Recall Dunleavy committee mails 20K petition booklets

AFN Protesters

The Recall Dunleavy Committee mailed petition booklets to more than 20,000 Alaskans on Wednesday, and launched an aggressive advertising campaign on TV and radio throughout the state to get people to mail in their signatures on the petition.

The recall committee has collected nearly 35,000 signatures so far to put the recall of Gov. Mike Dunleavy on a ballot.

“Winning in Alaska Supreme Court has energized Alaskans to sign the petition at home as soon as possible,” said Aaron Welterlen, Steering Committee Member, in an email to supporters. “When we collect another 40,000 signatures this summer, Alaskans will send one unified message together: we deserve a competent governor who respects the constitution and is equipped to lead us through a full economic recovery.”

Each of the petition booklets that were mailed contain room for up to 15 signatures, a prepaid return envelope, and an “I signed” sticker.

Mailed petition booklets contain an instructions sheet, a petition booklet containing a signature page for up to 15 signers, a prepaid envelope for convenient return, and an “I Signed” sticker. Such a recall campaign has never before been seen anywhere in the U.S., because the signature gatherers have been prevented from having direct contact with potential signers due to the Wuhan coronavirus.

Recall Dunleavy needs a minimum of 71,252 Alaska voters to sign the petition, and will deliver those signatures to the Division of Elections. Then, the division has 30 days to certify the signatures, and must set a date for an election.

Although the group has paid staff and has clearly spent well over $100,000 in the effort, it has not disclosed its donors or how much it has raised.

The recent mailer to 20,000 is likely to have cost them more than $50,000, all to rekindle a dead fire. The radio and TV ad buy is likely in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Those wishing to be mailed a recall kit can contact the group at the website.


  1. Sign up for a petition booklet to be mailed to you so that you can toss it in the trash. Use a bogus email address and phone number

    • Alaska statutes describe criminal punishment for misrepresenting oneself re signature booklets and signing petitions.

      Promoting criminal acts on a public message board is a good way to attract some notice of the police.

      Carry on.

      • There’s also criminal punishment for collecting signatures out of state, which hasn’t seemed to stop the recallers. Apparently the law is only enforced on one side of the political spectrum. But carry on. Cheers –

  2. Let’s see. If the democrat/leftists gain 40,000 signatures through the summer, plus what they already claim to have (35,000), that would account for about 100%+ of the democrats in Alaska. Don’t be distracted by the state “supremes'” decision. Birds of a feather not only flock together, they protect each other. The “recall Dunleavy” petition is not a winner and the dems know it. It’s nothing more than another distraction from the real agenda. Power. An incompetent majority resides in the legislature, with no other goal than project their leftist dogma, idealism and agenda. That’s not Alaska. I’ll bet less than 50% of them are from Alaska. By “from Alaska”, I mean ‘from Alaska’, not imported with their leftist idealism.

    • All the Republicans who have already signed the petition make a mockery of your assertions.

      When the petitions are turned in, you’ll find many more Republicans will sign in the days ahead.

      • More Democrat drivel from s very unhappy man. Come on, Bill Tobin. Is life really that miserable for ya?

        • There may be Republicans who would consider Meyer a better choice for Governor. Meyer is a Giessel crony. I just want to.point that out
          Also, the petition booklets are numbered. Send them back if you get them.

  3. NO THANK YOU! I fully support Gov. Dunleavy. He will not be recalled, and like Pres. Trump, his loyal supporters will come from every corner of this state to support him if this effort ever makes it to a ballot.

    We need a man willing to defend our PFD, and make those necessary budget cuts that you are so afraid of and would never otherwise make because democrats just want to push their social agenda on everyone. He is the elected serving on behalf of the majority, and its about time you respect that.


  4. To throw out the only grown up in Juneau, the only gov who’s ever fought for our PFD—in the middle of all this? We would have to be dumber than we have been at any time in our past—and given we put this current batch of corrupt slime in there, that’s saying something!

  5. Democrats look for Democrat crowds to advance their recall petition. Suggestion: circulate the recall at Byron Mallott’s funeral. You might be able to snag a few early releases, Mee Too supporters, child molestor suspects, Chinese pipeline advocates, and some in-hiding Bill Walker hold-outs.

    • Printed in an ad in the local paper:
      “I lost a dear friend …… Byron and I shared beliefs…….a more unified Alaska would emerge.”
      Gov. Bill Walker.
      How’s that turning out for you, Bill?
      Half of your problem was that you chose Byron Mallott as your running mate. The other half is that you are an idiot and should have never been elected, or served.

  6. When it’s all said and done, there will be enough signatures to qualify for a recall vote on the ballot.
    The only question that still remains is, will there be enough votes to recall Gov. Dunleavy?

  7. I will vote on it!!! No where does it in the Alaska and Federal Constitution give the Governor nor Mayor the power to create a law!!! He has violated the Constitutions!!!

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