The two-hour fish debate in Kodiak is one of the big debates of the congressional race every two years. Rep. Mary Peltola went into the debate with apparent case of nerves, with her hands visibly shaking as she sorted through her volumes of notes on the debate stage. She fidgeted with her luxury jewelry, forced her smile at the audience, and drank from her bottle as she waited for her leading opponent Nick Begich to arrive, along with third-party candidate John Wayne Howe.
Howe admitted early in the debate that he knows little about the fishing industry in Alaska. His answers demonstrated that, and he acknowledged his strong suit is listening to people.
This was supposed to be Peltola’s area of subject expertise, and many expected it to be her best debate showing. Her debate at the Alaska Oil and Gas Association conference had been viewed as weak and had to be disappointing to her campaign team, who watched from the sidelines as she read every answer to the pre-provided questions.
But on Tuesday in Kodiak, Peltola started out by again reading her opening statement. Later spoke more extemporaneously. Only at times did she have a Kamala Harris word-salad moment. She had to review her own notes to remember the names of the bills she had sponsored. Begich poked fun at her for only being able to get four sponsors on bills, but even fewer votes on them.
While the debate was civil, Peltola had posted a message on her campaign page that said if people vote for Nick Begich, all the fish will be “GONE.”
She claims there will be no more fish if Begich is in Congress.
Peltola said, “If Nick Begich has it his way the fisheries we rely on won’t be around for future generations. Do not let this happen.”
When Begich called her out on her negativity and lies on Tuesday, she flatly denied posting that and said it was not her campaign that did it. But it was. Begich had caught her in a whopper. Here’s Peltola’s statement:
Peltola has cultivated a “nice” image, but as the race has tightened, she has started directly attacking Begich with force, with campaign mailers that falsely blame him for scams against seniors, and other made-up accusations. She is now attacking him for being in business, rather than in government like her, and now she says he has the power to eliminate fish from the planet.
The fish whopper was something Begich didn’t let her get away with. After he called her out on it, she said it was pathetic that the debate had “devolved a bit into petty backbiting.” Peltola tried to pivot away from her own attacks on Begich by saying that she had come to Kodiak to debate fish issues.
The Peltola who left Kodiak was not the same one who arrived. Upon her arrival, she posted a TikTok video of herself saying she was going to “tell Nick a little something about fish.”
When she left Kodiak, Peltola had been revealed to the fishing community as a liar: “I don’t know what attack ad is being referred to. I know nothing of this, that was not my ad.”
She is a politician so of course she lies.
Politicians will sell out their mothers and tell you what you want to hear then do what they want.
That road goes both ways.
So your more in favor of believing a Biden or Harris presidency ???? She peltola hasn’t done nothing to help Alaska ,,, she’s voted on every issue on the majority left vote. At least Don young cared about Alaska and voted with the majority right and continued alaskas prosperity
I don’t like any politician because they will lie to get elected.
We have over 300 million people and these are the best choice?
That’s the point I was trying to make.
The best people don’t run for public office because they don’t want their reputations trashed.
Are you trying to say a mother will sell out their politician child? That makes no sense.
What road are you talking about?
Sell your mother means a politician will say anything to get elected including putting mom under the bus.
Hopefully you got it.
Thanks Mark. I knew that.
I was wondering what Greg’s response meant. What road is he talking about, and it goes both ways means… what exactly?
Two wings same bird
Democrats keep Burger King functional when they order Whoppers. Lots of em. Extra sauce too.
Politicians and prostitutes will tell you whatever you want to hear if you pay them enough. Both are the oldest professions on earth. And both screw the people they serve, but the prostitute is at least honest about it.
Not her ad. Surprised She didn’t say it is Nick fault he posted those ads against himself and trying to blame me. Typical liberal response. It not my fault never take accountability of their actions. That is PITIFUL
The Puppet is finally called out….She has no business representing anyone in D.C..
If our little communities make Petola nervous how will be stand up to the big wigs in DC? She’ll melt!
She should make an appearance on the “View”.
She fits that category of lies and because she is a woman she is far superior to any male candidate.
Kamala would be thrilled with her performance.
Peltola is way over her head in this race. Begich is going to eat her lunch. Reminds me that Craig Compeau is hosting an early dinner of caribou brat, moose chili, and cornbread fundraiser for Nick today in Fairbanks. NO FISH!
