Performing Arts Center says ‘no’ to ‘Save Anchorage’ banner on building


The management of the Performing Arts Center has told Save Anchorage it cannot hang a banner on the side of the Alaska Performing Arts building.

The Black Lives Matter banner that hung there for weeks is now down. It had been approved for the side of the building by the Berkowitz Administration through Oct. 2.

Jamie Allard, Assembly member for the Eagle River area, said the management of the center has been hard to reach, and has not returned her calls, but that a new email she received, there was a clear “no.”

The management of the PAC said that the current banner policy is being revisited due to the kerfuffle over the Black Lives Matter banner, which had turned the building wall into a “public forum.”

But so far the policy has not yet been changed, and that means the Save Anchorage group is being treated unfairly and that the municipality has showed preference to the Black Lives Matter group, Allard said.

In an email to Allard, the PAC management carefully wrote: “As a result of the complaint filed with his office, Municipal Ombudsman Darrel W. Hess informed ACPA that banners for events not happening inside the building create a ‘public forum’ and should not be allowed. As such, the current PAC banner policy is being revised to allow only PAC events to be advertised on any banners placed on the building and no banners that create a “’public forum’ be allowed.

The PAC’s banner policy is here:


  1. But…the little idiot mayor didn’t see this coming when he made the decision to place the Burn, Loot, Murder banner.

  2. Incompetence or discrimination. Either way, someone should be in trouble. Oh wait, the cause is righteous, so there are no consequences.

  3. No one is downtown to see any signs so it doesn’t matter…. so sad downtown Anchorage is on life support and no one wants to admit she’s so sick. PAC dead too unfortunate that they didn’t just have Art and Education on their mind. So much more depressing than the crazy incompetence in leadership about the signs. I am no lawyer but knew it was wrong to put up ANY political signs immediately. Why didn’t city advisors know this was going to invoke lawsuits on already broken system. I hope those get named in lawsuits so others can feel less bold with own agenda when it should be 100% civic minded.

    • Yes, just read the comments to this article for your answer. The intolerance to banners for a national movement to fight racial injustice is the bigger issue here. So you can’t have your PAC banners for Anchorage and this is somehow a huge miscarriage of justice. How to two could be compared is unfortunate. The fact that there is so much resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement speaks volumes to why it is so necessary.

      • This can flip on you. What say you then? Are you one that has the opinion as long as you are in support it’s ok?

  4. Oh the hypocrisy behind all of this…can’t wait until that (insert expletive or two) mayor of ours from San Francisco leaves office.

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