Republicans will conduct convention electronically


The Alaska Republican Party convention will be conducted electronically on April 2-3, instead on in person in Juneau, said Party Chairman Glenn Clary today. :

“In light of recent announcements from Governor Mike Dunleavy, Dr. Anne Zink, and changing CDC advice about the COVID19 virus, the Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee meeting will convene electronically as scheduled on April 2,” Clary said. The Central Committee meeting is made up of the top district officers and elected leaders from across the 40 legislative districts.

Beginning on April 3, the State Convention itself will also convene electronically. The order of business will be:

  • Completion of registration of delegates and alternates
  • Seating of delegates and alternates
  • Election of national delegates and alternates
  • Election of state Party officers
  • Election of state presidential electors   

“These actions will keep the ARP in compliance with RNC rules regarding our national convention delegates and alternate delegates. It will also provide the ARP continued representation on the RNC,” Clary said.

After that business is conducted, the state convention will recess to a future date in Juneau.  

“This decision has been taken in close consultation with ARP Rules Chair, Lisa Santerre, RNC counsel and State Convention Organizing Chair Paulette Simpson,” Clary said.

The convention organizers are working with hoteliers, caterers and vendors in Juneau to minimize any economic impact of postponement.


  1. Is there any reason to have the convention at all? My understanding is that the AK GOP has appointed Trump its candidate.

  2. In this huge state and with available technology, this convention should be digital, virus or not. A digital meeting will likely include interested voters who couldn’t get away to Juneau. It’s a good move.

  3. Yeah, why preserve your right to vote?

    Why would want you exercise your right to vote when you just can be told who you’ll vote for?

  4. There is so much more business to take care of at the convention, The meeting is necessary to follow the rules of the Republican Party nationwide. State officers need to be voted on as well as all the district officers must meet. As. far as others participating, the delegates were all nominated and elected weeks ago. They are the ones who will legally participate. Not a perfect solution but we can make it work. Thank you to the officers and Convention committee for all your hard volunteer work

  5. I thought state’s rights were a basic tenet.

    Seems to be only selectively applied.

    Here you have ‘national’ control superseding state’s ability to contribute to the process.

    Much is made about individual states being able to make their own rules because, ostensibly, federal rules are ‘over-reach’.

    Yet, Republicans try to stop states from implementing their own rules if it doesn’t agree with the Party.

    Curious how the disparity is disregarded without any discussion.

    Curious how I see the same people argue vehemently for the totally opposing views.

    Cognizant dissonance? Or what?

    Anyone care to explain that mutually agreed upon disparity?

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