About half of voters polled by the Rasmussen Reports company expect violence to occur when the election results are revealed after Nov. 5.
In a quick poll conducted by Must Read Alaska on X/Twitter, 89% of respondents said they think Democrats will riot and ransack cities if Trump wins. That is not a scientific poll, however.
In the Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey, 51% of likely voters believe it’s likely there will be a violent reaction if Vice President Kamala Harris is elected president, including 26% who say such a reaction is Very Likely.
However, 47% also think a violent reaction is likely if former President Donald Trump wins, including 23% who say violence is very likely to follow a Trump victory.
To see survey question wording, click here.
The survey was conducted among almost 3,000 voters on Oct. 17, and 20-21.
Voters have strong feelings about this election with both presidential candidates evoking emotional responses from people. Those who do not like Donald Trump have severe reaction to him, known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Already in this campaign cycle, at least two known assassination attempts have been made on Trump, and Kamala Harris continues to compare him to Hitler, stoking deep emotional responses from Trump-haters and providing cover for a violent reaction to his election.

This week, President Joe Biden said it is time to lock up Trump, before he bumbled his way into explaining he meant something different.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a term traced back to the late political writer Charles Krauthammer, who first came up with the phrase “Bush derangement syndrome” in 2003.
Krauthammer, who was no fan of Trump’s, said Trump Derangement Syndrome is like a “general hysteria” that resulted in an “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology” in Trump’s behavior.
Later, others have noted that the hatred some people have of Trump impairs their judgment.
“Signs of TDS can be observed along a continuum of reactions, ranging from verbal expressions of intense hostility toward President Trump to overt acts of aggression and even violence against anyone supporting or anything symbolizing him. The recent assassination attempt on Trump’s life provides compelling evidence of the volatility and potential dangers of TDS if left unchecked,” writes psychologist Alex Pattakos Ph.D. in Psychology Today. “In the case of TDS, “Donald Trump,” broadly defined to include anything associated with him, has come to represent such an unconditional stimulus. As such, it triggers what appears to be an automatic response or reaction.”
If Trump wins, which I don’t think will happen sadly, we will see round 2 of the 2020 riots. Much worse and on a much larger scale. Between brainwashed liberals and all the thugs that have crossed our border, we will need the National Guard if not the military itself.
Every man to his best judgement–you certainly can’t get more than that out of anybody. Whatever may be will be. I have no hope in the promise of man.
Charles Krauthammer was not just a pundit, he was also a board certified psychiatrist.
There will be protests, probably some riots, if Trump wins. As happened in 2016.
If Harris wins, there might be another attempt to sack the Capitol and overturn a legitimate election at Trump’s urging. As happened in 2021.
One of these outcomes is worse for the US than the other.
There will not be another event at the Capital. Unlike the folks on the left, the people on the right are smart enough not to make the same mistake twice.
And, “at Trump’s urging?” Seriously, even CNN is dropping those claims.
Gee… I wonder… which outcome would to see as worse for the US? Based on your comments here on MRAK, I think you would be OK with the rioting, versus some folks trespassing.
If I had to choose between rioting and insurrection, I’ll go with rioting. While destructive, the riots were an expression of anger and frustration (a stupid expression). January 6 was no mere trespassing. It was a concerted effort to subvert the peaceful transfer of power, based on lies told by Trump and his team of clown lawyers. Both are terrible, but one could lead to the downfall of our nation, the other results in a lot of buildings being burned.
If you really think Jan 6 was a non-event, then you’re a bigger idiot than I ever took you for.
What “insurrection?”
Sorry, Bill, but just using that word to describe the event does not make it an actual insurrection.
Now, if January 6th was really a concerted effort to subvert the peaceful transfer of power, Trump would still be in the White House. The MAGA crowd is very heavily armed. If they wanted to take over the seat of government, there would not be a member of Congress still alive today.
As to it leading to the downfall of the country, perhaps take a look at the reaction to the Jan 6th event. The amount of time expended by the DOJ to prosecute people who did nothing worse (as demonstrated by the security camera footage) than enter the Capital. What is worse? A bunch of people acting badly, or a side of the political aisle that uses that event as an excuse to destroy people’s lives with heavy handed prosecutions?
