Quote of the week: Begich on taxes


“It’s only taxing wages, that means people that are working every single day and trying to make a living, they’re the ones that are going to be pinned. When you look at what’s exempted: capital gains, dividends, basically for wealthier people, and I think that that’s an unfair tax system. I can’t wait to see the debate because I don’t think that’s going anywhere.”

– Former Sen. Mark Begich, panning Gov. Walker’s income tax proposal and seeming to argue in favor of an even more sweeping tax, while speaking at the Bartlett Club in Anchorage on Thursday in his strongest indication yet that he plans to challenge Gov. Bill Walker.


  1. Hey, I agree with Begich. We shouldn’t just tax the middle income and let rich people get away scott free. We need to tax food stamps and welfare recipients too. Yes, that’s it lets tax everyone and get this recession kick started into a full blown depression!!! An it’s 1,2, 3…what are we fighting for??? Give me an F….

  2. Begich is Walker’s worst nightmare. If it were not for Walker’s gigantic ego, I would not be shocked if the “Unity party” were to pull their candidacy and get behind Begich in the General election. Then there would be a real contest. But “gas line Bill” has no clue about how unpopular he is with Alaskans and how low his vote total will be or how his participation will split the vote. The Unity party has divided Alaska and will do the same at the ballot box. It is time to show both Walker and Mallot the door.

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