Report: Biden re-election bid to lean on army of free social media influencers


President Joe Biden has not yet announced his re-election intent, but when he does, it will include a battalion of social media influencers who won’t be paid but who will be given privileged and exclusive access to him and will even get their own private briefing room in the White House, separate from the White House press corps, according to the news site Axios.

The strategy is to help Biden overcome the reputation he has for being old and senile, and not appealing to young voters, who are seen as critical to his campaign. It’s also a recognition that former President Donald Trump has a huge social media following and Biden has a fraction.

Biden has 37.1 million followers on Twitter. Trump had 88.7 million followers by the time Twitter suspended his account in January 2021. He has been reinstated under the ownership of Elon Musk, and although the former president has not used Twitter since being banished and subsequently reinstated, his account still has 87.2 million followers. Trump has another 5.4 million followers on his own social media platform, TruthSocial. Biden has no account there.

Biden has 5.4 million followers on Facebook, while Trump has over 34 million followers. On Instagram, Biden does better, with 17.6 million followers to Trump’s 6.4 million.

According to Axios, Biden’s digital strategy team will romance influencers and independent content creators sympathetic to his campaign and who can reach young and suburban voters. Influencers mentioned include Harry Sisson, Heather Cox Richardson, and Vivian Tu. Tu and Sisson both have active TikTok presences and Richardson is widely read on Substack and Twitter.

Bob Flaherty, who is leading this effort, has been promoted to assistant to the president and holds the same ranking as the White House communications director and the press secretary.

“A dedicated White House briefing space for influencers to meet in person or by remote would be unprecedented — and a sign that the traditional Press Briefing Room no longer would be the administration’s only messaging center,” Axios said. “It also would give some influencers more consistent access to the president.”

More details are found in this story at Axios.


  1. Makes a kind of sense. This is the battleground of the young. If he can win it, might give him a boost.

    But even if he can, he risks going the way of Warren and Harris who were more concerned about winning Twitter than primaries.

    The big war will be (assuming he’s nominee) keeping Trumps mouth and social media in check.

  2. “THIS IS A JOKE, RIGHT?” The only way you would be able to improve his ratings is to tape his mouth shut!!!

  3. It may be that Brandon has a reputation for being senile. If he actually is senile, that may move things from the realm of reputation into a fact. I suspect he has the finest cocktail of drugs to support mental acuity ever devised. Just remember, Brandon has said the Covid vaccines prevent the spread of the virus, the virus was passed from pangolins or raccoon dogs or some other animal to humans, the Russians blew up the Nordstream pipeline, no one has ever been censored on Twitter or Facebook and Hunter’s laptop has all the classic earmarks of Russian disinformation. And NPR is the ultimate manifestation of hard-hitting and independent journalism. All that stuff.

  4. Let me translate that to what was actually being said.
    Campaign to rely heavily on Zuckerberg and dominion.
    (Not necessarily in that order.)

  5. Don’t forget the Illuminati, LGBTQIA2S+ Mafia supporters/sympathizers, R.I.N.Os, and never-Trumpers supporting Ol’ bumbling Joe! Let him try and win any one on one free for all open question/answer presidential debates without any help from his handlers. COVID won’t be around to help him hide out in an undisclosed location.

  6. We want him to run because if he wins everyone will know it is fixed. Then maybe we can repair the democrats disaster.

  7. Very smart move by his handlers. Lots of “influencers” have been to Brandon’s office. Seems lots of people get their information scrolling their phones and look no further. Brandon’s handlers have learned well from Hitlers propaganda playbook. Sheeple.

  8. Let’s be honest, he’ll “win” again just like he did last time. Our elections are a farce and pretending otherwise is destroying what is left of our country. Re-publish this article if you want to really enlighten the public: ‘

  9. Don’t forget that our opinions are given us by the media. I would suggest the issues for 2024 are going to be abortion and trans. Republicans have the right position on both but messaging is terrible, which is why Biden and the democrats are going there. Abortion flipped MI & PA in 2020. Did the same for the WI Supreme Court last week. Cheers –

  10. The ‘basement brigade’ at it’s finest. This will be nothing more than trolls that think online life somehow trumps real life. And ten or twelve people can amplify their online presence to make the public think they are thousands.

    • Paul I’ve read lots of concern lately by conservatives, especially about engaging the youth vote.

      You and I are basement brigade at this point, though I am in my living room. Conservatives would do well to consider updated their means of communicating, which by the way the whole youth vote employs all day every day.

  11. Most news you receive is filtered or spun in a way that attempts to influence you. This story is simply an admission by the Whitehouse of what has been going on for some time. Bots and influencers on social media can control elections. The Democrats are smart enough to use this tool for their benefit. The Republicans won’t and will use this as an excuse for their losses in the 2024 election. The real victims as always will be the citizen voters.

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