And, I did not call Jan 6th a “non-event” Try actually reading the words that were written. Idiots are the ones that do not check before making statements.
Most people that broke into the capitol, trying to disrupt proceedings, admitted that they are sorry they did what they did. Everyone makes mistakes, but you have to not allow yourself to be whipped up by a madman. Let him do his own bidding.
What exactly did this madman say that got the mob whipped up?
Please, provide quotes.
Nope. You have access just like I do. Look it up yourself. Don’t be lazy.
Once again, you have nothing.
Com’n Greg. It is like you are not even trying.
BTW, I did look it up. Harmless words. But, you already knew that. I suspect that is why you came back with this response.
Well, a pretty simple minded crowd if that is all it took to go down and destroy public property, trespass, disrupt preceeding. Why not just claim Jedi mind control in court to get off scott free.
Relax Bill….riots on the streets or on capitol hill since 1776 has not ended the USA.
“rioting and insurrection”…? Both are violence with political gain. Kind of like those “mostly peaceful protests”. BLM/antifa burned and looted 2 billion dollars over one summer. Exactly how much damage did the J6’ers do..?
Sounds like you need professional help.
All leftists need professional help.
You don’t see the difference? How have you been since the surgery?
They were stopped before they could do little more than cosmetic damage.
You have an error in your comment. You wrote:
“They were stopped before they could do little more than cosmetic damage.”
What really happened was:
“They stopped before they could do little more than cosmetic damage.”
No need to thank me, I am glad to help.
I love it. Lol.
The event you are referencing indeed had the presence of bad actors and operatives who had a sole purpose of creating a hostile environment. You had operatives shouting at people to storm the capital, one man was called out as a fed. You had authorities firing weapons upon the crown outside. You had guards escorting the peaceful protesters inside while authorities stood by and watched as actual rioters destroyed parts of the building. Magnetic locking doors were opened and people freely toured the inside.
Innocent participants were the ones captured and punished while that actual violent operatives were able to avoid media scrutiny ( for the most part).
Ray Epps who was on video shouting for the invasion was let go free.
Jan 6 was no MAGA insurrection. It was theater. It was a psychological operation. It was a tool to create a narrative that half of the country’s voters are now all to be considered domestic terrorists. (Understand the dangers of the Patriot Act in reference to terrorism).
Then there is the useful sheep such as yourself who believe the media establishment. You actually think that half of your countrymen are violent insurrectionist. You have allowed the enemy of the people turn you into an enemy of a free people.
A sad day when the brainwashed are shown the truth on a daily basis but willingly choose to believe comfortable lies.
“A sad day when the brainwashed are shown the truth on a daily basis but willingly choose to believe comfortable lies.”
Which is the de facto definition (and purpose) of what you are actually meaning when you use the term ‘brainwashing’.
Trump will unleash the MAGA crowd once again upon his defeat. He still his butt hurt from losing in 2020 and refuses to this day that he lost. He knows prison is in his future and will do everything in his power to avoid it. After the election is called for VP Harris judges need to have him turn in his passport immediately, as he will be a flight risk. He knows his days of freedom are coming to an end soon! LOCK HIM UP!
The MAGA crowd is better armed than the US Military, and certainly better armed than the US Capital police. If Trump really wanted to unleash some violence, there would not be a single member of Congress breathing after Jan 6th.
Better armed than the military! Put down the pipe CB, it’s going right to your head lol.
How many combat ready troops are in the military?
How many rifles does the military have?
How many handguns?
How many rounds of ammo? (oh… they military may be ahead on that front.)
Do you know the answer to those questions, Janice? No? Thought so.
Go find out the answers, and come back here with some real facts.
Just the folks in northern Idaho and northern Arkansas. The rest are labored with semi automatic tools.
Relax….sounds like the only persons that is butt hurt is you.
If he loses you may be right.
Here is what I think is going to happen. Trump will win and as promised, He said he’s going to fire a bunch of people, including prosecutors, which means he likely is going to be an obstructionist of justice. That’s going to lead to another impeachment and possibly this time it’s going to stick, and he will be forcibly removed from office. He won’t go easily mind you, and without the support of the joint chiefs and the military, he has little hope of staying in office. There will be outlying skirmishes, and yes, some guerrilla type activity and
we can always rely on the Portland and Seattle and Chicago crowd to burn a few cars. Trump will declare martial law this time.
