In politics, as in sports, bench strength matters. As players come and go, teams can shift from championship to obscurity in one season, or vice versa. Republicans now hold the White House and, narrowly and temporarily, Congress.
Alaska’s political bench is ready for play, but the season is short.
Most voters no longer identify with a political party, but even those who do register with a party occupy different places on the spectrum of political thought depending on the issue. Voters’ views range from very liberal to very conservative, often regardless of which party they’re in.
Some of the 146,661 Alaskans registered with the Republican Party embrace Ronald Reagan’s “big tent” ideal, meaning they accommodate a range of views on the “right” side of the political spectrum.
Different views within a Party deserve their share of representation so we can keep the tent big. Elections are won by addition and multiplication, not by subtraction and division. It’s why since her first statewide election in November 2004, Lisa Murkowski has had my support. While saying so has made me a heretic to some, I have also voted for Nick Begich every time I had the chance.
The only way for Republican or Democratic candidates to win elections in Alaska is to enlist the support of independent voters. Lisa Murkowski figured that out early on. She gets most independents and quite a few Democrats – many of whom are loathe to cast their ballots for a Republican – to do just that.
That’s been good for Alaska, because it’s helped the Republican Party hold power against the extreme tendencies of the Democratic Party that perennially tries to completely lock up our state. Remember, without Lisa we almost certainly wouldn’t have scored wins like the Kensington Mine, ANWR, and CD-5 and Willow in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. These are practical realities, and they matter.
But there are limits. What Lisa could not do in 2024 is convince all of her supporters to vote for Mary Peltola.
Perhaps the electorate looked deeper and decided another skill set would enhance our small delegation. Or maybe voters thought Alaska would be best served if our lone representative in the U.S House was aligned with their choice for president. (55% of Alaska voters chose Donald Trump. 41% chose Kamala Harris.)
Whatever the reason 164,000 Alaskans picked Nick, his election to Congress is a win for the most useful sense of the word “diversity.”
Alaska’s population reflects a range of differences that include metrics like age, cultural identity, educational and socioeconomic background, religious beliefs and political worldview.
How does Alaska’s Congressional delegation now measure up on that diversity index?
Start with age. Dan Sullivan just turned 60. Lisa is 67. Nick is 47.
Then consider viewpoint diversity. For the past 22 years in the U.S. Senate, while supporting pro-development projects, Lisa Murkowski has also given voice to Alaska’s large cohort (maybe 41%) of more left-of-center-leaning voters, many of whom prioritize social issues.
Sen. Sullivan’s devotion to military and veterans’ issues, with his State Department and national security experience, has rightly earned him the respect of his peers, plus a national media profile. That’s been good for Alaska and more broadly good for America.
Both Senators Murkowski and Sullivan have been and remain especially devoted to causes and interests that benefit Alaska Indigenous people, their Native corporations, and tribes.
And now, Nick Begich brings a fresh entrepreneurial bent to our delegation. His background in tech, 21st century business success, and modern conservative mindset (think Vivek, not Mitch) add private sector depth and balance to our congressional team.
Because Nick has such intellectual and actuarial capacity, he has the ability to achieve meaningful tenure in Congress, opening the door to Alaska once again gaining seniority in the House of Representatives. Don’t be surprised if he ascends to House Leadership within just a few terms.
With their combined 32 years in Congress, Lisa and Dan should offer the rising Nick Begich friendship, mentorship, and a thick Rolodex of relationships to help him accelerate. Not for his sake, but for Alaska’s.
Our delegation shares a love of state and country and a commitment to the responsible development of Alaska’s resources. It’s that commonality, combined with their diverse strengths, life experiences and yes, differing opinions, that give heft and added value to our new DC team.
Each member of our delegation will play an important role in the 119th Congress, as will our aligned Governor. With all bases covered, we’re seriously positioned for a winning season. There is no time left to look back, and even less time to waste.
Paulette Simpson lives in Juneau and has been politically active for decades.
Princess Lisa is hardly a strong leg of a tripod for Alaska to lean on…..
Galt: Need some cheese to accompany your “whine?”
Like her not, Lisa Murkowski has leveraged her seniority and savvy to deliver.
Did you really want a bimbo like Joe Miller to represent Alaska?
Joe Miller won the Republican Primary. Straight up. And yes, Joe Miller was qualified. Much more than Lisa Murkowski.
Joe Miller:
Yale Law School graduate (passed Bar first time). Graduate of West Point. Served as Army Captain and tank commander in Desert Storm. Alaska lawyer and magistrate judge.
What are your creds, Geldhof?
His creds are:
little man, big blow.
LeftSeater, your points regarding Joe Miller are well made and very effective. However, your questioning of Geldhof’s creds is a logical fallacy (argumentum ad hominem). His credentials, although I know them to be actually very impressive, are completely irrelevant to this debate.
