Republicans in two Valley districts vote to censure former Senate President Cathy Giessel for siding with Democrats


Republicans in the newly named Districts 29 and 30 in the Mat-Su Valley voted unanimously at their convention to censure former Sen. Cathy Giessel, who is a registered Republican now running to regain the South Anchorage Senate seat she lost to Sen. Roger Holland in 2020. Holland must run again due to redistricting.

Giessel was censured by the conservative Valley districts because she supports no-party candidate Bill Walker for governor against a sitting Republican governor, and because when she was Senate President she was more helpful to Democrats than she was to Republicans.

“Whereas, Cathy Giessel, as State Senate President, punished Republicans and rejected their proposed legislation and elevated Democrats and their policies, Be it resolved that District 30 moves to censure Cathy Giessel as a Republican in her run against Senator Roger Holland in her race for the Alaska State Senate,” the resolution from District 30 reads.

Other districts are considering similar action against Giessel. Sen. Holland, now serving Senate Seat N, has been redistricted into Senate Seat E, which represents South Anchorage from West Dimond Blvd. south to the Klatt Road neighborhoods, and Huffman Road south on the eastern side of New Seward Highway.


  1. Yes, yes.I am so glad, it would just awful to have Alaska’s Nancy Pelosi back in office, I would have hoped she would gotten the message, you just cannot fix stupid.

  2. I don’t live anywhere Giessel’s district. I’m sending Roger Holland a big donation and I will work my absolute hardest against Cathy Giessel. She is not to be trusted!

      • I’ll still waiting for him to tell us why he voted to protect his per diem before doing anything about the PFD.

        I suspect I’ll be waiting a long time

        • Avenger:
          Get in line with Giessel. She’s still waiting for her legislative pay from the State, thinking she’s still the Senator.

        • Call me, Masked Avenger. I have nothing to hide. Not sure what vote you are referring.
          I did vote against the legislative pay-raise and the unworkable per diem proposal by the Legislative Compensation Committee.
          I drafted a bill to ban retroactive per diem.
          I did not accept per diem in the 1st and 2nd special sessions.
          I cut my per diem in the 120-day regular session by 25%.
          I voted for the statutory PFD and then again for the compromise PFD, but we just don’t have the votes… yet.
          Roger Holland

          • Thanks for your response, Senator Holland. It’s not often that legislators will respond to their constituents in a forum like this. We are proud that you represent this district. Cathy Giessel thought that she was smarter and much more important than her constituents. And that’s why I quit backing her, as did the majority of voters in her district. And ….we are going to do it again.

      • Frank
        It always surprises me how little many people understand what the PFD is.
        The P- Fund was never to be used to fund Government. It’s original intent was to keep a portion of the Oil Wealth out of the Goverments hands and retain it ” for the people”.
        It’s your $ Frank, not the crime syndicates.

        • Robert, you say, “It’s original intent was to keep a portion of the Oil Wealth out of the Goverment’s hands and retain it for the people.” How about the general fund? Is that not also “for the people?” If we are thoughtful, shouldn’t we admit every dollar under government control is just as much “for the people” as any other dollar? Its ridiculous to think money controlled by government should be held in a special silo while another, perhaps more important silo, is empty. Our state could be going bankrupt while still passing out $1,500 dividends to everyone. Its nonsense on a fundamental level.

  3. Here’s hoping she loses by even more than she did the last time. Does she really think the voters made a mistake and will welcome her back with open arms?

  4. America has two leading political parties, democrat and republican, and there members should be distinctively different as oil and water. You should be able tell the difference between the two. Counter opinions and strong debates with grace are good. It keeps the wrackos out of government.

  5. For your watching and listening enjoyment.
    Several reminders of Cathy Giesel’s storytelling!

    • Remember the Ad she did during her re-election campaign, where she called Bill Walker a thief for taking half of the PFD?! Anyone have that link?

  6. Giessel is not well liked by the voters. What is she going to do when she loses again? My suspicion is that she has serious mental problems.

      • Sad, but true. Cathy is not well, thinking people still love her. She is delusional and will harm Alaska unless soundly rejected again by the voters. Then, we will try therapy, if her advanced age allows.

  7. The dead could be coming to life it’s about time congratulations to some oath integrity.

    And Cathy, boo to you ma’am.

    Hey Ann brown imagine if you would of done the same to our wicked one Lisa Murkowski. Boo to Lisa and Ann.

  8. It helps if one candidate aligned with a particular platform actually remains loyal to those who supported the representative platform ideals. It’s become habitual in the hallowed halls of Juneau for these transformations to occur. Let’s stop accepting this.

  9. Giessel supports Walker? Really? For the love of God!!!!! Walker wanted to tax Alaska into posterity!!! Impossible!!! It doesn’t work like that. Just as you can’t borrow your way rich. Here’s another thought about Walker. Remember when he went to China trying to get investment funds to build the gas line? How do you think that would have worked out now looking at the global stability? Or should I say instability?

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