Popp makes it official, files for mayor


Bill Popp, the president of Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, a public agency, has filed for mayor of Anchorage.

He said in a statement that he will pivot away from his role at AEDC to focus full time on his campaign. It’s unclear if he is on paid leave at AEDC, since earlier he said he would remain at AEDC through December.

Popp said he is running to bring professional competency and decorum to local government. He said Anchorage cannot take another step back in improving business and public service availability.

Popp is considered a liberal. He served on the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly and as a special assistant to two Kenai Borough mayors. He came to Anchorage with his family inn 1968, when his father was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base.

Popp joins a race that has three other strong candidates: Incumbent Mayor Dave Bronson, former Assembly Chairwoman Suzanne LaFrance, and former legislator and school board member Chris Tuck.

His candidacy is not a surprise, as Popp has been telling people for weeks that he would officially file on Sept. 12.

He appears to be using the AEDC data base to reach possible contributors for his campaign, according to one resident who was reached out to by Popp.

The Anchorage mayor’s race may cost candidates up to $700,000 apiece, not counting the independent expenditure groups, which work separately.

The election ends April 2. Anchorage votes by mail, with ballots in the mail in the middle of March.


  1. Still supporting Bronson. Bronson is the only candidate who can actually lesson Anchorages homeless crisis cause he actually cares about them as people. I don’t see that level of care coming from any other candidates. They all career politicians by now at their career development always promising us something just to gain votes with little care toward progress getting that work done. After meeting my newest co worker who was navigated through a navigational network (an idea coming out of Bronson’s administration) the city needs his idea built. I can’t see this guy popp hanging around the homeless and addicts nor Tuck or LaFrance can you. The homelessness and addiction will dominate every administration for the next 15 years out long after 2028.

  2. AEDC’s mission statement states that they are “a private nonprofit corporation (IRS code 501(c)(6). It exists to encourage economic growth and diversity in Anchorage, to promote a favorable business climate, and to raise Anchorage residents’ standard of living.” (‘https://aedcweb.com/about/)
    A Private Nonprofit Corporation. How many times have we been screwed by nonprofit corporations now? Do not vote for Popp, unless you are looking to totally take over Anchorage, put in those 15 minute areas in the city and send a bunch of people to “re-education” or “green” camps.

  3. Everyone loves a good nursery rhyme.

    ’round and round the city he goes
    spreading other’s dollars.
    Taxpayer cash here, buys a vote over there.
    Yep! – Popp is a Weasel

  4. I’m old enough to remember when the big business guys were right of center.
    Now they can’t out socialist each other fast enough.

    What I find funny is when someone suddenly realizes their community is in trouble and only they can save it.

    I had disagreements with Roger Holland, but he ran reluctantly. Not messianicly.

  5. Well the upside, with so many liberals running the chance we end up with Suzanne LaFrance as our overlord and master is getting slimmer….

  6. This seems sketchy:
    [He appears to be using the AEDC data base to reach possible contributors for his campaign…]

    Is that database made available to all candidates.

      • Your pathetic attempt to inflict the specious “Anti-Semiticism!” slur here is disgusting.

        Yes, Soros is a Jew. He is also evil incarnate.
        Those two facts are unrelated, unless YOU implicitly buy into the anti-semitic argument.

        • Isn’t that a strange pattern? We call out the corrupt and someone comes to stick up for the Jewish as if it were a personal attack against that group. Almost as if they are stating that being against evil is anti-semitic in of itself.

          • Yes, that is indeed a strange pattern, WR. And yet, in its complete lack of logic and its ad hominem nature, utterly predictable from radical leftists and shills for the establishment.

  7. whole lot of peoples negative assessments, personal attacks while not any positive suggestions, chronics like to complain, wallow in self pity but deny reality. AK has been circling the data drain hole for over a decade.

    in the next demographic generation, 20 years, AK will be a rural Michigan. devoid of its extractive base, gutted by ineffective GOP rhino’s and pseudo trumpets.

    everyone laughed at Micheal Moore but MI didn’t recover till the ditched 30 years of republican insanity. AK ran off the rails with the 2010 gerrymandering efforts got diluted, bad as enacted but watered down from the worst of it

    the middle 60% of undeclared voters need to save AK. the Kroger merger will drive out even more people. demographics, slow, relentless and laughable. it keeps grinding away tho

  8. Popp is a vacuous cheerleader. His saccharine-coated AEDC dribble is nauseating. He and Lafrance are one of a kind. Losers.

  9. “Popp said he is running to bring professional competency and decorum to local government.” Ya sure. The only way you will do that is if you don’t criticize the 9 on the assembly or figure out how to kick them out. Pretty sure he will just do the former which will mean much more of what brought us to using the Sullivan as a homeless shelter, etc etc.

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