That woman is a joke. A pathetic, lying, joke; and a poor excuse for a human being.
One of the reason I voted for Nick in ’22 and will again in ’24, is that he faced the public.
In ’22 he traveled to over 200 towns and villages, and held meetings with the residents, and took any all questions they asked, and answered them face to face.
He doesn’t hide from the voters and their questions, and proved himself very very educated and well versed on all the issues.
Peltola, when you lose will you let Lisa know she is next?
We gotta dump RCV first.
If Nick has the power to make all the fish go away, can he do the same with democrats?
I hope so. They stink as bad as rotting fish!
Vote R.E.D.
R.E.D. = Remove Every Democrat
Would it still be a two party system?
Yes of course if you remove all the democrats there will still be the republicans and the rinos that’s still two parties
Gotta give our little Mary this. She’s gonna go down swinging.
Swing and a miss hopefully it was strike three so the joy can return to AK when the mighty Mary strikes out.
Is she going down?
“…Rep. Mary Peltola went into the debate with apparent case of nerves, with her hands visibly shaking as she sorted through her volumes of notes on the debate stage. She fidgeted with her luxury jewelry, forced her smile at the audience, and drank from her bottle…”
That is a trait of people who do not know what they are doing and are in positions they did not earn.
Looking at the seating in that video, there is more space between Howe and Peltola than Howe and Begich. Lol Peltola, the only way you would win is if the evil “selects” you again. Our election will be rigged; we can see that already in the “mistakes” that Dahlstrom’s division has made.
*Debatable De-bait: “Peltola delivered such a staggering whopper, even the salmon were flapping their fins in disbelief! If political debates were fishing competitions, this one would definitely take home the trophy for ‘Most Sizable Stretch of the Truth’—now available with a side of fries!
While not very intelligent, she is very manipulative, cunning, and driven towards her objectives, her own self advancement.
Mary P is totally worthless and should just resign the position.
She should act according and QUIT
She is in way over her head.
Do we really expect our only congressman to be a one issue candidate which is not a leading revenue for the state and whose own party is against essentially all resource development? Does anyone think she has a single north pacific fishery ally in congress? Any oil or mining development ally in her party? Is there a single Democrat in congress that would promote any Alaskan issue over Climate, Green Energy, Abortion?
Does she have any ally in her party who has OUR back on any issue?
Nick should have hammered her on her Seattle Donors and her club for industry & politicians.
Another whopper is that Nick Begich referred to Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme. He is wrong of course. In a real Ponzi scheme you can decline to participate.
I believe Mary Petola on the whole represents Alaskan interests and Constitution better than Nick Begich. Too much emphasis on labels IMO
Frank, you believe a person with XY chromosomes is a woman because he said so. You believe the military age men crossing the southern border are actually women and children seeking a better life. You believe the current Presidential administration is doing a fantastic job.
Frankly (pun fully intended), your beliefs are indicative of someone who never actually reads past the headlines of politico, msnbc, and huffington post.
How so Frank? Please be specific?
You must not have watched the Kodiak forum. It was very clear Begich was the only candidate that actually understands the Alaska Constitution, and that Mary’s lofty promises don’t mean anything when there are so many layers of federal beaurocracy. Seriously, watch it.
A person cannot vote with Democrats on any national issue and represent Alaska. Our economy is reliant on resource extraction. The Democratic Party is against resource extraction. Simple as that.
I knew it! Begich is after the fish! All this talk about business was just a distraction! He wants the fish! How could we have been so stupid??!!
She should have just gone moose hunting this fall with her bush plane.
Yeah, and cut off a bear foot.
No moose hunting. ONLY husband hunting for No. 6. Careful, John. She may come calling. Like a predator.
Peltola was never elected, she was installed. Competency is not in the equation, she just has to follow orders.
Words from politicians mean nothing these days…however, voting records are real…Biden’s Peltola voted almost straight line with Biden / Harris policies or managed to avoid being present on legislation that was critical to Alaska’s oil and gas policies, mining, and land use and restrictions. She doesn’t hold a fishing rod correctly in her ridiculous sport fishing infomercial….and oh by the way…her reported $800,000 dollar house in Golden View doesn’t sound like Native subsistence and small village girl to me.
