Rep. Mike Cronk tested positive, has mild symptoms


 Rep. Mike Cronk (R-Tok) tested positive for Covid-19 Wednesday evening. Immediately after receiving the test results, Cronk began quarantining at his Juneau residence. He is currently experiencing mild symptoms.

At this time, no other members or staff have tested positive. Cronk’s staff tested negative as of Thursday morning. Contact tracers began identifying close contacts of Rep. Cronk Thursday morning.

“Coming to Juneau, we all knew the risk,” Cronk said, “but we have a job to do. I will be working from home and look forward to rejoining my colleagues as soon as my doctor clears me.”

Cronk is an avid outdoorsman, hiker, and hunter, and is, by all measures, in excellent foundational health.

Immediately after Cronk tested positive, House leadership and the Alaska State Legislature’s outside health management contractor, Beacon, began implementing pre-established protocols. The House canceled all business for Thursday, and it’s unclear if the House will meet in full session on Friday, of hold a technical session, with only a handful of legislators present.

“Rep. Cronk is one of the most resolved people I know,” Republican Minority Caucus Leader Cathy Tilton (R-Chugiak/MatSu) said. “We hope Mike feels well soon. In the meantime, we will continue the important work Alaskans elected us to do.”


  1. Best well wishes to you Mike. We know you’ll get through this as you have gotten through other rough patches in your life. We’re all rooting for your health to overcome this CCP Virus. Stay strong and get back to work as soon as you are able.
    Jeff Gavazza & Debbie Sparks

    • The madness is these Rs traveling to Palmer to attend an Outdoor council banquet without wearing masks and loading up on this virus, bringing it back to Juneau. Three more aides tested positive and plenty of folks are pissed about it.

  2. Viral detective Bill Yankee:
    Go write your fiction in another forum.
    And be sure to take some classes in investigation work. Your uneducated conspiracy theories don’t work at MRAK.

    • Alvin, actually since I wrote that comment there has been another aid tested positive in Juneau. All you’ve got are your opinions and they don’t hold any water.

  3. No fiction Alvin. He is careless and now we get to live with his BS attitude. Have some respect for other Alaskans, guess he forgot the oath part huh?

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