Permanent Fund dividend amount announced


The Department of Revenue announced the 2024 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend on Thursday: It will be $1,702.

The amount of the 2024 PFD was calculated by utilizing the amount available for distribution from the Permanent Fund earnings account and dividing it by the number of eligible applicants.

For the 2024 PFD, the Legislature allocated a total of $914,315,845 for distribution.

The $1,702.00 amount includes the permanent fund dividend in the sum amount of $1,403.83, and a one-time energy relief payment of $298.17 added by the Legislature in 2023. More than 600,000 Alaskans have already been determined eligible for this year’s distribution, the department said.

“This is the 43rd year Alaskans have received their share of the state’s natural resources and investment earnings. The 2024 PFD will create an economic opportunity across all of our local communities,” said Department of Revenue Commissioner Adam Crum. “I want to thank and recognize the Governor and the Legislature for their commitment and continued support to Alaskans in providing the energy relief payment during a time of rising energy costs and high inflation.”

For 2024 PFD applications that were filed electronically, requested direct deposit, and are in “Eligible-Not Paid” status as of September 20, 2024, payment will be disbursed on Oct. 3.

For 2024 PFD applications that are in “Eligible-Not Paid” status as of October 18, 2024, payment will be disbursed on October 26, 2024.  This includes 2024 paper and electronic applications, requested direct deposit and check payments.

Alaskans are encouraged to use the state’s website, MyPFD, to check the status of their PFD application.


  1. ““This is the 43rd year Alaskans have received their share of the state’s natural resources and investment earnings.””

    Actually, the state is taking more than its fair share and has been since 2016, but then, we all know this. They continue to break the law.

    Thanks for sharing, SD!

    • Manda if our APF Trustee’s & your Legislators were Bonded as their corporate by-laws require them, & your Legislators AS 39.050.050 & AS 39.15.010 – 100 you could do an “Action on their Bonds” & the Legislators for the amount they fail to paying you! But none are bonded including Revenue Commissioner Adam Crum who was and still is required upon swearing oath of office. Our public officials are mere Actors outside the Law & 99 % of Alaskans have no knowledge of this! If you want my powerpoint on this issue email me at ‘[email protected] it’s 33 pages long in pdf form. Liberty Ed Martin 907-252-7857

  2. We are not receiving our share as long as the legislature fails to follow the statutory formula.

    We are receiving the crumbs they throw us. For now.

    • MA, if our APF Trustee’s & your Legislators were Bonded as their corporate by-laws require them, & your Legislators AS 39.050.050 & AS 39.15.010 – 100 you could do an “Action on their Bonds” & the Legislators for the amount they fail to paying you! But none are bonded including Revenue Commissioner Adam Crum who was and still is required upon swearing oath of office. Our public officials are mere Actors outside the Law & 99 % of Alaskans have no knowledge of this! If you want my powerpoint on this issue email me at ‘[email protected] it’s 33 pages long in pdf form. Liberty Ed Martin 907-252-7857

  3. Thanks to Willy Walker for the miscalculation process.
    Shortchanging is expected with the onset of Bidenomics.

  4. Filthy fake clowns I cannot wait to see what GOD has planned for our oath breakers so help dem GOD ripped off by the ones who swore to GOD for we the people once more MAGA boooooooo

  5. So glad the wife and I left Anchorage last year. The $3,404 we would have received has been more than offset by much lower property taxes, much lower utilities, much lower food costs (and way fresher fruits/vegetables), lower insurance rates, lower fuel costs, no more paying AK Airlines overpriced air fares. And the best part, moved to a solid red state!

  6. I was always against a payout but hey, maybe a $50,000 per person is due and just do away with it… might have something to do with me having seven kids though…:)

    • The money is not the thing imho. It is the fact that the legislature is doing what they want to do instead of following how it was set up. A one-time pay-out is something that a person with no foresight would welcome. Kinda like getting the jabs without questioning what was in them or why are they being pushed so hard; and then finding out that the jabs (if not saline solution) are going to cause every recipient to cease to exist within 10 years or sooner due to turbo cancer, heart issues or one of the 1,000 or so possible medical issues listed.

  7. We don’t have an “official” state income tax, but we do have the PFD tax. What percent did the legislature take this year? They should be honest and call it what it is.

  8. So the lying little pieces of $&!¥ couldn’t even tell us the truth in their PFD amount when they passed the bill last spring. (McCabe, you are a thief)
    They included the amount from LAST year,s “energy check” from LAST year’s bill to make it look like they were giving us a bigger check than they actually were!?
    So this year’s actual check is $1,400…not the nearly $1,700 they claimed.

