A group of protestors, mostly middle-aged and older whites, took to the streets in Anchorage during the noon hour, advertising their litany of complaints and grievances. Many of them were women, and they arrived in expensive cars to protest. They did not take the bus.
They don’t want government spending to be reduced. They don’t like President Trump. They don’t like Elon Musk. And there were several other placards filling out their complaint list.
It was a protest against everything Trump.
They marched from the Anchorage Performing Arts Center down to L Street, and stood in front of the building that houses congressional and senatorial offices, Peterson Tower.
One sign said, “This is a coup,” while another sign said, “Stop the coup!” It was confusing. They yelled that they want a town hall. The older crowd got their photo ops and then dispersed.
The group was part of national protests organized by a group calling itself 50-50-1. One was planned for Fairbanks, where Mayor David Pruhs said he would host a barbecue for the protesters.