Some states will comply, and others will look the other way I don’t think it will be a full fledge civil war. Now russia, china and north korea, and also iran are going to notice this and use this opportunity to take their cheap shot, which, if that happens, we might be looking at armageddon. So if I was still in Alaska, I’d be buying up all the pork and beans and Spam and fruit cocktail, I could get my hands-on and start boarding up the windows. Don’t forget to buy a bottle of iodine pills. Your thyroid will thank you if there are nukes flying around.
Iodine pills won’t save you if nukes become involved. No on will survive the aftermath.
Depends on the blast radius.
It’s not the initial blast effect that will be the real disaster. It will be the permanent off-switch of all things electronic/digital from overlapping EMP’s and the subsequent collapse of the economy; long-term radioactive fallout; collapse of global agriculture.
You very well may survive an initial blast; question is, will you want to?
Good point. Want to be around to see JC and the boys return.
No it does not, no will survive a nuke with multiple headed projectiles. Nor will you survive the following nuclear winter. Thanks for playing.
I’m not talking about surviving and multi warhead blast. I only know of a few people that could survive that, and they crawl out from underneath a rock in asia. I’m talking about residual radiation left over from nuclear blasts, which, if you are old enough to know that’s why they started putting iodine in salt?What’s so people would have iodine in their system because of the cold war fears. I’m sorry.I wasn’t more clear in my definition.
Well most of today’s nukes carry multiple warheads. You can run but won’t be able to hide.
What events during Trump’s first term as President make you think any of that is going to actually happen?
The man was in the Oval Office for four years, and what dictatorial/tyrannical steps did he actually take? (No, Jan 6th is not one. Even the leftist news media admits he did not cause a riot). What do you have?
Yes, the man says a lot of things that he should not, especially about firing people, but in reality, what has he actually done? Did he really prosecute Hillary Clinton after saying he was going to? He could have, but did not. Do you really think he is going to prosecute Biden, Harris, or even that traitor Kelly? I doubt it.
So, what exact actions did Trump take when he was President that makes you think he will escalate if he wins?
Trump was caught off guard with the whole russia collusion thing, and later the impeachment actually both of them. It’s more about what he said now granted he’s 4 years more deranged and angry and bitter and older, so take all those things into consideration plus he’s always had a loose mouth and probably says things that he really is incapable of doing or only wishes that he could do. But when a tyrant and a madman, gets control of the reins, you don’t know if he’s gonna drive that buggy. Around in circles or over a cliff.
So, you have nothing then?
Just what I said. Call it as you wish.
Exactly. Nothing.
Funny man you are Greg….time for you to get a comedy show gig.
Thank you…thank you very much!
Please don’t feed the troll
It’s always enlightening, when someone’s ignorance and hatred shine through brightly. Simply put, if you don’t have anything nice to say, why say anything at all?
“It’s always enlightening, when someone’s ignorance and hatred shine through brightly.”
Just like in every single post you have on MRAK that concerns President Trump in any way.
“Simply put, if you don’t have anything nice to say, why say anything at all?”
Good question. Why don’t you ask yourself.
I just repeat the truth. Something that often evades your posts.
Trump will lose and keep selling his collectible toilet paper on late night TV, calm down.
Hey there Forker, since you are so enlightened and are so sure that when Trump is elected he is planning on doing the EXACT SAME THING that the dem-dems did to him, why don’t you pull off your blinders and look and see where all the hate, anger, and vitriol is coming from. Newsflash, it isn’t coming from the Conservatives. Thing is, Conservatives believe that an armed society is a polite society and we WILL legally protect our lives and families if attacked by the crazed lunatics who are, and have been, fueled by the leftist dem-dems.
In the ever narrowing chance that Trump loses, AS LONG AS THERE IS FULL TRANSPARENCY, CHECKED AND CROSS CHECKED, nothing will happen. If however the same shenanigans happen as happened in 2020, what would you expect? The 3AM huge bump in ballots tallied singularly for the Bumbler… statistically impossible. If this happens again for the media created dem-dem candidate, seriously, would you expect the vast quiet majority will just ignore this as the nation continues to be decimated? If so, you are unreasonable.
