Revak responds: Time to vote … with cowbell


Josh Revak, candidate for District 25, has been hit by worse mortar fire than what the Democrats dished out on him over the weekend — mailers that attacked him for his past struggles with alcoholism, which Revak not only acknowledged early on but has talked publicly about how he is now an activist for sobriety.

The Iraqi war veteran and Purple Heart Medal recipient, badly wounded in battle, responded to the negative attacks with a humorous video to encourage everyone to go vote — and the video has plenty of cowbell percussion. It’s making the rounds on social media:

The song is a takeoff on the Blue Oyster Cult classic, “Don’t Fear The Reaper.”

The song was also made famous by a Saturday Night Live skit starring Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken, who plays “The Bruce Dickenson,” a famed music producer who continually asks the band to give him “more cowbell” on the song:

[Watch the original SNL skit here]

[Read: Josh Revak gets dirty bombed by the Democrats]

Revak is running against Democrat Pat Higgins.


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