Reports of funnel cloud or tornado, thunderstorms by pilots near Anchorage


Urgent weather reports from large aircraft pilots in the Anchorage airspace said there was a possible funnel cloud and thunderstorms on Sunday afternoon, but the weather was too cloudy to see either the base or the top of the phenomenon. The exact place unknown but was southwest of Anchorage.

High winds in Anchorage have made for tough flying and power outages across the area.

A Pilot Report or PIREP is a report of the real-time weather encountered by an aircraft in flight. This is the report:

Urgent PIREP report of funnel cloud in Anchorage.The B39M refers to a Boeing 737 aircraft.

Several of the “heavies,” the cargo jets that come through Anchorage, were forced to do “go arounds” because of the wind and on approach many jets could be seen fighting the wind on Sunday afternoon on the web cam mounted on top of the Alaska Aviation Museum.


    • According to the office of Muni Street Maintenance, the mayor has very little to do with operations within the department.

      So while the people are arguing with each other about who’s responsibility it is for the roads to be cleared or sanded, I simply equip myself with the prop gear and equipment and get through each winter without complaining.

      What is wrong with all you. Just pick up your shovel, don your boot spikes and get to work for yourself.

      Stop being so damn helpless. It is pathetic.

  1. Extra long duration of these winds statewide, but certainly not unprecedented. Must be caused by Hurricane Trump, at least that’s what local legacy media is thinking… ?‍???

  2. When they stop whoever is spraying the upper atmosphere daily, we will stop these ridiculous winds. Watch them daily whenever it is clear spraying up at 20,000- 30,000 feet some sort of mist. Supposedly, the HAARP program is involved with heating the upper atmosphere. When we get breaks in the clouds in the valley, you can see the planes going north and south and east and west along with their vapor trails. Tried to get answers but just keep getting bounced from Federal to State people each saying they didn’t know that I had to check in with one or the other. It is really bad when both Federal and State representatives don’t know who is spraying the skies above its people or what they are spraying and why!

    • The weather modification program up here is going STRONG! Unfortunately most people still don’t believe it is real. I have quite the collection of time lapse and real time photos and videos i’ve taken of the planes actually spraying and then what happens to the sky afterwards. It is disgusting. is a great resource for the doubters or anyone wanting to educate themselves on what is really going on.

    • I’ve seen them too, but I’m usually driving and can’t check out there information via ADS-B. Maybe next time I’ll pull over and do it. I haven’t tried it yet but users report that it tracks accurately in real time what aircraft are in the air overhead at the time. Just google ADS-B and you’ll find the website/app.

      • That is an interesting website, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like it tracks Military and they are the ones up here that are mostly doing the spraying from what I can tell.

        • Airline pilot here, the military doesn’t do any of the spraying, airliners do. Think about it, how many heavies flyover AK every hour? Why not just instruct the pilots to apply the product? Plus, we can get massive amounts of product lain at low altitudes around Anchorage with the amount of heavies that stop for fuel. Win win

    • Another great website to check out is the NOAA weather modification page where private companies have to report the types of weather modification they are doing. UNFORTUNATELY, the Military doesn’t have to report and THEY are the ones up here doing most or all of the spraying up here. So these reports are just the tip of the iceberg.’
      If anyone doubts that weather modification programs (Including cloud seeding!) are real after they read these reports…well there is just no hope for them. Some of these reports will even tell the types of chemicals/metals they are using.

  3. Nothing to worry about, folks — that was just the usual tornado that The Wicked RINO Witch of the North was riding on her broomstick within while coming home from Washington DC on break.

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