Thank you for the compliment. However, it was only my opinion. I have no inside track, only approaching seventy years now of watching history transfold and drawing a conclusion from human nature.
70 years you say? Did you serve in Vietnam, or were you a draft dodger? MRAK commentors would like to know.
No. It was over by then. I was playing football in college.
No if you are 70, you were of age to serve. Me thinks I smell a lie
Son, go back and read and try to comprehend what you read. I said approaching 70. Not 70. I missed the war by 2 years.
Greg, firing of most of the DOJ will be an act of Justice.
There, fixed it for you.
I can’t argue with that.
Hitler: Committed mass genocide, both of his own citizens, and citizens of neighboring countries that he invaded, got the entire world embroiled in a world war.
Trump: No wars or major conflicts during 4 years in office.
Democrats: “Trump is LITERALLY Hitler!!!!”
Also Democrats: Falsely accusing everyone else of doing exactly what they are doing…..
His generals kept us out of wars.
What wars?
Which Generals?
Let’s add General Kelly to that list. You know, chief of staff?
What wars were being when he was chief of staff? Which global conflicts did he advise against escalating? When?
Who actually witnessed Kelly providing that advice?
(Asking because Kelly seems to have heard a LOT of things Trump said when no one else there did. )
Just what I said. Call it as you wish.
That’s classified.
Just as I thought.
You have a vivid imagination, Greg. Very vivid.
Funny you cannot seem to apply that imagination to any scenario except those that bad mouth Trump.
Only so many hours in a day.
The guy whom trump fired? Couldn’t be he’s telling lies about him. Might want to look into general kelly who runs organizations which care for poor imigrant children. Might fear his organizations may take a loss with the return of 45.
Ok, then 11 other staff members.
Who, the two which he fired?
What drugs are you tripping on?
Oh I don’t know.Let’s start with the joint chiefs.
Sounds like an assumption to me.
Tell me, what war did Trump try to push the US into? When? When did he approach the military and say we need to get the army or air force involved? When did this happen?
From what I can see based on your comments here, you just assume Trump was constantly flying off the handle and threatening to unleash the US military at the drop of a hat. So, if that is even remotely true, you could point to plenty of instances where the Joint Chiefs calmed him down for the good of the country.
So, where are they?
Trump commander in chief, they joint chiefs answered to trump, not him answering to him. Do you not know the chain of command?
Yes. The Chiefs took an oath. Their boss is the Constitution. You done yet?
Why is it when someone disagrees with another person, the first thing they pull out of their holster is to claim that someone’s doing illicit drugs?
Nothing witty?
Democrats have been calling Republicans fascists and comparing them to Hitler for decades ‘https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3201957/reductio-ad-hitlerum-60-years-democrats-falsely-calling-republican-nominee-fascist/’ Now granted Democrats have a long established record of being completely wrong about just about everything, but that’s never stopped them from letting everyone know they are wrong time and time again.
And it’s caused by the politicians doing everything they can IE lying stealing using the law and any other dirty trick to get elected so they can continue personal gain.
Kamala is doing what she does best.
In 2020 she consistently told rioters not to stop.
Why should she flip flop on that?
Thats the only thing she knows.
This article begs credulity given that the biggest political violence related to an election in our history came from MAGA fanatics. More blind, biased reporting from MRAK.
Good thing there are facts, none of which you presented. 2 people died on J 6, Ashley Babbit and Rosalind Boyle, both at the hands of capitol police. How many died and how much destruction occurred during the 2020 pink Floyd riots. Nuff said.
The only thing blind and biased is your delusional brain and statement. The riots perpetrated by ANTIFA and BLM and the encouragement of the left including Harris during the GF riots were worse than anything your pea brain can imagine during the J6 that you and others want to claim was insurrection. If that was an insurrection than when the left installs the police state you will see something not happened since the civil war as we cleanse the government and as the Constitution and Bill of Rights declares is the right of the citizens.
All this saber rattling using butter knives and plastic ones at that
I guess you were not alive when the riots ran rampant through DC on Jan 20, 2017. You write pretty well for someone who is less than eight years old. Because anyone with half a brain remembers the Disrupt J20 riots.
But, you go ahead and keep living in your little bubble. It is kind of cute actually, watching you display your lack of knowledge.
