Revenue Commissioner Lucinda Mahoney announces retirement


Alaska Revenue Commissioner Lucinda Mahoney announced Thursday she will resign effective Friday, Sept. 9. Mahoney is leaving to refocus on her health and family. Must Read Alaska has learned that she has been facing health challenges.

“I want to acknowledge and celebrate Commissioner Mahoney’s many contributions to the people of Alaska,” said Gov. Mike Dunleavy, who will turn his focus on finding an acting Revenue commissioner. “Under her leadership, the state’s credit rating and overall fiscal health significantly improved. Oil tax credits have been paid off, the state’s public employee pension obligation has been significantly reduced, and school bond debt reimbursement is reinstated. She came into office just as the global pandemic was appearing in Alaska, and successfully managed the distribution of early PFD payments to assist Alaskans in 2020, and again this year for families struggling to make ends meet due to rampant inflation. The people of Alaska thank Commissioner Mahoney for her contributions to our great state.”


  1. I have never forgiven her for her SAP muni fiasco, forcing our small city to spend $80million MORE than we should have HAD TO for software she “favored”….
    I always considered her dastardly and am glad to see the end of her involvement in our state.
    Good riddance to bad baggage.

    • A lot of people had their hand in the SAP upgrade. Mark Begich for waiting too long to upgrade, which put us into a new installation, Dan Sullivan for putting the whole thing on hold when the finance piece was nearly ready to go live. Kate Giard for choosing to let SAP host the app for a few years. Add to that the underlying desire to get off the mainframe, refusal to take the two years before starting to re-engineer our internal business processes, and you have a recipe for disaster.

      ERPs are HARD. They are complex, wonderful, and take lots and lots of manpower. Like military procurement, literally anything you do makes it more expensive. If you slow it down, it gets more expensive. If you change anything, it gets more expensive. If you do anything other than try to install a generic, out of the box version of the program, it gets more expensive. If you stop the installation and restart it, it gets more expensive. And if you really, really want to spend a lot of money, speed up the go-live date.

      Happily, the Muni ended up being successful with SAP. At the same time, the State of Alaska was mud wrestling with three different ERP installations, every single one of which ended up being a disaster. Easy to throw hand grenades on this. Much more difficult to do it right. Cheers –

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