Petersburg Catholic Church burns


Petersburg’s Catholic Church, St. Catherine of Sienna, burned on Thursday and appears completely destroyed. Volunteer firefighters fought the blaze for over 10 hours, as smoke poured down the street.

The fire began while people were inside the church preparing to receive communion in the noon hour. All inside were able to escape.

Sources say that the fire was started by someone who was burning weeds around the outside of the building, and the fire got away from him. Firefighters said the structure is a total loss. Although the sanctuary was largely spared, the smoke damage is extensive.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office will investigate the blaze.

A votive Mass of Saint Catherine of Siena was celebrated Friday morning at Holy Cross Parish in Anchorage for the people of St Catherine’s Parish.

Photo: St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Facebook page.


  1. Damn. It was a nice, welcoming place.

    Hopefully the Catholic communities of Alaska and some friends in faith can help run the rebuild. And maybe a class on why NOT to burn weeds next to a building.

  2. Is there any chance Princess tried to go in and the church spontaneously combusted?

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