Awww, such a good little Democrat *pats on head
Lying through your teeth just like your Leftwing masters tell you to.
It was the Democrats who did over $3 BILLION in damages nationwide, as they embarked on an orgy of violence and destruction, but is cute that you tried to blame the other side…..
There will absolutely, 100% assuredly be violence after the election.
If Trump wins, you can rest assured the left will not settle for screaming at the sky. The riots honoring a drug addicted criminal will pale in comparison. This will, of course, be described as peaceful protesting by the news media.
However, if Harris wins, the folks on the right might assemble on the National Mall and give a few speeches, and wave a few signs. Perhaps someone will defend themselves from a counter protester. And, the protesters will clean up their mess before they lave the Mall. The news media will portray this as a “violent” demonstration.
Your Harris winning scenario is completely debunked by history. I know you MAGAs love to pretend Jan 6 was just a peaceful protest, but deep down inside you’re not that blind and stupid, I hope. As for the cleaning up? Countless pictures of MAGA events showing the mess they left behind, and the many unpaid bills to local governments.
The most directed violence against this nation’s peaceful transfer of power has been perpetrated by Trump and his MAGA crowds. That doesn’t excuse the other violence perpetrated by anti-MAGA goons by any means, but spare me your revisionist history of January 6.
“Your Harris winning scenario is completely debunked by history.”
No it is not. BLM riots were mostly peaceful, per the news media. The folks that took over blocks in Seattle and Portland were not insurrectionists, despite the fact the created their own country. But… a conservative waves a sign, and the news media are all “See how violent that is!”
And morons believe it.
I do not pretend Jan 6th is a peaceful protest. But, despite the insistence of the left, it was not an insurrection. If it were, Trump would still be President. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either blind or stupid.
Check out DisruptJ20 before you make claims like “The most directed violence against this nation’s peaceful transfer of power has been perpetrated by Trump and his MAGA crowds.”
“But… a conservative waves a sign, and the news media are all “See how violent that is!”
Yeah, that’s not all Jan 6 was about. Nobody cares if a conservative waves a sign. But break into the capitol? Yeah, people will care about that.
And just because Meal Team 6 couldn’t successfully pull off their objective doesn’t mean it wasn’t an insurrection attempt, albeit an ineffective and pitiful one.
Leftists disrupt the Senate during a Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearing. Not an insurrection.
Pro hamass protestors storm Capital…. not an insurrection.
An organization decides to disrupt an inauguration… Not an insurrection.
But, someone who supports the candidate you do not like, ZOMG!!!! GASP! The HORRORS! It is an insurrection that almost toppled the entire USA!!!!
It is interesting how well you have just illustrated my point. The news media, the leftists/globalists, and those who are too wrapped up in hatred for a Presidential candidate will insist on elevating any action the do not like into a horrific crime.
And the no body cares if a conservative waves a sign, tell that to the news media that does exactly what you are doing. Elevating a minor action into some kind of horrific offense. How many times have the talking heads ignored democrats saying they will fight for their constituents, but if a Republican says it, it is a call to violence. Tell me I am wrong on that. Go ahead.
I assume, since you repeatedly use the term, that you know what an insurrection is. I also assume that you can share with us all of the people charged with insurrection for the events you continue to describe as an insurrection, please feel free to share names and when they were convicted of insurrection.
Are you saying the cops shouldn’t have knelt on his neck and killed him?
The cops did not kill him.
His drug addition did.
The ME did not find any evidence of trauma to his neck that was sufficient to stop him from breathing.
Pink Floyd’s cause of death was drug over dose. That’s what happens when you ingest your entire stash of fentanyl greg
Fascinating… like China flu herd immunity, a vast resistance to TDS which seems just as unacceptable to our Ruling Class.
All Democrats appear to be alike. They accuse Republicans and Conservatives of doing the exact things that Democrats do. Is this the theme of “Rules For Radicals?”
Polls are dumb, I’M pretty sure it won’t happen in Alaska Our law enforcement won’t put up with that crap nor will the residents
Kamala Harris, project much? Typical projectionist, seditionist democrat.
What do you expect with the current batch of politicians that lie steel cheat to get in a place of power and then use the law and money to hold the population in check.
This problem is largely caused by the politicians and they’re lying and doing anything they can to get into power so they can steal the taxpayers money and hold the law over their head.
