Poll shows Begich in strong #2 ranking for Congress


New polling data obtained by Must Read Alaska shows Nick Begich has gained four points and Rep. Mary Peltola has lost 7 points among likely voters since the 2022 General Election. Both are running for Congress in 2024 in what is still an uncrowded field.

Begich, who got 24% of the first-ballot vote in the 2022 General Election, has inched up in the last year and now polls at 28% with likely voters.

Peltola, who got 49% of the first ballot in the ranked-choice election in 2022, has seen her approval slide to 42% since she took office.

She is now just slightly above President Joe Biden’s approval rating, according to aggregated polls at FiveThirtyEight.com, which show 55.4% of voters are disapproving of Biden performance.

Other Alaska congressional candidate rankings in the latest poll include Republican Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom at 9% and potential Libertarian candidate Chris Bye at 7%. Dahlstrom announced last month, and Libertarians almost always field a candidate.

Arizonan Richard Grayson of the No Labels Party, got 2% in this poll by Remington Research Group, a national polling firm, which asked questions of 672 Alaska likely primary voters.

The news is good for Begich, as nearly 70% of Alaska Primary voters believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, the poll shows. Peltola has tied her fortunes to President Biden, and hardliners like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, and socialist Rep. Pramila Jayapal. Peltola votes in line with President Biden 96% of the time.

Here are some of the questions and answers from the poll obtained by MRAK:

Q: Do you believe our country is headed on the right track, or going off in the wrong direction?
Right track: 20%
Wrong direction: 69%
Not sure: 10%
Voters were read one hypothetical ballot matchup for the 2024 Primary Election. In the matchup,
Republican Nick Begich is in a solid second place, with no other Republican candidate garnering double

Q: Possible candidates in the 2024 Primary Election for United States Congress are Mary Peltola:
Democrat, Nick Begich: Republican, Nancy Dahlstrom: Republican, Richard Grayson: No Labels and Chris
Bye: Libertarian. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Mary Peltola: 42%
Nick Begich: 28%
Nancy Dahlstrom: 9%
Richard Grayson: 2%
Chris Bye: 7%
Undecided: 11%

The poll shows that years in government is not necessarily an advantage to a candidate in Alaska. This question on the poll, while not mentioning Begich, is going to be important to his campaign strategy as he fends off a Republican challenge from Dahlstrom, who has years of government service.

Q: When thinking about your candidate preference in a race for United States Congress, would you
prefer a candidate who has decades worth of experience in government, or a candidate who has decades
of private sector experience and started several successful small businesses?

Government experience: 32%
Private sector experience: 42%
Not sure/don’t care: 26%

Q: Do you believe candidates should step down from their current position in government when seeking
a higher political office?

Yes: 47%
No: 19%
Not sure: 33%

The top-line data as obtained by MRAK is in this document:


  1. Begich supports Trump and in Alaska more voters on the right support Begich.

    Nancy should do the job she ran on – fixing our voter roll.

    • Commissioner Tshibaka’s 110 page about election integrity (unredacted) should shed light on fixing our voter rolls and other election discrepancies about election integrity issues in Alaska. The Attorney General needs to release the 110 page document.

  2. Yep, Peltola will do her best to throw our state to the democrats who will destroy us. No oil, no gas, eeek, no HEAT, ELECTRICITY, cows, development, no Alaska! She NEEDS to go and Dahlstrom needs to back on out of the way. Nick is rhe man to best represent our state at the national level.

  3. #2 is not enough. If Begich is not at least 15 points ahead in polling, our new ranked choice voting system and mail-in ballots will ensure he loses. The Peltola Machine is strong. They’re out there, they can’t be bargained with, they don’t feel pity or remorse or shame. They want to win at any cost. The absolutely will not stop. Ever.

  4. Percentages don’t really mean much when conservatives split the vote. Two conservative candidates mean Peltola wins a second term. Dahistrom should pass on this election. Stay in the job she was just elected to do. Fix the broken election system and then look to step up. I am voting for Nick Begich

  5. Nick Begich is a solid conservative, Trump supporter, and pro-Alaska resource development, pro-life, and pro-second amendment, who Alaska needs representing us in Congress! If Alaska wants a new representative to lead our state in the US Congress. Nick Begich is our only real and clear Republican choice. Nancy Dahlstrom needs to finish the job she has been elected to do, as Lt. Governor, and perform the commitments she has made to fellow Republicans regarding election integrity.

    • Agree! We can’t beat Peltola unless we have just one Republican. Nancy Dahlstrom is a distant third. She should bow out and throw her support behind Begich who is almost 20 points ahead.

      • Or maybe someone else should enter. It’s not too late. I think Begich is a proven loser and will not beat the incumbant. We need a proven conservative and a proven winner. Is there such a person out there?

        • I agree.
          Begich comes from a Progressive liberal family.
          At best, he’s a RINO, at best – Sullivanesque.
          He couldn’t even beat Palin.
          All of his supporters are the types that vote for Jeb, McCain, Romney, Graham, McConnel – they need to wake up.
          P.s. did Begich take the “clot” shot?

      • Where are the 2nd and 3rd Democratic party candidates for Alaska’s Congressional seat. Poor old Rhino’s keep jumping in to water down the vote against whatever Republican front runner there is for Congress.
        Even Joe B, a disaster in office, continues as the only legitimate Democratic front runner for President. Republicans have been debating one another for months. Should the Donald be elected, his end game may be just getting elected.
        Democrats are afraid to launch a “real candidate” for Alaska’s only Congressional seat. Proud Mary has been as effective for Alaska as has been her President.
        DEMOCRATS STAND UP. Where is your courage….?

