The effort to repeal Ranked Choice Voting in Alaska is set to launch on April 1, as the advocacy group Repeal Now prepares to collect signatures for a ballot initiative.
The petition has been approved by the Division of Elections and the organization has been developing the necessary infrastructure to ensure the campaign’s success and compliance with state regulations.
Repeal Now organizers said the public is eager to get the signature collection process going, but emphasized its commitment to meticulous planning. The group stated that it is aware of the scrutiny by opponents of the repeal, which during the last effort in 2024 tied up the previous repeal group in court and with challenges to the Alaska Public Offices Commission. The Repeal Now group is working to adhere strictly to regulations set by APOC.
The petition initiative has seen some changes in leadership. One of the original petitioners, Ken McCarty, has decided to pursue a different path. However, the Repeal Now group announced the addition of Bethany Marcum as treasurer. In this role, Marcum will oversee all aspects of signature collection across the state. Marcum is leaving her position as state director of Americans for Prosperity in order to devote herself full-time to Repeal Now.
The campaign will commence its efforts through Republican Women’s clubs and a network of district and regional chairs. These chairs will align with the state’s existing regional divisions to facilitate an organized and coordinated approach. Petition booklets are expected to be distributed to volunteers by April 1, and all petition holders will be required to sign an online agreement to comply with the Alaska Division of Elections requirements.
Volunteers interested in obtaining petition books can complete an online check-out form at:
Questions and correspondence can be directed to [email protected].
Repeal Now is also preparing to raise funds to support its initiative. While a website is still under construction, Repeal Now aims to drive donations via credit card once the site is operational. Donations by check will be accepted once a mailing address is established. The group stressed that individuals who wish to assist with fundraising, including handling checks, must be officially designated as deputy treasurers.
The push to repeal ranked-choice voting follows ongoing debates over the election system, which, through Outside dark money, was voted into being in Alaska in 2020. Supporters of repeal argue that ranked-choice voting complicates the voting process and creates confusion, while proponents of the system say it promotes majority rule and discourages extreme partisanship, something that has been proven to be a false promise.
The Democratic Party wants to keep ranked-choice voting because it is the party that most can benefit from the confusion. Republicans generally want to get rid of it. But most voters in Alaska are not aligned with a party, and during the last repeal effort, repeal failed by 743 votes. Many said the ballot language was confusing, because it seemed to say “yes” meant a vote to support ranked-choice voting, or that “yes” could mean the vote was in favor of repealing it. Voters reported they were confused and some said they voted opposite of how they intended to vote.
Nancy and I can cover the petition effort in Wrangell. We’ll set up a signature gathering booth at the ferry terminal. We’ll be wearing our red MAGA hats.
Thank you Frankie that will be helpful. I’m assuming this means you finally got that remodel project done so your daughter will have a place to stay when she’s unemployed?
I’d like my own room. With all of their retirement income from the government, Frankie and Nancy are loaded. Maybe I can get a paper route and help buy some eggs. There’s no Denny’s in Wrangell.
Interesting, didn’t the ARP have an initiative in 2002 pushing RCV. Why the change of heart?
Omg – government jobs for the masses – it’s the only way.
(Says only ProCommies)….
Thanks,Frankie. Just be sure to fill out form and send to Bethany.
In on it too, Judy. Frankie’s a little forgetful unless I’m here to remind him. If you can get Kelly Tshabaka to run for governor in 2026, we’ll be onboard for her race. We just love Harvard Law School graduates who pass the Bar Exam on the first try.
Don’t let the lefties bugger this one up… The idea is to uproot the confusion that was sown.
Dv of elections deliberately writes the choices to lean towards how “they” want the vote to go. Has anyone ever seen something written as a clear “yes” or “no”?
With RCV more control goes to ALL voters reducing the influence of the two parties. I can see why Marcum is leaving her position as state director of Americans for Prosperity, since it undermines that outside money railroad.
Appears that anti-RCV folks merely want to ensure the Lesser of Two Evils on the ballot continues.
Like I read the other day, many of you will vote for Dan despite his support for the failed Bideneconomics, his support to reduce parental rights, his lack of desire to end stupid spending. If the party has its way, Dan will be pitted against a democrat and you poor souls will be forced to pull trigger for Dan least the big spender, antiparental-rights Democrat get elected.
Sad days when folks are afraid of voters and out of an abundance of caution, for their best interest, you have to reduce their voting options.
“With RCV more control goes to ALL voters reducing the influence of the two parties.”
Explain how please.
Hit the Valley You will get all the signatures you need and then some
Rank choice is bad for the Democrats and Republican parties which is why I LIKE IT. Putting the power back into peoples hands. If this keeps up, maybe we can finally rid ourselves of most of these parasites, which is what the control freaks and power mongers are really afraid of.
RCV: power to the people!
And away from perverse politicians and their “dark money” sources.
Wow, considering the “dark money” is coming from outside Alaska for driving the RCV train. So, power to the people of Alaska or the people form the lower 48th?
How does RCV put power back into the hands of the people?
Please give me a cause leads to effect analysis.
The above link to the: [email protected] DOES NOT work.
The language for the ballot measure should simply read “End Rank Choice Voting” Yes or No. No more twisting of the ballot measure language to confuse the low information voters.
Now, when do we get a petition and ballot initiative to ban ALL out-of-state political spending?
THAT is what is needed in Alaska most of all!
And don’t try peddling the twaddle about “free speech”. Spending money is NOT speech!
Will those who gather the signatures to repeal RCV be honest with those asked to sign the petition by telling them that it not only abolishes RCV, but that it will also return AK to use of party primaries?
Good question, if you don’t tell all the truth, you are lying.
Party primaries?
Any voter could request any party’s primary ballot. Not sure why this is a problem.
Oh, and another thing.
If we kept RCV, but scrapped the jungle primary, I would call that a massive win. The most evil part of the RCV change is the open primary.
Two “ex” Americans for Prosperity people working on this project now? Why did President Trump not want American for Prosperity people working with his group? Can we trust that this is actually going to happen to repeal RCV?