Photoshop: Did they finally zip up Alan Gross’ pants?


It appears to be an open-and-shut case of photo-doctoring.

An earlier version of the door-hanger showing Senate candidate Alan Gross walking on a dock in the photoshopped rain caught the eye of several Alaskans: His zipper was down. Really down — as seen on the photo at left, above.

These things happen, but rarely in political campaign advertising. Gross, a millionaire doctor, has a multi-million-dollar campaign going, one of the most expensive in state history, and the best ad agencies money can buy.

Now, through the miracle of Photoshop tools, the jeans are zipped up in the current version of the flyer.

Gross’ ad doctoring is one example of just how easy it is to make things right — or at least better than reality — with tools available to designers.

“Pity the poor ad guy who had to zip up Gross’ pants,” noted one eagle-eyed critic. “But at least, unlike [Mayor] Ethan Berkowitz, he had pants on, even if they weren’t zipped.”


  1. Got to hand it to the people at the advertising agency for not noticing. Why would anyone be looking there?

  2. Al is a left wing self-entitled windbag heavily funded by the most extreme elements of the Democrat Party who could do severe damage to our State.

    And this is what we are talking about?

    I want to cry softly into my pillow for us.

    • Chris, I think it was intentional. Allen Gross has bragged about having the “cajones”. It is the posturing of a bully. Allen thinks he is a “real” Alaska man opposed to some skinny long distance runner and Marine officer from Ohio.
      And yes unfortunately it comes down to this, the devil is in the details.

  3. “But at least, unlike [Mayor] Ethan Berkowitz, he had pants on, even if they weren’t zipped.”
    Hahaha … good one.

    • Hunter Moon was more telling than Berkowitz Blue Moon!
      Hence media coverup. But really now, nothing like the Stevens coverup! Lawless in Alaska? Too little, too late! Poisoning the well!

  4. Did they really think that a picture of a man who is apparently too stupid to put on the raincoat that he’s carrying over his shoulder……was a good thing?

  5. A little levity was OK for me. It happens to us guys and we shrug it off. And yes, folks make fun of us guys when we somehow forget. Hey, we have a lot on our mind and forget sometimes! That “male privilege” allows us to not have to run home crying when someone makes fun of us. Thus, men and women play along with the teasing.

  6. “Gross, a millionaire doctor”… Good grief. Who do you think your darling of a candidate Dan Sullivan is? Honestly? He’s literally a member of the 1%: a billionaire family scion born with a silver spoon in his mouth.. get real Susan. I solely check this blog to review the most right wing bias of AK politics available on the internet. People need to wake up and see that Sullivan does not have the best interest of Alaskan’s at heart. He only works for the “business-as-usual”, capitalistic regime and military-industrial complex. IE, selling out the environment and working man for the benefit of the fellow 1%. The exact policies, value system and vision that put us where we are today. Wake up folks.

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