We remodeled, redesigned, relaunched Must Read


Readers will notice that Must Read Alaska took on a new look over the weekend. It went from a blog to a sleek news site.

Like anything, it will take some getting used to, especially on the production side of things, but will allow this one-woman news operation to have a more rapid response to events of the day.

I’ll continue to refine the categories over the coming weeks, and while I work at it night and day, want to extend my thanks to everyone who has donated to the cause of giving an alternative view of what is presented in the mainstream media.

Feel free to join in the fun and send a donation to:

Must Read Alaska
3201 C Street Suite 308
Anchorage, Alaska 99503

or use the PayPal Portal at the right.

Thank you!

Suzanne Downing, editor
(in the wee hours)


  1. Lady,

    I want to say thank you.
    And let you know, that we appreciate all off your dedication and hard work

    Take care, be safe.
    God bless.

  2. No matter what the format is (and this is definitely a more polished, even more-readable look) it is the same dynamite reporting and writing that has made Must Read the site I go to first, and trust the best, for the most current Alaska news, analysis and opinion. Just outstanding.

  3. I am sad to say that until just today, I was unaware of “Must Read Alaska” but thanks to a link in one of Craig Medred’s articles, I have now found yet another site to keep me informed of local news!

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