Peltola gets failing grade from pro-energy group

Mary Peltola. From her campaign page.

Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola has a failing grade from the American Energy Alliance scorecard. The energy group gave Sen. Dan Sullivan a perfect score of 100, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski got a score of 75 this year. But Peltola was only given a 37 out of 100 points based on her record of voting, scoring far worse than the average member of Congress.

Peltola repeatedly voted with Biden-Harris and far-left eco-activists against Alaska, including refusing to even vote for the Alaska’s Right to Produce Act, but simply marking herself “present.”

“Extreme Democrat Mary Peltola betrayed Alaska’s future to curry favor with San Francisco liberals. Peltola’s shameful F-minus grade underscores she’d rather cozy up to Biden, Harris and the radical Left than fight for Alaska jobs and energy freedom,” NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen said in a statement.

Peltola’s predecessor Congressman Don Young received a grade of 80 during his final year in office and an 89 during the 2010-2020 year.

The following core principles guide the American Energy Scorecard process as the group scores representatives and senators on their votes on different energy-related bills:

  • Promoting affordable, abundant, and reliable energy
  • Expanding economic opportunity and prosperity, particularly for working families and those on fixed incomes
  • Giving Americans, not Washington bureaucrats, the power to make their own energy choices
  • Encouraging private sector innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Advancing market-oriented energy and environment policies
  • Reducing the role of government in energy markets
  • Eliminating the subsidies, mandates, and special interest giveaways that lead to higher energy costs


  1. Im shocked she made 37 out of a hundred.
    Better show us some backup documents to substantiate that level of support for energy development because I havent seen or heard of anything positive from her except catering to the environmental group and Greta Thunberg.

  2. The radio ads we’re totally bombarded with says she was instrumental in getting the Willow project up and running. I don’t think she had a thing to do with it. She does as she’s told.

  3. Democrats fail to recognize that a third of our yearly budget revenue comes from oil, gas and mineral.

    State Democratic platform passed this June, is dedicated to eliminating the oil and gas industry in Alaska. Somehow they think solar and wind energy will do something besides drain our budget reserve, put people to work and slow down the population outgrowth… Not hardly.

    Instead the green energy movement is going to help defund schools, Health and Social services and all the grant writing nonprofit organizations that thrive across Alaska.

    Ohh, forgot to mention that this guarantees we’re going to get the hell taxed out of us too make up for lost revenue from oil and gas…

    Peltola is a disaster. She uses anything available to fill her pockets.


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