Rep. Lora Reinbold has filed for the Eagle River District G Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Anna MacKinnon.
Reinbold hinted that she might file for the Senate earlier this year, but had kept people guessing until today. Meanwhile, MacKinnon made her retirement official immediately after the legislative session ended in mid-May, after having served for 19 years a district that has grown up around her and is now one of the most conservative districts in Alaska.
Reinbold needed a couple of weeks to decompress after session and to reconnect with her family.
Fairbanks-born Reinbold said she had not made a decision during session because “I wanted to focus 100 percent on my job, and the roles I had on Judiciary and Rules committees (she also served on Armed Services and an alternate on Ethics). And I wanted to make sure I could find a replacement I can endorse.”

That person is Jamie Allard, who went with Reinbold today to file for House District 14.
Allard has lived in Eagle River for eight years. She served in the U.S. Army, leaving service in 1999 after nine years as a sergeant. Married to a retired Special Forces master sergeant, Allard has two children.
Eugene Harnett has also registered as a Republican candidate for the seat. A Democrat, Oliver Scheiss, has filed as well. Rep. Dan Saddler is said to be considering a run for Senate but had not filed today.
I think this is exactly right for Alaska at this time. Any rough edges Reinbold may have had in explaining her budget ideas in earlier years have been completely smoothed. Her conservative viewpoint on governmental spending is desperately needed. Alaska would be in much better shape today had we combined all the ideas for spending reductions from Reinbold, Hughes and Dunleavy over the past few years. The operating budget would easily be $1 billion lower had we done that. And is there anyone today so stupid that they believe that had we done that we would have today even higher unemployment, more crime, and more working families leaving Alaska? I’ll answer my own question: Yes, there is someone that stupid, and he is Mrs. Walker’s little boy Willie.
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