Peltola misses another historic House vote, but tells Fairbanks, Juneau voters to get out and cast their ballots


Rep. Mary Peltola posted online on X/Twitter about non congressional election matters on Tuesday during the most historic vote of the 118th Congress, when Speaker Kevin McCarthy lost his gavel after all Democrats voted with eight Republicans to strip him of his speakership.

But also today, Peltola encouraged Alaskans to vote in local elections. Not all local elections — just Juneau, Fairbanks and the Unorganized Borough elections.

“If you live in Fairbanks, Juneau, or outside of an organized borough – today is Election Day! Be sure to get out and vote or fill out your ballot at home by the end of today,” she said on X.

Peltola didn’t encourage Wasilla, Palmer, the Kenai Peninsula, or any conservative-leaning town to go out and vote, however.

In Congress, the vote to remove McCarthy was binding voice vote, and was the first time in history that such a move had been taken.

The clerk called out Peltola’s name once, twice and finally four times, but Alaska’s only representative was not there to say yes or no on McCarthy. She has missed hundreds of votes this year and now has the worst attendance in Congress by far, out of the 435 members.

Some of that is because Peltola’s husband died Sept. 13 in a plane crash. She has been in grieving ever since. But before the crash, she was already 12th from the bottom for showing up to vote.

Local elections in Alaska ended Tuesday at 8 pm in most jurisdictions, except for the Mat-Su Borough, which votes in November, and Anchorage, which votes in March-April.


  1. I really don’t understand how any elected official misses any official business unless they are in the hospital. I remember kids in elementary school who never missed a day. In the military you don’t miss a single formation without going to sick call or approved leave. Yeah, I get it her husband’s death for maybe a few days, what about before his untimely demise? If she doesn’t want the accountability she should resign.

      • For how long Greg? I covered that in the post. She has missed more votes than most congressmembers BEFORE her husbands untimely demise.
        How much absenteeism is acceptable to you?
        Here is the OPM policy on bereavement.
        An employee is entitled to use a total of up to 104 hours (13 days) of sick leave each leave year for family care and bereavement, which include making arrangements required by the death of a family member and attending the funeral of a family member.

        This is per year regardless of number of occurrences, i.e. Mother, then Father, offspring, spouse all in the same year 13 days. Not likely but losing two parents is not out of the question.
        Her husband’s plane crash was September 13.
        Here is her voting attendance.
        Time Period Votes Eligible Missed Votes Percent Percentile
        2022 Jul-Sep 57 0 0.0% 0th
        2022 Nov-Dec 72 1 1.4% 47th
        2023 Jan-Mar 182 3 1.6% 74th
        2023 Apr-Jun 107 20 18.7% 98th
        2023 Jul-Sep 224 158 70.5% 100th
        2023 Oct-Oct 6 6 100.0% 99th
        Note that the vast majority of missed votes was before September 13, or after 9/27.
        How much is acceptable? We are paying her full salary.

  2. How could anybody ever expect anything else of Peltola! But, I’m glad she wasn’t in attendance. Ya know, maybe it would be best for Alaskans if she took the rest of her term off.

  3. This same juvenile and senseless Republican infighting that gave us Peltola has now given the Dems another win in Congress by ousting Speaker McCarthy! The Democrats have never been easier to beat than now and yet somehow the Republicans have once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory!

  4. Cmon it’s only 3 weeks… she probably needs a year to grieve for a fifth husband……. she’ll vote when it’s convenient for her she gives a rats ass for her constituents.

      • She doesn’t finish anything. She went to FOUR colleges over EIGHT YEARS and NEVER EVEN GOT AN ASSOCIATES DEGREE! She didn’t pay a dime for her 8 years of college “shenanigans’. The tax payers did. She normally monkey bars from one man to next, working her way up the social ladder. With Gene gone, she’ll be married to someone much more powerful and wealthy within a year or two. Stop feeling sorry for this natural born GRIFTER. Because I promise you, she doesn’t give a crap about anything or anyone except herself.

  5. She for sure needs to be voted out!! She does not do her job plus she ran as an Independent and is as liberal as she can get!!

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