Peltola is all hat, no cattle in congressional Western Caucus, where she’s been a no-show

Mary Peltola

Rep. Mary Peltola paid her dues so she could claim membership in the Western Caucus, a congressional conservative group that works on issues impacting the West, especially land management and federal overreach.

But, just as she’s missed 40% of her votes in Congress this summer, Peltola has been a no-show for her Western colleagues.

Rep. Pete Stauber, the congressman from Minnesota who tried to help Alaska by sponsoring the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act, blasted Peltola this week in a statement:

“As a Vice Chairman of the Western Caucus, I have been proud to stand with my Republican colleagues in our fight for rural America. While Rep. Peltola has not been active in her membership in the Western Caucus, she also failed to support critical policies that will unleash American energy and mineral dominance,” Stauber said.

“For example, she was the only Western Caucus member to vote against the Lower Energy Costs Act, landmark legislation endorsed by the caucus that would have cut red tape, empowered American workers to responsibly produce our God-given natural resources, and would lower energy costs not only for Alaskans, but for all Americans,” he said.

When Peltola does vote on legislation, she’s been a disloyal member of the Western Caucus. When Stauber offered the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act to unwind the Biden sanctions on Alaska, Peltola signed on as a co-sponsor, but then she snuck notes to her Democrat colleagues to vote against the bill, and she voted only that she was “present.”

“Rep. Peltola has not stood up to support other important pieces of legislation that advance many of the Western Caucus’ priorities for rural America, including House-passed appropriations bills that would fund the Department of the Interior, all while blocking the Biden-Harris Administration’s harmful policies that are hurting Alaskans,” said Rep. Stauber, making it clear he is no fan of Peltola, who is running for reelection.

Congressman Don Young was a longstanding and active member of the caucus, and served as its vice chairrman for Indian Affairs and Oceans. The caucus is dedicated to working on issues such as forestry, land management, agriculture, energy, mining, endangered species, and water.

Nick Begich, the grandson of Congressman Nick Begich, is running for the seat to represent Alaska, which only has one “at-large” member of Congress.


  1. Maybe she was busy living with her subsistence lifestyle while making the big bucks as a representative of Alaska who doesn’t even show up for work…..

  2. We are living in the twilight zone. Yes is no, good is bad, right is left. I’m sick of the spin. I’m sick of lying politicians it’s time to sort this shit out. And the main stream media is the ultimate enemy.

  3. A lot of people miss votes for whatever reason. Maybe it interferes with their tea time on the Golf course, or maybe it’s a vote where it’s so overwhelmingly going to go a direction that they’re vote simply isn’t needed, and maybe they’re told by the Epsilon crowd to stay home, I don’t know. But I think if I was there, I’d be there all the time. Just cause that’s what i was being paid to do plus I want my voice to be heard.

  4. No different than joining a gym and never going. You get to talk about your gym membership, and people assume you are working out, but no energy is actually expended on your part.
    She is an empty shell. If substance was rain, you could run through her and not get wet.


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