop. It conditions people to expect some miracle drug for everything, despite their poor health choices, that they somehow are able to reliably self-diagnose and pressured doctors to prescribe stuff. Either make the agency truly independent or abolish it.

  3. MAHA is a train with no brakes. Once Americans see that we’ve been poisoned for 80 years, and big pharma keeps people sick, and how insurance purposefully allows ineffective treatments, and how the “science” of vaccines and nutrition has been hijacked, heads will roll, and RFKjr is the executioner. Godspeed

  4. The usual suspects grilling RFK with ridiculous accusations – follow the$ as their pockets are lined with big pharma dollars
    This guy scares the establishment more than anyone , for wanting America to get on a road to better health . And accountability for the COVID scam and harm done to millions
    Any bettors on Princess Lisa objecting to his nomination?

  5. Kennedy makes sense. We’ve been getting sicker and sicker for the past 50 years. It’s time for a change in strategy and tactics. If the pharmaceutical companies and the congress members who receive their campaign support are freaking out about this, then there’s a light being shined on them that makes them either uncomfortable or complicit.

  6. I’m a little concerned about RFK’s stance on Abortion. Also, it’s kind of a tenet of the “health worriers” to think that our environment is killing us. It would be sad if he goes along with the extreme climate change crap in order to make us healthier again. Someone joked that Trump told him to “stay in his own lane” but the Greenies are pretty committed to their beliefs. Everyone wants clean air and water but this is definitely a place where some compromises need to be made.

    • I am concerned with Bobby Jr’s “Climate change” stance as well, However, this position holds little influence in that arena.

  7. Consider this. It is routine to find lead in baby food that is tested for toxins. This toxic metal absolutely kills and injures- at a minimum we are lowering our children’s IQs.

    FDA is under the HHS secretary. We need Kennedy to shake things up. Right now these agencies are not protecting Americans.

    Don’t count big agra, and big pharma out- they can probably kill this nomination.

  8. This guy ticked me off when he was a self appointed “Green” Czar
    I remember when RFK (wind turbine man) balked because they planned a wind farm off Cape Cod (sacred liberal grounds) and also his very pro abortion position.

    What makes him a Health guy?
    I don’t get it …… he’s a rich kid, a lawyer, a liberal & an environmentalist …… not a medical guy.

    • You don’t have to hold a medical degree to know that we should eat balanced meals and exercise. He’s promoting exactly that.

      Plus, he knows what a woman is. That alone puts him far and above and democrat.

  9. ‘https://www.wsj.com/opinion/the-great-rfk-jr-charade-health-secretary-nominee-trump-administration-senate-confirmation-0d2147d7?st=Jyr17w&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

  10. I was just looking at the list of Senators that have received contributions to their campaign from Big Pharma. It’s an interesting look at how deeply our politicians are conflicted or just plain compromised. The monies from the Big 7 Pharma Giants have been spread far and wide – Democrat and Republican. This likely explains the refusal to really investigate the efficacy and safety of Vaccines and specially the Covid vaccine. I have to wonder if most of our current government is too broken to actually represent the citizens of this nation. Let’s pray that we have a chance to change the direction we are headed, and that this new administration will be able to affect that rapidly.
    There is a very good read that should make everyone think about the depth of what we are dealing with:

  11. There’s nothing RFK Jr. or anyone else can do to make America healthy again as long as so many in this country remain lazy, fat and undisciplined.

    • cman, yes and no!
      Yes you are correct that lifestyle choices play a significant part in a person’s health and are solely the responsibility of the individual (then there is genetics we can do nothing about).
      That being said, many Americans are highly over-medicated, taking not only prescription drugs for everything under the sun, but also a myriad of supplements. This chemical cocktail in one’s body is an unknown quantity, bound to have negative consequences, as drugs interact not only with the body, but with each other. Reigning in the pharma industry, would be a good start. Doing away with TV/radio ads will contribute to bringing some sanity back to medicine.

  12. RFK JR. is the stopped clock that is right twice a day. Not the guy I would go to for health advice. I have never known an intelligent heroin addict.
    Also, I have zero respect for serial adulterers. Further, he is a Kennedy.

  13. Everyone is capable of change even left wing dig dongs that comment on a conservative site non stop. If you don’t change you will fall on your own sword at some point. Evil is evil and this last administration was evil.

  14. An insane man doesn’t become quality just because President Trump anoints him. This one is a NO WAY vote.
    Keep in mind that it is CAPITALISM and the free market that created many of the issues he rails against. We can’t have it both ways.

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