Rep. Mary Peltola is another Biden administration implant that does whatever the democrats tell her to do. She is unable to think for herself and put the needs of Alaska first. The push to close down energy and mining in Alaska and turn Alaska into a big National Park continues. As Alaska population continues to decrease (even with illegals being shipped in) jobs in Alaska continue to disappear. I did not trust Nick Begich father who over spent taxpayer money wherever he went. I am willing to give Nick Begich a chance to prove himself of not being another corrupted politician since he is currently the most likely GOP challenger. Rep. Mary Peltola has proven to be another corrupted politician, and I refuse to support the DC corruption.
There was one comical moment, Rep Peltola said that feeding kelp to pigs makes them fart less and have more piglets. John Wayne Howe talked about retraining commercial fisherman. Maybe they can be retrained as pig farmers when the NPFMC allows them to destroy their (and our) fisheries.
I expect to see the headline “Natasha the tiger endorses Nick Begich” on this site early next week.
Link to watch the entire debate:
2024 US House Fisheries Debate
She is in government because she would not make it in the private sector.
Nick Begich did well last night debating Mary Peltola. While I preferred Nancy Dahlstrom, I’ll vote Begich for Congressman from Alaska.
Great job Nick on crypto, pointing out that politicians including Mary are happy to take money from sources they know nothing about. Also answering the 2020 stolen election question saying that big tech sensorship unfairly influenced the last election. I’d have added that Suckerburger of facebutt even admitted Democrat sensorship of the conservative message, the Hunter Biden laptop Russia story, etc. and that all the attacks on Donald Trump are absolute lawfare and shameful ongoing election interference!
Well, I thought I already posted this. I am an Alaskan Native. I grew up fishing with my grandparents who were a rod and reel commercial fishermen when you could actually do that. No surprise my family like many, include many commercial fishermen and even more subsistence. I was disgusted by the Peltola debate, the either utter lies or the lack of adequate campaign management. So it’s either an outright lie anout her mailing in which case we don’t need more like that in D.C. On the other hand, if you can’t keep track of what your campaign staffers are sending in your name then why should we trust you in D.C.? This is a bad thing for Peltola and no wonder she resorted to her flustered attempt to redirect questions. No to Peltola either way.
Just an observation – the sweater she is wearing is Fair Isle, not fisherman knit. And why is it pink and white in the video, and gray/black white in the stills? Did she change sweaters?
As to her performance, not surprising. Dishonest and inept, like her buddy Lisa.
Industry Report Comparison Fisheries, Mining, Tourism
(Citation below – 2022)
Fishery industry financial impact on the State of Alaska –
Revenues – $64 million
Operating Expense – $70.9 million
Capital Expense – $1.8 million
Net State LOSS – $(8.3) million
Municipal Revenue – $49 million
Mining Industry financial impact on the State of Alaska
Revenues – $66.6 million
Operating Expenses – $6.5 million
Capital Expenses- $0.2 million
Net State Revenue – $59.9 million
Municipal Revenue – $36.8 million
Tourism Industry financial impact on the State of Alaska
Revenues – $66 million
Operating Expenses – $19 million
Capital Expenses- $4.9 million
Net State Revenue – $41.1 million
Municipal Revenue. $101.1 million
I want to hear about what is working in the Mining Industry that requires so much less State investment and brings in revenue.
That resource model is successful- so why are candidates focusing on a failing industry without acknowledging and really looking at successful models?
The University of Alaska 2022 study ‘
I am also concerned that the Alaska Federation of Natives agenda for 2024 is a Political Action Committee.
If I were on the election ballot, and the sole congressional candidate given a podium at AFN, I would have my financial and legal team making sure I was complying with financial disclosures.
It is wonderful to be invited-and given the welcome and support- but that AFN agenda is problematic.
AFN was not created to assume political tendencies and even more problematic – to indoctrinate political views.
AFN is about hearty debate, discussion and everyone having a voice in the outcome as a result of the AFN gathering.
This agenda violates those core values, purpose and intent.
This agenda diminishes the value and credibility of AFN.
Peltola’s excuses are known as the Bart Simpson defense: “I didn’t do it. No one saw me do it. You can’t prove anything.” Seriously looking forward to seeing Mary go down in flames in November. Tons of rural flash, no real world substance.
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