The distance from Utqiagvik to Anchorage may be over 700 miles, but for Josiah Patkotak, it’s all about building relationships for the North Slope Borough with people all across the state.
About 40 people showed up at the fundraiser for Rep. Josiah Patkotak, who is running for the mayor of the North Slope Borough. The event at Little Italy in Anchorage brought out well known names like Adam and Joey Crum, former Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Joe Balash, former DEC Commissioner Jason Brune, oil company executive Ray Latchem, and Rick Green, who is with the Department of Fish and Game.
The election for the North Slope Borough seats are the same as most other local entities around the state — Oct. 3. Also running in the race for mayor are Anthony E. Edwardsen, John Hopson, Doreen Lampe.
In his remarks to the group at Little Italy, Patkotak spoke about building relationships on behalf of his community throughout Alaska and strengthening the local economy on the North Slope.

Also running for seats in the North Slope Borough are Assembly candidates Rex Allen Rock Sr., Eva Kinneeveauk, Don Anthony Nungasak, Martin Edwarsen, Doreen June Leavitt, Corrine Danner, and Frederick Brower. Robyn Burke, Qaiyaan Harcharek, and Frieda Kaleak are running for school board. No Assembly candidates filed for Point Lay’s seat and no school board candidate filed for Point Wainwright’s seat.
If Patkotak wins, he will relinquish his seat in the House of Representatives, and the governor will appoint his replacement for District 40. Patkotak is not a member of any political party.
Good guy. Glad he caucused with Republicans this year. He did a solid job as Majority Whip in the House.
Josiah is a good guy with solid Republican values – but he caucused with the Dems, giving them control of the House, and whipped no one, certainly not Republicans! He is registered as non-partisan/independent and therefore had no power to be Whip. I wish him the best, and the Governor wisdom in appointing his replacement.
The most logical replacement for Josiah is the man who ran against him as a Republican – Ely Cyrus from Kiana. We need to encourage both Ely and the Governor in that regard.
Josiah and George Rauscher are both majority whips under Cathy Tilton.
Hope he gets it.
Man I knew i should have filed for the assembly in Point Lay; what was I thinking!
Crum is not someone I’d brag about having support my candidacy. Watch out Patkotak – your associations will mold your reputation.
Congratulations Josiah!. He comes from a very solid family with outstanding leadership values for their community.
I have known his parents since they both came together as well as his grandparents.
Very respectable with the ability to carry on traditional lifestyle and the knowledge to responsibly develop resources to maximize the benefits of financial independence while protecting their rich heritage and preservation of native land within the Borough.
He is a true leader.
Right on….this plan sounds like a trail blazing plan and who better than him to connect north slope to the rest of Alaska than him…..he certainly has met people at this time:)
Its encouraging to me to hear the comments here of better read and understand readers than me for Alaska’s future, Patkotak being a millennial he proven himself a friend and alley to more conservative, common sense, moderate, and Republican Alaskans. For Alaska’s best future be best of voters to vote for common sense leaders who’ll think of the widow, fatherless, orphan whose households incomes are tight and where career advancements tend to be on the slow side for widows/single mothers because of thinking about a child’s best interest. Patkotak, and Micciche’s name, can also be dropped in the bucket for future statewide elections.
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