Peltola’s Blue Dog co-chair calls for Biden to actually resign, the other says he’s not sure anymore

U.S. House Blue Dog Democrat Coalition co-chairs

Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington, one of the three co-chairs of the Blue Dog Democrats, is the first Democrat in Congress to call on President Joe Biden to resign from office — not just drop out of the presidential race. She is in a swing district and facing stiff competition this election cycle.

“I’ve spent the past two weeks listening to my constituents express their concerns about the President’s age and health. Like most people I represent in Southwest Washington, I doubt the President’s judgement about his health, his fitness to do the job, and whether he is the one making important decisions about our country, rather than unelected advisors,” said Gluesenkamp Perez in a statement. “Americans deserve to feel their president is fit enough to do the job. The crisis of confidence in the President’s leadership needs to come to an end. The President should do what he knows is right for the country and put the national interest first.”

Meanwhile, as Peltola smokes salmon in Bethel, the other Blue Dog Coalition co-chair, Rep. Jared Golden, said, “It is impossible to know whether this man I’ve spent hours one on one with is mentally capable of serving as Commander in Chief.”

Golden also said, “I will not vote for someone if I don’t think they are physically or mentally equipped to lead this nation. And I do not know the answer to that question at this time.”


  1. The democrats not only adhere to a two tiered justice system but also a two tiered view of Joe Biden’s future. Foremost is the ‘tier’ that they are extremely jittery about him continuing to be their 2024 nominee and the need to get rid of him. This probability ebbs and flows daily. Biden being on the ticket is solely contingent on polling data and their prospect of cheating big enough in November to ‘win’. It’s all about retaining their power. What will be fascinating to see will be the massive about face the media will have to undergo to support Biden remaining on the ticket if things go his way. The second tier is Biden’s mental capacity to remain as commander in chief. democrats are not too worried about that even though it’s clear to any sentient creature that Biden is not capable of doing the job. Our National security in a dangerous world be damned. The media democrats are fully prepared to cover for the brain addled grifter until the end of his term. Of course no democrats are openly talking about Biden resigning his office. Their main concern is his competency to remain on the ticket. Somehow in their hyper partisanship, there is no clear connection between the two scenarios. America’s sworn enemies will restrain themselves until Joe leaves office, right?

  2. Resigning is a no brainer. A demented POTUS is unthinkable. Stop the games, America. The 25th should be demanded.

  3. Not having full confidence, is the answer.

    I think it’s about time to review the Bethel Gag a Maggot Tour which featured Jill Biden and Deb Haagland coming by invite to “talk rural broadband” .

    Naw… it was a campaign tour for Mary that bought her unwavering support and and super majority vote for Joe Biden….

  4. She’s a Blue Dog??? Oh, give me a flipping break. She’s a diehard biden democrat and grifter, when did she ever vote with the Republicans?

  5. “Golden also said, “I will not vote for someone if I don’t think they are physically or mentally equipped to lead this nation. And I do not know the answer to that question at this time.””

    This person obviously has lived under a rock for the last 3-1/2 years or is too dumb to admit he’s wrong.

    • He lacks the third name to his title. It would make him appear to have a more prestigious name with more experience like his female cohorts.


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