The Recall Dunleavy Committee says it is asking the Division of Elections if it can continue to gather signatures from Alaskans out of state. Must Read Alaska has reported that four states are now sites for petition booklets to recall the governor, even though that practice is illegal.
[Read: Fourth illegal recall petition site pops up in Palm Springs]
A woman standing in the entry of the Homer Post Office on Saturday with a petition to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy was asked to move along by postal workers after a complaint was lodged against her for breaking a federal law prohibiting “collecting signatures on petitions, polls, or surveys.”
Recall Dunleavy has conducted extensive training for signature gatherers around the state in recent days, but may not have given its paid contractors guidance on federal property.
After resisting for a while, the woman moved off the property, but she had collected several signatures during the time she was there.
Around Alaska, reports of petitioners using government property to collect signatures is becoming widespread. In rural areas, post offices were abused during the initial application stage, but there was never any pushback. The pattern appears to be repeating for the group that is trying to gather over 71,200 signatures so they can put Gov. Dunleavy back on the ballot for an up-down vote.
During the middle of the day on Saturday, the Sullivan Arena kick-off signature gathering in Anchorage was sparsely attended, while nearby crowds gathered for Fur Rondy races and other related festivities.
The arena has been rented by the well-funded Recall Dunleavy Committee to make access easier for those in Anchorage to stop by and sign a petition. But over the course of ten minutes of observing, only two people went in the front door.

In Juneau, signature gathering was reportedly brisk at the Mendenhall Library, while downtown at the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, a woman sawed a totem of Gov. Mike Dunleavy in half as”Cutting Him Down to Size” performance art.

If they can’t cheat they can’t win. They must work hard to spend all that outside money to take down our governor.
Great comment. With the amount of corruption in div of elections, not just here but across the country, the courts, the media, and many inside various bureaucracies in the halls of government, not to mention the politicians who lie about their positions to get elected, the game has been long since rigged. It’s truly a miracle when a conservative gets elected, and when the do what they ran on, eg Trump or Dunleavy- the swamp responds like a parasite who’s host is finally becoming healthy enough to fight it off for good.
Their ideology is power for power’s sake and they will cross whatever line and do whatever it takes to Win. When you believe in decency and the rule of law, these factions are tough to fight. They hold no such values.
If they continue to break the law -if
The judge turns a blind eye -there could be a legal issue-two statutes they are breaking now -are we going to stand up and demand laws -continue to be upheld
Last August they were on school property in Dillingham.
Communists are immune to laws.
It continues to amaze me that a duly elected Governor has to endure this type of treatment for simply doing what he said that he was going to do. It appears to me that the reasoning may be a little more sinister in the desire of the well funded recall group to remove the Governor that I voted for and am proud to STAND TALL with!
Unfortunately he is not doing what he promised on the campaign trail. He sent Donna in after the election and we found that he can’t deliver on what he promised, and it turns out, Alaskans don’t prefer a BS’er.
Obviously you don’t know how it works. He can only do what he says he will do but the legislature holds the purse strings. The cuts were fine. They were the beginning of getting rid of fraud and waste in AK.
Your username says it all. You should be mortally embarrassed.
Trump’s dealt with it for almost 4 years now as well.
When I was helping gather recall Gary Knopp signatures (volunteer-not paid) I asked at the local library, post office & a shopping center if I could collect sigs on their sidewalks. Seemed the reasonable & courteous thing to do.
I have no idea about the law on it but I was denied at all 3 locations.
Obviously the recall D people are alot more aggressive.
No, if you see them you need to go into the location and ask if they have a permit. We have to stand strong and not allow it
got it judy!
I hope they can collect signatures out of State….then just stay wherever they are and never come back. Good riddance.
Good grief petitioners have been at all of the post offices for the various petitions! My guess is they don’t ask, they just start doing their illegal gathering until they are asked to leave and figure a few signatures were worth breaking the law. Only those that care about right and wrong would ask for permission. Alas, for those that don’t care about following rules, what is breaking the law if you can do it without getting into legal trouble and it gets you what you want? The left seem to thrive by relativity. Anything goes if you can use it to successfully achieve a goal.
Seems it might be worth the effort to pursue holding them accountable for their law breaking.
May we suggest, Madam Editor, that “…reports of petitioners using government property to collect signatures is becoming widespread” may have been cause for concern when Alaska had its traditional single-tier justice system.
But now, as two of the three parts that make up Alaska’s state government appear to be changing into what looks like one big happy RICO enterprise, we recall:
Alaska’s Chief Justice wants Governor D. out. The C-J engages in arguably prohibited political activity to get Dunleavy out. No Alaska lawyer seems to have the strength of character to challenge formally the Chief Justice’s refusal to recuse himself from the Recall Dunleavy case.
Alaska’s public-sector union-management teams want Governor D. out. They’ll spend whatever’s necessary to get him out, then threaten to strike if they don’t get more money. Nobody outside the public-sector union-management teams can (for now) stop them. They know it, productive Alaskans know it.
Then we have the deafening, one might say conspiratorial, silence from Peoples Imperial State Senate President and Co-Governor Giessel, plus Assistant Co-Governor Edgmon.
The test is whether the Terrible Two would be so quiet if the petition were about paying PFD’s instead of dumping Dunleavy.
Seems reasonable to expect the machinery which made, and continues to make, the Great Alaska LeDoux Vote Experiment possible is still running. More likely, someone figured out how to run it backwards, if it can install and save LeDoux, it oughtta uninstall and delete Dunleavy!
Point is, productive Alaskans seem willing, but unable (for now), to stop the rot. God may be on their side. Government is not.
Morrigan, excellent summary comments
Thank you.
Morrigan rocks. Right up there with Suzanne and Art.
High praise indeed… thank you.
Reminder —— show your support
“Pleeze…….can we cheat just this one time? We promise to turn Byron Mallott over to the AST and Gov. Walker back to China.”
Shouldn’t they ask that before they do it?
When they were at the Palmer Post Office I went and asked the supervisor of they had permission, and he said yes. So contacted this office in D.C. that oversees usps and they said that it was illegal and I should contact the district postmaster general. Pretty hard to do — either there isn’t one or she hides their identities from people contacting them!
So they are gathering illegal signatures. What does this do for the recall effort? Stop it? It should.
They are at the Girdwood post office right now
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