Quote of the day: Planned Parenthood fights for those ‘ripped from their families’?


Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Northwest is used to getting up in your business, but is now planning to get you involved in their new business, which is about all-things immigration.

Must Read Alaska readers might encounter them in either Anchorage or Fairbanks on Saturday, as they start gearing up for the election season by focusing on their goals of both ending unplanned pregnancies and promoting unplanned immigration.

Curiously, PP is positioning itself as the savior of families.

In Anchorage, they’ll go door-to-door to identify abortion-friendly voters, while in Fairbanks you can meet up with them at Golden Heart Plaza in a “Fairbanks Families Belong Together Rally” at noon, to where “Planned Parenthood Votes will be joining with the ACLU of Alaska and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Fairbanks to rally and show opposition to the separation and detention of families at the border.

“At Planned Parenthood, we believe that the rights to access health care and the ability to stay with your family are essential to living a happy and complete life. Part of honoring immigrant heritage in this country is fighting to protect immigrant rights so that immigrants who have and continue to enter our country are able to live a life of dignity  — no matter what.”

Some observers note that Planned Parenthood is actually responsible for ripping families apart by removing children from the wombs of their mothers, and then destroying them as tissue. It’s the “complete life” part that kind of went over the edge, no?

But that’s not how Planned Parenthood sees it. For them, having secure borders is “inhumane.” The organization is in favor of all immigrants, “no matter what.” And having a happy and complete life is for those already born.

“The Trump-Pence administration has stepped up its attacks on immigrants and refugees in unimaginable ways over the past week, closing America’s doors to survivors of domestic violence and defending the inhumane separation of families.

“These un-American policies go against our values and Planned Parenthood will continue to stand with refugees, asylum seekers, and all immigrants in their quest for a better life. We condemn the administration’s callous attempts to divide our families, our country, and our world.

“We will not silently stand by as Dreamers, DACA recipients, and immigrants, many of whom are part of the Planned Parenthood community and rely on Planned Parenthood for health care, are ripped apart from their families and stripped of their rights and protections.

“Join us to call for an end to family separation,” the letter urges its readers.

The note is signed “in solidarity,” by the political and organizing director of Planned Parenthood’s Seattle office, a former union organizer and operative for Organizing for America, a subgroup founded by Barack Obama inside the Democratic National Committee.

Of course, if you are not interested in joining the fun with Planned Parenthood, find Suzanne Downing at the air show tomorrow, starting at 10:30 am.

Here are the details.


  1. Children deserve to be in families, not trashcans. Many thanks for this- and enjoy the airshow.

  2. During eight years of the Obama administration, PP’s silence on the very same issue was deafening.
    A hardened cynic might ask whether the outpouring of PP outrage stems from genuine concern about the risk to thriving child-trafficking and baby-parts markets posed by the political momentum of newly energized Americans desiring an end to both and the empire of public subsidies that perpetuate both.
    Alaska’s municipal and state leaders must set the example by passing laws and taxes to create new incarceration facilities that fully accommodate the needs of families to remain together and preserve their dignity.

  3. My brain is swirling trying to actually formulate a response to this. Really Planned Parenthood? Is this for real?

    • Actually there were a number of organizations helping with the event. When I got the email from PP (I don’t know how I got on their list but if they’re wise they’ll purge it.) it looked like them holding the rally as you could sign up to attend or be an event leader.

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