Rep. Bryce Edgmon of Dillingham wasted no time in organizing what he hopes to be a majority coalition in the Alaska House of Representatives, led by himself as House speaker, Rep. Louise Stutes as Rules chair, and Rep.-elect Chuck Kopp as majority leader.
Edgmon, who is a former Democrat but on paper is not aligned with a party, announced the new majority coalition to the Alaska Landmine publication.
Stutes is one of the members of the former Muskox Caucus, which made a deal with Democrats before most of the Muskox members were unelected, leaving Stutes of Kodiak as the only remaining legislator from that era. Kopp has been a member of Democrat-led organizations when he served previously in the House.
The trio said they support the “Percent of Market Value” program in statute that currently prioritizes government spending and limits the Permanent Fund dividend to Alaskans. They support “stable public education funding to reduce class sizes and improve outcomes.” They want to return the state workforce to the costly defined benefits plan. And they want energy development.
The group invited other legislators to join their organization. There has been no formal word about Republicans who have pledged to join, although several names are being mentioned as Republicans who are interested in inclusion in what would be an organization that would unseat Speaker Cathy Tilton of Wasilla.
Louise Stutes is a disgrace to Kodiak.
And Kelly Merrick is to Eagle River and Chugiak.
They don’t think so. They re-elected her!
I live in Peter’s Creek. She was elected by union members and government employees. My precinct did not vote for her and at least one union affiliated yard sign was removed immediately after the election. She is a lying, backstabbing POS.
Nice to see our rulers have priorities. Pity we aren’t among them
I think we can all agree. This outcome is a great victory for the aipac funding recipients
There’s no reason to have a minority led majority. What we need is for constituents to remind the representatives they just elected, why they elected them. A moderate right of center legislature is what was elected, it should be run as a moderate right of center legislature, not a left of center legislature ruled by leftists. If the results hold up and Jubilee beats Representative Eastman, that’s more than a two for one swing. Representative Eastman has been one of the main reasons that Republicans can’t form a majority even when they have a majority, this would be a major addition by subtraction. Having a Republican led majority with the bush caucus aligning with Republicans is a likely possibility. Representative Eastman is the biggest loss for Alaskan Democrats in Juneau.
The count is in favor of republicans but you are expecting them to follow the rules. People lie, cheat and steal to get elected. The RINOs worked “like the dickens” to get Underwood elected and lost the house because of it. The ARP was not paying attention to other races and put all their chips in to get rid of one very conservative guy. The Republican Party and establishment fools drunk on power own this and thanks to them Alaska may just be the only state that went backwards. Prepare to descend into full blown out of control democrat spending and taxes on the oil companies. All talk of Trump being great for Alaska will be cancelled out by the taxes to come deterring investment.
Hope everyone is happy with themselves and Underwood has fun in Juneau being “effective.”
More of the same unfortunately for Alaskans. We clearly aren’t their priority.
Read what they’re telling you. From Day 1. Written out for everyone to see. How are they going to pay for all of that? BYE BYE PFD!
PoMV = stealing, period.
It’s amazing how quickly they forget who they are working for.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Dillingham and Alaska deserve Bryce if they allow this to happen.
Forkner, the Book of Ecclesiastes says, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” You and the others can bitch all you want; that’s to be expected! As scripture has it, you, too, are up to the same ole same ole!
Sure, I’m there with you. No better no worse. I’d hope for better.
Stable public education funding to reduce class sizes and improve outcomes REALLY? Teachers are leaving, schools are being closed and classes are huge We need to get rid of more Democrats And they need to leave our PFD alone
So, they will continue to steal the PFD’s from families that need it, and spending it on things like hard wired internet service to tiny remote communities, instead of using Starlink at one tenth the cost.
This is going to be rough year, with the gravy training going to the idiots instead of us, “We the People”. The only person we have on our side is our Governer Dunleavy.. He DOES have the “veto pen”. He know the poeple need the PFD and He’ll probably take out his pen for alot of the things “they will try to “hang” us with.
I have to agree with the previously-expressed sentiment that Lucy Bauer was the weaker Republican candidate. It seems the party felt that not disappointing Bauer’s five-figure donors was a higher priority than actually winning the election.
Dunleavy had Lucy run once the establishment found out that Pennington was the real deal. Allegedly Lucy said on multiple occasions she did not want to run. Most of her campaign funds came from herself! Ky went door to door flipping votes unabated with no mention from the ARP or any ad at all stating that Ky was a rabid Democrat endorsed by all the main radical dem groups backed by massive amounts of leftist funds while the establishment was fixated on getting rid of David Eastman to keep their “slim majority.” In their infinite wisdom, the crooked Alaska Republican Party establishment gets to decide who the best candidate is and who gets to stay, in turn Alaskans suffer and we will lose in one of the most friendly federal environments Alaska has had in a long time.
Is this the same Bryce Edgemon who doesn’t even acknowledge his own child in public?
Yes, that’s the same Bryce Edgmon. He’s the one they continue to elect to send him down to Juneau to have his “special life”
Would you if you were playing native and in walked a kid with hair redder that Lucile Ball?
As of 3:07 p.m. 11/6/24 YESTERDAY (!!) 390 of 402 precincts are reporting. 12 precincts are outstanding (why?!?). And 256,672 of 611,078 (<> only Murkowski has that power.
They only want more energy development for more $$$$$ to $pend! $pend!! $pend on fattening theirOwn and cronies’ pockets. It’s not at all about improving the lot of the public far from it.
Edgmon, good for you–seize the day!
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