Rachel Levine praises Anchorage gender clinic that refers to mothers as ‘egg producers’


While many visitors to Alaska are captivated by its natural beauty and wonders, President Joe Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine had a different focus during a recent visit to the state this month.

The nation’s first openly transgender federal official, Biden’s health ambassador praised Identity Alaska, a community center that provides gender-changing resources to the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Identity Alaska’s stance on certain terminologies, such as advising the replacement of the word “mother” with the term “egg producer,” caught the attention of Fox News.

The term “LGBTQIA2S+” refers to expressions like lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and something called two-spirit identities. Sometimes this is referred to as the shortened, “Alphabet People.”

Identity Inc. says children as young as kindergarten should learn about how doctors “assign” the gender to babies by making a “guess” and also included guidance on how to speak to the age group about sexual attraction, Fox reports.

The Anchorage nonprofit tells teacher to instruct students about “using accurate language for body parts and functions without assuming that there are only two sexes and that everyone within a particular sex is the same. It’s important to be able to communicate about our bodies in accurate ways.”

Read the Fox News story at this link.

At 65, Levine was born male and went through most of his life as a male, before taking hormones and undergoing surgical procedures to appear as a woman, changing his name to Rachel and his legal identity to female. He holds a distinctive position in U.S. politics, using his bully pulpit at the nation’s highest level to champion the mutilation of minors and he frequently argues that such treatments can be life-saving.


  1. “At 65, Levine was born male and went through most of his life as a male, before taking hormones and undergoing surgical procedures to appear as a woman, changing his name to Rachel and his legal identity to female.”

    Suzanne, let’s try to stick to the facts here….There is a absolutely nothing that “appear{s} as a woman on that guy.”

    Still love ya…you get a pass on this one 🙂

    • Scott, a careful reading of Ms Downing’s text will show she did not contend anything “appears as a woman” on the guy. Rather Ms she only said the man took hormones and surgical procedures to do so. Moreover, Ms Downing utilized truthful pronouns when referring to Levine. She is to be commended for speaking truth in this article.

    • Scott, a careful reading of Ms Downing’s text will show she did not contend anything “appears as a woman” on the guy. Rather she only said the man took hormones and surgical procedures to appear as a woman. Moreover, Ms Downing utilized fact-based pronouns when referring to Levine. She is to be commended for speaking truth in this article.

  2. The level of mental retardation is astounding. No, mother’s are not “egg producers” you immoral people… Mother’s ARE LIFE GIVERS.
    Anyone addressing me that way is gonna find out the hard way what a woman is really all about! What is a “gender” clinic anyway?? Two genders idiots… All day long. Your mental retardation is not gonna work here!

    • Have you seen the people on the school board and on our city assembly? Lets just say, they don’t feel like their efforts are futile.

  3. This is a joke right? Our most precious children some who when they enter Kindergarten cannot tie their shoes or button their coats are being taught this garbage. Give me a break.What a way to confuse these precious children for life. Good for Rachel Levine if that is what he/she wants, but do not shove it down the rest of our throats. Where are the parents in this community? Time to tell the Government the children belong to them not to anyone else.

  4. HE is nothing but a mentally disturbed and deranged clown, who by rights belongs nowhere but in the side show of an old-time circus, along with all the other freaks.

  5. If you ever wondered what it would look like when demons smile then I would present the above photo on the right.

    I do not take any satisfaction (how could I as I am just a beggar who was told where the bread is) in writing this, but they will soon return from where they were spawned.

  6. That Identity Inc. is bad. It offers trainings for therapists, educators, and employers and hands out hormone therapies without referrals. They are as radical as the most radical in the nation and they are right in our neighborhood teaching local therapists, educators, pediatric healthcare providers, our city government, and employers that gender is a social construct and that it is scientifically proven that a child at 6 years old saying they are the opposite sex should immediately receive reassurances that affirming that gender is not a bad idea and not affirming that opposite gender might be why they feel so depressed, why they act out, why they can’t focus, why they feel strange, why they struggle to find confidence, etc etc.

    Drag queen story hour is a symptom of this, not a cause. We must be focused on what’s going on in pediatric psychiatry and cut off the supply of the “scientific” BS that these self righteous arrogant fools are using to pump themselves up, validate themselves, and bring others with them. This snake can just grow a new head if it gets cutoff (the motivation for this stuff is deeper), but we should at least be trying to expose the real bs that they use to stand on.

    Would love to see Must Read Alaska or somebody really dig into the policies on gender for pediatric therapists in this state. What I have heard from therapists is that they are avoiding pediatric therapy now because of this topic. It’s too big of a liability for them now because if they don’t affirm, they lose their license. So who is left when the school recommends to a parent that their kid should see a specialist? Especially dangerous for kids with autism because they need behavioral specialists and seem to glom on to transitioning more than others, when in reality they are autistic, not “transgender”.

    • Pediatrics is for pedophiles. Trust parents for their own children’s healthcare. Anything else is liberal indoctrination and grooming

  7. The left sure make it easy to identify their mental illness. I can see why they are pushing so hard to defend these creatures from discrimination. Normal, healthy people see a problem and the rational thing to do with any of these creatures is to ignore them and walk away. The left makes their own choice to be ugly and disgusting. They can live the the choice and their consequences.

  8. Im getting really confused here.
    Is Dr Levine implying the only difference between “her” and a real woman is that some women are egg producers and others are not such as her?
    So some men can look act talk walk and perform like a woman under the sheets and produce nothing but dirty sheets?
    While on the other hand women can look act talk walk and perform like a woman under the sheets but can also produce an egg which may or may not become a human that can later in life determine what sex they or it is?
    Dammit…I learned nothing on the farm!
    As they say science is continually evolving.
    I think we have traveled beyond animal farm into the abyss.

  9. This man is mentally deranged. It speaks volumes about Biden he wanted this individual in government.

    • ….. And it speaks volumes about the American people in that they wanted Biden in government.

  10. Wow!
    I feel so respected, valued and loved….NOT!
    Another lesson in objectification of women by a man.
    Images from the “the Giver” keep playing in my head!

  11. I have to admit, I honestly can’t blame Mary Peltola for being missing in action. She doesn’t have to be seen with this nut case, right before election year bashing starts.

    Probably the smartest move she’s made so far.

  12. If I called my mother who successfully brought 15 children into this world an “ egg producer” I would expect a slap across the face and a severe reprimand!! Rather she would be proud to be addressed as “mother, wife, nurturer, homemaker,excellent cook and yes she had a career as the early morning cook at the local hospital where she was so highly esteemed they literally gave her a key to the hospital kitchen entrance. The hospital was locked up at from 9pm to 7 am every night.

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