Republican National Committee votes to withdraw from Commission on Presidential Debates


The Republican National Committee has voted to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates, the commission that controls the general election debates. The vote was unanimous.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said on Twitter that the Republicans will “find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people.”

In 2020, C-SPAN’s Steve Scully was chosen to moderate a debate, even though he had worked for Joe Biden when Biden was a senator. Later, it became known that Scully reached out to former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci, then lied by saying his Twitter account had been hacked.

“Debates are an important part of the democratic process, and the RNC is committed to free and fair debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates is biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage,” McDaniels said.
“Today, the RNC voted to withdraw from the biased CPD, and we are going to find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people.”

The commission has sponsored presidential debates since it was founded in 1987.

The RNC criticized the CPD for biases, including:

  • Waiting until 26 states had begun early voting before hosting the first presidential debate in 2020.
  • Making unilateral changes to previously agreed-upon debate formats and conditions, in some cases without even notifying the candidates.
  • Selecting a moderator in 2020 who had once worked for Joe Biden.
  • Failing to maintain the organization’s strict nonpartisanship, with a majority of its Board Members publicly disparaging the Republican-nominee.
  • Refusing to make changes despite numerous requests by the RNC.


  1. Of course, left unmentioned here is how both the national Republican AND Democratic Party conspired to essentially steal the presidential debate venue away from the League of Women Voters back in the 1980s, in the attempt to prevent any third-party entrants from being included, such as John Anderson back in 1980. Ross Perot did manage, through dint of Trumpian brash, popularity and money, to be included in the debates in 1992, but the CPD has since instituted rules and guidelines to make any further such challenges to their two-party duopoly for all practical purposes impossible.
    As is so often the case, the Republicans are just as dirty here as the Democrats.

  2. Sore losers. Can’t win with logic so they’re taking their ball and going home. Pathetic but not surprising.

  3. As one of Alaska’s three votes yesterday at the RNC meeting, I was extremely pleased with this action. A committee did extensive research on the debate bias’s, drafted the resolution, and presented it for a vote. The unanimous vote to withdraw drew a thundering applause. While some continue to disparage the Republican Party, the RNC under Chair McDaniel has been laser focused on increasing the effectiveness of state and local organizations to defeat Democrats in this 2022 election. This includes over 40 active lawsuits over potential election integrity violations. It is looking good that Republicans will take back the House of Representatives and may gain control of the US Senate this year. The RNC will continue to take actions necessary to stop this destructive Biden agenda and, with your vote, stop progressives from destroying our great nation.

    • That is all well and good, Craig, but as long as there are so many duplicitous and backstabbing RINOs in the Republican Party such as Lisa Murkowski, Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney, what good is electing Republicans who both implicitly and explicitly support the radical leftist extremists who are purposely and willfully destroying this country?

    • I agree with Jefferson, Craig all three of those insults to conservative values must go! And with them any other person in the party that even remotely thinks as they do, we are done with the rhinos.

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