Joe, Ms Murkowski has also leveraged her seniority and savvy to derail Republican efforts of every description. She is a member of a small group Democrats depend upon to logjam Republicans. Regardless of the above article contending most voters are now non-partisan, that cannot be said of the senate. It is decidedly partisan in its pecking order of power. Murkowski harvests far greater benefit from the Republican label she wears as compared to whatever benefit of loyalty she gives in return. As to loyalty, she is disgraceful. Facts.
The tripod is leaning heavy to the left.
Murkowski’s leg broke off. Just like her brain.
Amen…Hopefully we can correct this blight on Alaska tush.
Lisa, you are the weakest link…GOODBYE
It’s too bad we will have to wait for term limits to rid ourselves of Lisa.
Term limits in the federal government are limited to the executive branch, not the house or the senate and we are lucky to have the Honorable Senator Murkowski however long she wishes to represent Alaska in that office.
I also know that our senior Senator would be a viable candidate for president as evident in here lengthy resume of accomplishments for Alaska and the nation.
No thanks. You might want to research the 47th president and what he wants to accomplish. Up high on that list is an amendment to the constitution to impose term limits on both houses. Cannot happen soon enough we need to end career politicians. Lisa is also a detrimental to alaska. She has never done anything unless she benefitted someway.
100 generation Alaskan, ha, ha, ha. You are uninformed.
Denali: Dim bulb comment. There are no term limits for U.S. Senate. If you think there will be, check your meds.
Joe read.the.above reply. DJT has a constitutional amendment setting term limits close to the top of his accomplishments he has for the second term. Talk about dim bulbs you might want to check your own wattage.
Won’t happen.
He’s not taking any meds. I don’t even think he’s old enough to vote, cut him some slack.
Oh yeah, The “Stop me before I vote for them again” proposed law.
Too funny
With very very few real conservatives, I wonder how hard it will be to find new ones to replace the few good ones, that get booted as well. Also remember we will be paying every last one of the Congress people that filter through with a lifetime salary and benefits after they get the boot. Lots more of them on the forever life payroll and benefits. Pros and Cons.
Murkowski is not in our corner, her hate has moved her loyalty to the Washington DC sewer.
Are you one of the heretics mentioned in the story? I think you may be.
She is nancy pelosi’s minion, does the bidding of the democrats, no longer supports ALASKA FIRST, its all about her being a traitor, not a third leg!
Andy Pete: Trite comment with basis in reality.
Yeah, I know, it’s your opinion.
Right you are.
Just remember opinions are like assholes. Everyone had one. Doesn’t follow that you need to expose yours.
She voted with the Dems 70% of the time Joe ??? So what are you saying?. She is not pro life which means she is pro death. I’m over her long ago. Definitely not republican.
What will Lisa do now that her Uncle Joe won’t be sending her millions of dollars to pay people not to work. Her loyalty is not to Alaskans, she’s self serving for her own benefit.
Lisa serves george and alex soros.
Lisa is a traitor to our state and our nation.
Lisa has nothing good to add for the betterment of Alaska.
She is a demoncrat all the way.
Sully(!!!) …
Somebody had better tune-up Daddy’s Little Princess.
Financial Ruin is a great motivator.
Exerciseit liberally, for maximum results!
Can we all sue her for her treason against each of us alaskans?
Well, Lisa could be a great Senator for Alaska and Alaskans.
But(!!!), she willingly and intentionally, chooses not to be!
She will eventually fall from Power – Prominence – Prestige.
But(!!!), she will most likely never rid her ‘true’ character:
Sure you can Molly.
Knock yourself out.
Go for it, with gusto.
You can do it.
Make it happen.
One never knows, you may get prevail.
Set up a Go Fund me account for the lawsuit. Undoubtedly many commentators to this stiry will gladly send you funding to pursue this quest.
Paulette, your loyalty to Senator Murkowski is admirable.
What does the Senator say or do that inspires instinctive trust, confidence, and loyalty among conservative GOP populists?
Conservative Americans must inhale a whiff of Democrat virus to help them properly love Senator Murkowski in the style to which the Senator is entitled or she might get mad and go totally Democrat?
Say it ain’t so, Paulette!
Morrigan: Paulette may have a variety of decent reasons for supporting Murkowski. She can respond as to her beliefs.
As for me and being a long-standing Republican, I believe her support by many Republicans, including me, is because she gets necessary tasks imported.
A big part of success in politics stems from working with the material and not getting totally revved up and wrapped in ideology.
Lisa Murkowski has been an effective Senator for years – far better than her boffo dad was and light years better than lazy Joe would have been if we’d been dumb enough to punch his meal ticket to D.C.
Thanks for your note, Joe.
Good point about success in politics.
Wonder how much of the issue might be imaging, which one would think the senator could improve upon.
It’s definitely a welcoming event to again have a second leg for which Alaska to stand.
Dan must have felt at odds with him being the sole republican for after years
0 for six not a good look for Murkowski.
And this poster makes it seven,
Lisa could really screw us up if she does what she says she is going to do.
