Rep. Vance has Republican challenger for House


Michael Daniel, a Republican from Homer, has filed with the Division of Elections to challenge Rep. Sarah Vance for House District 6, Homer, Seldovia, Ninilchik, and Kasilof, where Vance has been the representative since 2019, when she retired former Rep. Paul Seaton.

Daniel is a Republican, like Vance. He is the chair of the Homer Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors. He is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and the Navy. After growing up in Anchorage, he served in the military for 20 years, before moving to Homer in 2018.

Because of the new open primary and ranked-choice general election, Republicans don’t have the ability to sort out their nominee in the August primary. Instead, the top four candidates for a seat proceed to the November General Election, regardless of party.

Daniel’s website is at this link.


    • It’s a good thing RCV doesn’t apply to local races. Not yet. Republicans and need to learn to stick together and be loyal to its real R candidates no matter what like Anchorage voters not unboard with this New Democrat party supporting Mayor Bronson. If Republicans don’t use discernment and vote with their feelings local races will eventually be RCV too brought by bad compromising Republicans and Bad compromising Democrats.

  1. another arrogant self proclaimed republican who thinks he can do it better. Running against a proven republican who has amply demonstrated her conservative bones. If this guy causes republicans to lose this seat back to the likes of Seaton, he will forever be a pariah. He is a know nothing. No staff experience, no party experience. When are Republicans going to learn. God, Country, Team, then self. I doubt he bothered to discuss with Vance. Won’t get my vote for sure.

  2. I was under the impression RCV was only for Govenor, US Senate and House races. When did this happen. Those slimy eels!
    Anyway this man has a nice face. That is he looks solid much more solid than the current representative representing the district. After Vance’s last two MRAK contributions. Well just like a woman still immature she driven into decisions emotionally. I don’t like that in a leader from civic leader to a supervisor.

  3. Why not just vote for the one candidate of your choice and be done with it? For each additional vote you cast, you dilute your vote by as many as you cast turning elections into fraudulent schitt shows and forfeiting true representation.

  4. If smart conservatives on the south Kenai Peninsula stack the primary deck with a suite of solid candidates, then the result could be that each of the top 4 slots coming out of the primary are solid red.

  5. Rank choice voting is stupid. It’s also an easy concept to understand and until we get rid of it we are stuck with it. Having more Republicans in the Rank is much better than having more Democrats, because of math.

  6. Chair of the Chamber but not a business owner? The Chamber is all but woke anyway. A military pensioner or does he have a job? All the trappings of a wannabe bureaucrat. His web page is as weak as Nick’s. One thing the military teaches is how to play the system.

  7. I don’t trust anyone anymore (all like Mary Peltola) who lie, lie, lie to get into office and give the big old raspberry to voters.

  8. Vance has not equally protected children in the womb. Ask her why she failed to help sponsor HB205, before that HB206? Child sacrifice must be stopped. Vance plays the prolife game, but will not take the abolitionist stand against child sacrifice abortion.

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