One thing that we haven’t discussed here is what happens when the convicted felon trump, wins the election and gets thrown in jail by the judge? What happens then? Does that provoke some to commit felonies of their own, or do they let the justice system play out? The supreme court is going to remain neutral on this because they have no ground to stand on it simply is not their case. Being convicted of 30 plus felonies is no small feat. Trump has said he would fire the prosecutor on day one if he’s elected, but he can’t fire a judge.
It is really cute that you still think that conviction is actually proof of anything.
I know I am not a lawyer, but even with my rudimentary knowledge of law and court proceedings, I know this will not stand up to an appeal. If all charges are not thrown out, and Alvin Bragg censured, I would be surprised. (And, no… I do not actually think the NYC appeals court will do that, I will have to be elevated.)
Be that as it may, right now as I check my Florida watch and it’s approaching 3 p m, trump is nevertheless a multifelon.
He is a FINO at best.
As I think I said on another article, if you knew someone who got the treatment Trump did in that courtroom, you would be outraged about it. And, if I remember correctly, you deflected by saying you do not know any felons. Which, also means you have absolutely zero ability to imagine how you would react in a training scenario because…. you are not in the actual situation.
No, the reality is you were forced to choose. Either admit Trump got shafted in NYC, or deflect, and you chose to deflect.
Trump presented his case and was found guilty.That’s the way the system works, or in your case, that’s how the cookie crumbles.
Trump did not present his case. His defense wanted to call a witness from the FEC that would have destroyed the claims of the DA, and the judge denied his defense from doing so.
And… once again. Deflection. You cannot admit that if you, or someone you know, were treated the way Trump was by Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan that you would be outraged.
Nice try though.
I’m a counterpuncher. Better than you are. Give up.
You are absolutely awful as a counterpuncher. So far, you have yet to land a single hit.
Outright ignoring a questions and points made is not counterpunching. (Whatever that is in relation to on-line comment boards…)
You’re on the ropes. Lol
You haven’t hit anything except yourself. Keep swinging and maybe you will land one on your mirror.
Since when do Kangaroo Court “felonies” that literally no other person in the United States would be “convicted” on equate to any semblance of anything other than political lawfare? And yes, if / when Trump is elected, of course those who have waged this lawfare have reason for personal concern. Especially if / when both the house and senate are controlled by the Republicans, then the perpetrators of the lawfare like Jamie Ratskin, et.al., will have no voice.
I guess the definition of a kangaroo court In this case is going to be up to the appeals courts to decide.
I expect that if Harris wins, she will press for more and more restrictive regulations on the public (especially the objects of “progressive” disdain, until real violence breaks out from pushing too far in the direction of totalitarian control.
If the past is any indication of the future, I’m sure the FBI has plans for both scenarios!
I’m sure they do. The question is which secret service person has drawn the short straw, and is going to get locked up with trump?
Explain to me how J6 was more of a threat to our Constitutional Republic than the Democrats’ coup on Joe Biden? Anyone from the left? Crickets.
One was committed by leftists, the other by conservatives.
One was a legal preceeding, the other a disgruntled mob. Fixed it no charge.
I hope I am wrong on this, God I hope so! Yet, the Lower 48 leftist’s, i.e. ANTIFA, BLM, etc. will riot when Trump wins. I have no doubt that our side if Camella wins will do anything violent. Yes, I see loads of lawsuits in the commie states as to election fraud, that is a no brainer.
We are “safe” here, since ANTIFA/BLM know that we are heavily armed and any rioting will be put down by our police an we the people.
Could a revolution happen after Camella became President and invoked attempts at confiscation of firearms and the other commie things she will try to do? Yes, that is a real possibility, that scares me even more for a lot of reasons.
Bottom line is. If Trump gets the Electoral College votes I hope all have plenty of food in storage! I would not doubt, like the 7.2 earthquake the stores will get a panic run on buying and clearing out the shelves.
My bet is that the riots in the Lower 48 will be substantial from Nov 6 to inauguration day. That is the really scary part. What is scarier is that Biden/Harris will either do nothing or invoke Marital Law and may even try to stop the inauguration (doubt but….) After inauguration of President Trump those riots will stop quickly
Don’t give your gun back. It’s your right unless you freely give it away.
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