    I knew about last year’s extra money and assumed that would be on top of the nearly $1,700 they claimed to have allocated from this year’s budget.

    What a bunch of scamming scumbags. (That includes you, McCabe)

  9. I have no problem with the State taking a portion of the PFD for operational use. This was only supposed to happen if the State cut the budget to show they are really serious about having to use money destined for us, the owners go to the state. The State never cut the budget but still takes the money.

    An IT company told me the IT department that helps fix problems for workers, not one technician has returned to work from COVID yet. They all work remote but the problem is that the hardware that needs work, (computers, servers,etc.) is just sitting at their department not getting worked on since no one has returned to the office. Amazing even with a Republican Governor that state workers are still allowed remote work when Amazon is telling everyone to come back.

    Remember, Dunleavey tried to cut the budget when first elected and all the reps/senators balked at it. We need to continue to fight to get this money returned until they want to seriously look at the state budget.

    • How can you say you don’t have a problem with Bert Stedman taking a share of our pfd monies. You do realize it goes to there individual interest I don’t see any of it unless your union
      There stealing from the kids,,,, your taxing us cause now after giving themselves a pay raise there in the Top 20% of income earners.

    • I have multiple, multiple, multiple problems with the legislature taking money legally owed the citizens.

      It’s not our responsibility to help fund a wildly out of control, inefficient state government.

      If the legislature wants to buy us out, fine.

  10. So if the state is going to continue to steal half of our PFD or more than half, then we are citizens should expect that any kind of license from the state is free no fee to camp at the campgrounds. It should not cost the state residence a penny for any state programs or revenue. That’s the least they could do since they’re stealing from Alaskan residence.

  11. Forget dollars, they are dying with the Central Banking System. Start paying out the PFD in Bitcoin or Silver!

  12. This equates to about a 300 million dollar payment to IRS. Too bad we can’t use this billion dollars in a more substantial way.

  13. According to information this month from the Legislative Finance Division, the amount of the 2024 PFD would be $3,570 if legislators followed the PFD formula in current state law.

    The $298.17 so-called “energy payment” was passed by the legislature last year, but legislators delayed distributing it until this year to make this year’s dividend appear larger. They took credit last year for passing it, and now they want to take credit for it again this year during an election year. In doing so, they are operating in bad faith on top of bad faith.

    Instead of receiving “their share” of the state’s investment earnings, thanks to house legislators who voted 39-1 on 4/8/24 to replace the governor’s budget that included the full PFD, Alaskans will instead receive only a fraction of their share of the 2024 PFD.

    Setting aside the $298 appropriated for energy relief last year, legislators voted to cut this year’s dividend by more than 60% this year, leaving only $1,403.83 of this year’s dividend for Alaskans. Special interests in Juneau won out this year. Alaskans did not.

    For anyone wanting to do the math for themselves, the 2024 full statutory PFD is $3,570.

    The actual amount appropriated this year for the 2024 PFD is $1,403.83.

    $1403.83/$3,570 = 39.32%

    100% (Full PFD) – 60.68% (the part of the PFD cut by legislators) = 39.32% (the part of the PFD leftover after legislators spent the rest).

    The final version of the budget (HB268, which included this year’s PFD) was passed on 5/15/24, with 27 Republicans and 12 Democrats/Independents voting AYE, and 6 Republicans (Carpenter, Eastman, Hughes, Myers, Shower, Stutes) and 15 Democrats/Independents voting NAY.

    The effective date for HB268 passed with voting AYE and only 4 Republicans, the Republican House/Senate Minority (Eastman, Hughes, Myers, Shower) voting NAY.

    Every legislator voted for the spending in this year’s capitol budget (SB187) except the Republican House/Senate Minority (Eastman, Hughes, Myers, Shower).

    SB187 is here:

    The budget passed by the legislature this year is here:

    The Dept. of Revenue Press Release is here:

    • Thank you for the run-down on this Rep. Eastman. I was wondering what the “a one-time energy relief payment of $298.17” was about. That payment is a crock of s—!

    • Keep in mind everyone that no taxes come out of the energy portion of the PFD check!
      Thank you David for your info! Thank you Hughes, Shower, Myers’s snd Eastman for your support!

  14. So, the scofflaw legislature is giving PFD recipients less than half the statutory amount of money owed to them & somehow we are supposed to be thankful to them?

  15. PFD commissioners are political appointees not certified financial planners or CFA’s. no wonder AK is in a mess. SOA is mismanaged by political hacks, not policy qualified individuals. you shouldn’t expect anything other than being shot in the foot by this administration, take STIP as the latest example.

    if you can’t do your best efforts to get free monies there are some real issues. imaginary thoughts and pandering do not equate to a reality payoff

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