Revak campaign support group headed by provocateur, entertainer

Photo from Landfield Facebook page.

Political provocateur, entertainer, and oil services company employee Jeff Landfield is heading up a third-party, “independent expenditure” group to defeat Rep. Charisse Millett.

Landfield, who has lived in the state on and off for a few years, works by day as a business development manager for Billy Reynolds of GBR Oilfield Services, but mostly he operates as a social media provocateur.

Josh Revak is a former staff aide to Sen. Dan Sullivan and is a wounded Purple Heart veteran. His campaign for District 25 is not allowed to coordinate with Landfield’s “Let’s Back Revak” group, which is funded in part by Mel Gillis, former owner of the Sandy River Lodge. But Revak has known about the group and Landfield’s involvement.

[Read: Revak files to challenge Rep. Charisse Millett]

Landfield usually attacks women in his political work, and shies away from attacks on men. He ran for office against Sens. Lesil McGuire in 2012 and Natasha Von Imhof in 2016.

After his defeats, he left the state for a year and worked as a promoter in Australia. Now that he is back, he has publicly vowed to remove Rep. Millett from office.

His work is also highly self-promotional and often crude. Earlier this year Landfield wrote that Millett needed more “Vitamin D,” and referred his readers to the online Urban Dictionary for the definition, which is something that cannot be repeated on this website.

He brought early embarrassment to the Bill Walker Administration, when Walker had to withdraw Landfield’s appointment to the Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct after pictures surfaced online of a biggie-sized Landfield wearing a speedo while partying with bikini-clad women, booze, and groping hands.

The governor’s communication director Grace Jang called his photos “disrespectful” and “misogynistic,” in Huffington Post, a characterization Landfield disputed at the time. “No specific images were cited, but Landfield’s personal Facebook page is a cornucopia of party pics, poolside Las Vegas romps, and boozy musings,” HuffPo wrote. One photo showed him with a hand on a woman’s chest, while another showed him making a crude gesture with a party favor. He and Jang have since made up and he is frequently a conduit of information from the Walker Administration.

Last week, Landfield co-hosted a fundraiser for Rep. Jason Grenn of District 22, who caucuses with House Democrats.

This is his first time chairing an independent expenditure group in Alaska.

Landfield, from Facebook

Whether Revak can disassociate his campaign from Landfield’s public persona and misogynistic postings will be a challenge for the first-time candidate during the season leading up to the Aug. 21 primary election. It’s an association that will likely be a topic of that race, which now becomes one that bears watching.


  1. It looks like the SOB had a .458 Winchester Magnum penetrate in very close proximity to his naval. And it seems he liked it!

  2. Why do I recognize his name?… what else has he done politically in AK?

    And if anyone can provide his address, I would gladly send him some shorts and a T-shirt….

    • In 2012 he ran as what appeared to be a fairly solid conservative against Lesil McGuire in the primary. He lost.

      He resurfaced in 2016 to run again for the same seat, this time against Natasha Von Imhoff and Chris Birch in the primary. He trotted out a new type of conservatism: One that was in bed with public sector unions and also one that believed the State could better spend my dividend and yours. He was trounced.

  3. I wonder how much he paid those girls to sit for that picture…Probably a bunch of gold-diggers if the guy has money…I wouldn’t be caught dead with him. I also believe he won’t get enough votes to wipe his arse with!

    • He’s not running. So he won’t get any votes. He is running a group in support of a candidate. A very honorable candidate.

  4. Charisse will be a great Speaker of the House come January. And she will not be conflicted or flummoxed if a district sends her a Westlake, a Fansler or a Parish (yes, I know they were Democrats, but she knows how to deal with miscreants no matter the party). Of course it took voters receiving two ballots each for one of those guys to be elected.

  5. Jeff Landfield is the personification of a large odious pile of bird guano. The guy is a [edited noun].

  6. Jeff is a good guy. Unlike the Democrats who’ve gotten themselves into trouble he minds his manners. The problem is the modern American over-educated woman, such as the writer, don’t like a man who acts like one.

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