Peltola votes against censuring her Democrat colleague who pulled fire alarm at the Capitol


Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola joined her Democrat colleagues on Thursday to try to prevent the formal censure of Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who in September pulled a fire alarm to prevent a vote on the budget.

The Democrats did not succeed in blocking the censure.

Bowman pleaded guilty to pulling the fire alarm in the U.S. Capitol, delaying a vote and creating an emergency in the building. His actions were recorded by cameras inside the building.

The vote to censure the New York Democrat was 214 to 191, with three Democrats voting with Republicans: New Hampshire Rep. Chris Pappas, Connecticut Rep. Jahana Hayes, and Washington Rep. Gluensenkamp Perez.

Bowman is considered one of the most radical leftists in the House, even by leftists such as the Progressive Punch, which rates Bowman 13 out of 435 House members; he has a score of voting 98.44% of the time for the “progressive” position on any question. Peltola votes that position 80% of the time.


  1. Goes to show you they don’t follow the law. It is a Federal offense to pull a fire alarm gor no reason!!! She needs to go!!

  2. Why would we expect anything else from this woman? I wonder if her constituents know she has jumped on lefts radical bandwagon ! She has not disappointed me so far . Thanks to the AkGOP and couple of grifters on the right , bingo , we’ve got radical rabid leftist in house ! You go girl and make the rest of us Alaskans look like idiots ! Maybe you’ll get your own reality show !

  3. He admitted he pulled the fire alarm when there was no fire, he pled guilty to falsely triggering a fire alarm, he pulled the alarm then walked past seven uniformed officers without telling them what he just did. He should have been censured shortly after he pulled the alarm, when he admitted that he pulled the alarm he should have been expelled for trying to disrupt congressional proceedings.

  4. Well, Peltola should be censured for pulling the ‘idiocy, it’s all about me and Pelosi’ alarm.
    Uh Mary, about my reparations?

  5. Open Question:
    Why haven’t Republicans learned how to support reach other, regardless of the idiotic and childlike actions of one of their own?

    • Open Answer:

      Because Republicans have a truer sense of right v. wrong, and, they will call each other out when something is not right. Democrats have a herd mentality and they all bolt in the same direction.
      If you can pick one off, you can pick all of them off.

  6. Bet we’re stuck w/ her just like we’re stuck w/ Daddy’s girl.
    States going down hill fast.

    Leftist have already infiltrated from down south & now control ANC
    States next.
    Wait till the $ runs out, back to a Federal “Colony” (like Bethel) …… FDR style

  7. Well, we ALL know who she is and where she is and who she wants to impress and it it obviously not Alaskans!

  8. “Bowman’s office said it was an accident, and the congressman told reporters later Saturday: “I was trying to get to a door. I thought the alarm would open the door, and I pulled the fire alarm to open the door by accident.” “I was just trying to get to my vote and the door that’s usually open wasn’t open, it was closed,” Bowman added.

    Just because … some members of a certain political party have a certain reputation for embroidering the truth … and get away with it, right before the eyes of everyone, doesn’t necessarily mean … .

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