Rep. Sullivan-Leonard: ‘I #standwithsenatorwilson’



Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard of Wasilla has publicly stated her support for Sen. David Wilson following his press conference held this morning regarding allegations of sexual harassment.

“I stand with Senator David Wilson today and respectfully request the video held by Legislative Council be released to the public to clear his good name.  To hold back, or deflect from the truth is unacceptable as well as unethical and damaging to Senator Wilson’s reputation and integrity,” she said in a statement.

“I have known Senator Wilson through past local government service and in the private sector,” she wrote. “During the past seven years, I have not seen or heard any inappropriate action toward me, my staff, or my colleagues. I have found him to be professional, forthright and a gentleman.  To presume someone to be guilty of sexual harassment based on allegations or rumor is unconscionable.

“I stand with Senator David Wilson and ask my colleagues to join me in demanding the truth be revealed and that those responsible in purporting unsubstantiated truths about him be held to the highest standard of conduct we expect from elected officials who hold leadership positions.” – Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard


The Senate Majority leadership issued the following statement today in response to Wasilla Sen. David Wilson’s request to publicly release a report investigating his alleged actions.

“The nonpartisan Legislative Affairs Agency concluded its investigation into alleged actions by Sen. David Wilson. The confidential report was released to Senate President Pete Kelly.  However, the subject of the investigation, Sen. David Wilson, has requested public release.

“Per legal advice, the report may be released through an official committee action. Sen. Kelly has asked the Rules Committee Chairman to hold a hearing to discuss the report and consider release. Leadership is first working with legislative attorneys to determine the appropriate form of a release in order to protect individuals involved in the investigation.”

“Senate Leadership is unable to discuss the report contents until official release.”

The Rules Committee chairman is Sen. Kevin Meyer. Reached on vacation, Meyer said he would read the report when he returns and if the leadership gets the green light from attorneys, he will have a Rules Committee meeting sometimes next week.

“And we’ll make a decision from there,” Meyer said.

Sen. Wilson wants apology, and more, on ‘skirtgate’ allegations