  6. GO NB3! Fund raisers, money, and votes coming your way. If Dahlstrom doesn’t want to further soil herself, she’ll drop out now and you’ll be #1.

    • Dahlstrom seems to enjoy soiling herself. Having a big ego without much of a familiar name to voters ……
      is stinky business.

    • No, she is simply a not-so-secret Unipartyist.
      A stalwart minion and defender of the establishment status-quo.

      I have nothing but contempt for all such people — who are the vast, vast majority of all politicians in the USA today.

  7. The common denominator to the failed political woes rests in squarely is the woke – liberal Democrat. WAKE UP Alaskans … Vote these traitors (ie: Trojan Horses) out of office!
    Nik Big-Itchand his ilk are the problem.

  8. The 20% who think this nightmare is headed the right direction should put down their meth pipe. In 3 years these bozos have about tanked our country. Biden and his ilk make my gag reflex come full awake. Corrupt, evil, rotten bastards. Un American traders.

  9. why is nancy running? she can’t win the race and will cause begich to lose. she should stick to the job she ran for less than a year ago and work on the election process, transparency and voter rolls!

    • The party can just ignore her and support begich getting his name out there. He will need to also gain the trust of todays Moderate Alaskan leaders who support Murkowski, Sullivan, and Dunleavy, and supported Young Cause regardless he campaigning as a conservative Begich will have to work them like Sullivan. This state is heavy on federal government aid whether one like it or not, Alaskans think they will die without it tsk tsk tsk. Fact.

    • I take that back. The party leadership Ignoring dahlstrom might not be wise. They’ll have to handle it delicately since she’s one of the older leaders whom could be helpful to republicans beating Peltola with Begich’s win.

  10. The only way a Republican loses this race is because Republicans refuse to come to grips with Rank voting. Rank voting is stupid and should be abolished, but it is currently how voting is done. If you want a Democrat as your Representative in Congress then keep complaining about how having two Republicans splits the vote, that’s not how Rank voting works, at all.

    Unless, and until Republicans come to grips with the reality that Rank voting is how voting is done we will continue to send hardcore leftists to Congress.

    • Exactly. We have to rank the Republicans. People place blame everywhere else, but the voters did it. We failed to rank both Republicans last time around. That’s how Peltola won. You can’t split the vote with ranked choice, you just haven’t to select options 1 and 2.

  11. If Dahlstrom wasn’t in the race, her 9% added to Nicks’ percentage would bring him within 5% of Peltola.
    As it stands right now, we have Dahlstrom pulling a Palin, meaning another fake Conservative splitting the vote and giving another win to Peltola.

    This does not bode well….

  12. The democrats have figured out that, even with rcv, if you only push one candidate forward, your chances of winning go up exponentially. IF republicans can decide to play by the stupid rules that we have to play by for now, we also will exponentially increase our chances of putting a republican into office. But republicans have to quit playing by the old rules acting like the rcv crap doesn’t exist. Any republican is better than Peltola. Keep that in mind when voting folks.

  13. Vote only 1 Republican this time as the number one. You can have Begich 1 and Dalstrom 2 or Dalstrom 1 and Begich 2 like palin vs Begich or Gara vs Walker the number 1 and number 2 votes got all screwed up. It’s one or the other. Begich was there first, I’d support him over any Republican entering. more likely they are self serving or serving Alaska corrupt leadership to enter late or they are just dumb.

  14. Vote only 1 Republican this time as the number one. You can ‘t have Begich 1 and Dalstrom 2 or Dalstrom 1 and Begich 2 like palin vs Begich or Gara vs Walker the number 1 and number 2. The votes got all screwed up. It’s one or the other. Begich was there first, I’d support him over any Republican entering. more likely they are self serving or serving Alaska corrupt leadership to enter late or they are just dumb.

  15. Running two Republicans guarantees we lose the seat to a Demoncrat (yes, I spelled it that way intentionally). Demoncrats are committed to ruining first each city and state they gain control of, and the country as quickly as they can. If the Alaska RNC doesn’t manage this better than the Palin vs. Begiech vs. Peltola race – then the disaster that is ranked choice voting will guarantee Peltola another term. Come on Republicans….stop shooting yourself in the foot.

  16. We need someone better. Begich can’t win. He looses everytime even for city assebly. Maybe he can win dog catcher, or maybe not. Lets hope somone better jumps in while there is time.

  17. I agree Ak Vote. What we need is a good old CAT FIGHT. Kelly Thishbaka clawing Mary to shreds on the Red vs Blue issues. Nick and Nancy can’t, won’t, don’t fight.

  18. 2nd place is the first loser, Nancy needs to step down and let Nick battle this one out with ineffective Mary.

  19. I agree that Nancy needs to step down since we have the communist rank choice voting which she is not willing to get rid of. That should speak for itself. Alot of signatures stating we voting against rank choice. It will be on the ballot. Alaska let’s get our republican constitutional freedoms back and get involved with hand counted ballots for our national election., local, and state election. The primaries were corrupted by dishonesty with Lisa years ago. Let’s clean up Alaska so it can be a blessing to us and the nation, the Union..

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