Pro-abortion to pro-life: Tshibakas and Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America on the STAND podcast



The controversy surrounding abortion reached a fever pitch after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson, which determined that abortions protected by Roe v. Wade were a decision for the states to make, not the federal government. In Alaska, abortions are allowed all the way up to the moment of birth. Twenty-one other states have implemented restrictions on abortion, such as a ban after 12-weeks of pregnancy. 

The Court’s decision has been a huge victory for pro-life advocates across America. One advocate, Marjorie Dannenfelser, recently joined STAND with Kelly and Niki Tshibaka to discuss this critical issue and the tension surrounding it. Once an ardent proponent of the woman’s right to choose abortion, Dannenfelser has done a complete 180 in her views. Now the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Dannenfelser works tirelessly to defend the rights of the unborn.

When asked about what changed her mind, Dannenfelser listed a couple of key reasons. The first was that her questions were unsatisfactorily answered by abortion advocates. “I could not get past the question ‘what is that thing being taken out of a woman’s body?’”, Dannenfelser recalled. “If this is an actual person, with perhaps moral standing…then you’d better at least pause. And the pause is what happened to me…it tested the theory ‘my body, my choice’.” 

Another notable factor that led to her perspective shift was how pro-life proponents listened to her opinion during debates. Dannenfelser explained that people who listen well during the abortion debate often plant seeds in their opponent’s mind that may come to fruition later—much like what happened to her. 

Her change of heart did not occur immediately, but once it did, Dannenfelser became a massive mover-and-shaker for the pro-life movement, stating, “when I knew I’d been so wrong, I used my skills…to really start building the political arm of the pro-life movement, which I thought was the most important thing missing when fighting Roe v. Wade.” Dannenfelser is now considered one of the most influential leaders in America’s pro-life movement.

Dannenfelser’s story is certainly inspirational, but how are we to plant these seeds when the conversation surrounding abortion often becomes emotion-packed, personal, and pointless? Is her story the exception or the rule? She provided insight into these concerns, offering tips on navigating the abortion debate. 

“Number one, listen well…You do not have to contradict everything a person says. Then I would say…provide a pathway to continue the conversation…this is almost always about a life lived and someone who wants a life lived well.”

In other words, the best way to change hearts and minds is by actively listening to the person you’re debating, providing an avenue to continue the conversation, and remembering that their perspective is likely stemming from a place of personal experience. By following this advice, Dannenfelser revealed, you will plant seeds of  doubt in their minds that may come to fruition at a later point in time. 

By keeping our sights on the big picture, rather than getting caught up in the heat of the moment, we are better positioned to make a lasting difference in the abortion debate. Change comes with time, patience, and incremental progress. Oftentimes, we don’t get to see the long-term results of our actions or conversations, yet that hardly pales in comparison to the knowledge that what we do today will impact the stories and lives of tomorrow.

If you’d like to hear more about Marjorie Dannenfelser’s experience battling abortion and fighting for pro-life legislation, you won’t want to miss the newest episode of STAND. You can also view the episode on YouTube, Rumble, and your podcast streaming platform.

Kelly Tshibaka is the host of the podcast, TV, and radio show STAND, and the 2022 Alaska Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She co-hosts the show with her husband, Niki Tshibaka.


  1. It’s 2024 now … where being pro-life means that you will never win an election. I don’t think Kelly has figured this out.

  2. Josh you gotta stand with what is morally right. Abortion is not. Doesn’t matter what year it is.
    Kelly is fighting this nonsense in Alaska. Now someone who used to be for it, woke up and saw what it was. Murder. That is what we need more of. This state allows abortion even in the last trimester??? THAT is disgusting and wrong. I pray for the discernment of all women before they make this murderous choice. Thank you Kelly and Marjorie!!

  3. The US Constitution does not protect the right to life of the unborn; rather, only that of US Citizens. The unborn person must become born to be considered a citizen under our constitution. Compare: a person being denied the right to life (murdered) in a foreign country is not the rightful concern of the US government.

    To correct this moral deificiency we must amend our constitution immediately.

      • North…. The US Constitution protects your right to stress and strain the meaning of words. However, I challenge you to show where it expressly protects the right to life of non-citizens.

  4. Two years ago the California Democrats tried to pass legislation allowing parents/mothers the option to take their already born infant to a abortion clinic to euthanize the child if or when they had a change of heart about raising a child especially during post partem depression or if a child was cholic or maybe the wrong sex or any reason as long as it was within 30 days from the hour of birth.

    I had a family member that worked tirelessly with church groups and others to defeat the legislation that only lost by a small margin. They will wait till the next election and keep resubmitting it to the voters using skilled lawyers to disguise and sugar coat it into something everyone will want…Sound familiar “Ranked choice voters?

    Just like Nancy Pelosi boasts about California…. eventually their legislation most usually becomes the law nationwide.

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