Three legs NOT, but perhaps two if dan comes aboard. Paulette seems delusional about how Alaskan’s vote. We just voted for Trump who is polar opposite of lisa. Lisa will represent herself and not Alaska’s residents.
More like a bipod – Murkowski isn’t part of the solution by a long shot. She’s committed alright – to herself.
Juneau Republican stalwart Paulette says Republicans have a deep bench even though Big Tent AK Republicans no longer have closed primaries. They have suffered under RCV. And, she posts insufferable platitudes about why we must accept perverted Democrat/Communist AK politics.
These Republicans STILL support SE Alaska’s dynasty family, and national embarrassment Sen. Murkowski. They are now in the minority in both houses of the AK Legislature and we may be certain of continued unsustainable State budgets signed by faux Republican Gov. Dunnleavy.
Alaskans are urged to vote for candidates in districts around the state—who promise ANYTHING—and go to Backwater Juneau to serve special interests.
Thanks for those insights, Paulette!
Oops MRAK asleep at
the wheel. AK GOP demands full recount as measure 2 fails by .01
Okay, you need to slow down and take a deep breath. This is going to be a long fight, and a long four years.
It’s going to be a glorious 4 years squishy. Lisa and the other 4 have already been warned of their fate if they cause problems. She only has 2 years until her mid term, do you understand the term primaries? Bye bye skeletor
Once again Denali doubles down on dumb.
Check when Senator Murkowski’s term is up genius and you’ll see why your comment is factually wrong
Lisa Murkowski only 67? She looks more like 82, with lots of wrinkles and sags. The photo used her is not recent.
While beauty is in the eye of their beholder, I agree with you and say that she is undernourished. I’ve hugged her and the woman is nothing but bones.
I don’t know how she keeps going.
I know. Vern only cooks noodles.
Lisa is a broken leg in the tripod! Her and Susan Collins will be headaches, they won’t be fooling anyone.
Lisa needs to go!
Senator Murkowski’s hysterical and pathological TDS is a huge liability for Alaska. It is not at all a stretch to conclude that her hatred for Trump exceeds her love for Alaska. So, spare us this utopian ‘triad concept’ about Alaska’s congressional delegation. Senator Murkowski’s obsession will be to thwart President Trump and his agenda at every opportunity no matter what its effect will be on Alaska. Her stated attitude in evaluating Trump nominees is about as self righteous as it gets. Sadly, Senator Murkowski’s career was jump started by nepotism, then marked by a shoddy write-in reelection campaign and then another reelection campaign using the gimmicky RCV process. Alaska must do better than just two out of three.
Could it be that Lisa has been in DC so long she has become the Swamp and that her TDS comes from her worry that he sees through her ways of making herself richer rather than her constituents?
Let me correct this for you, “Senator Sullivan and his devotion to war…” and breaking the country economically. Congressman Begich knows better, I hope he sets himself far apart from his senate colleagues.
I agree. As far as I know, we have one leg to stand on and that is Begich…if he is a true Republican. Otherwise, this ship is sinking fast.
Good grief, what ‘tripod’?
As long as Murkowski remains in the Senate the Democrats can count on her support
When you sell out the whole Country under the guise of “Bringing Home the Bacon” for Alaska with money that is simply printed it only devalues the currency that you have. Dan is “Deeply Committed” to continuing the Ukraine Scam, the Military Industrial Complex wars, and swamp BS. Lisa is a full-blown Tyrant that actually believes she is a Leader and not a Representative of the Peoples Will. We will not survive as a Representative Republic with people like this calling the shots on our future. We are 36 trillion in debt with little chance of turning that around while our politicians continue to flush us down the bowl.
Murkowski is absolutely the worst – unless you’re a bureaucrat from Juneau. I wish she would leave the GOP and make space for someone who isn’t guided by their HATRED of MAGA.
Lisa will fail us like she always does We need to get rid of her
I totally and whole heartedly agree with the 1st 6 comments above. Dont know what your are smoking Paulette but murkowski is a embarrassment to Alaska that does not care for her constituents. She is a roadblock to Americans that have given a directive to the Trump administration to get this country back on track. I hold her in contempt
A 2-legged tripod is destined to fail!
Lisa suffers from a strong case of TDS. She will be leading the Democrats to deny President Trump’s department head nominees.
Not that it’s a bad thing. Most of trump’s radical followers have some kind of syndrome going on their own selves.
We the people is who you refer to? Have the same rights as you boomer.
The author should know that her common sense, big tent views have no place with the extremist majority here on MRAK. The comments prove my point.
Was kinda of a unipod, now its a bipod. Nepotism got LM the job, foolish voters keep her there.
I thought my point was clear: This is a delegation capable of great things if they work together. We should encourage that – and resist the urge to drive wedges. You don’t have to “change your values” to do that.
It’s a good time to be optimistic! Thanks Paulette.
Join the Democrats, Paulette. I see you took my paragraph out telling of your illegal maneuver to save your bacon and “do as you were told to do” by Frank Murkowski because he owned you. Shame on you!!
Take the “Witch” Murkowski with you to the Democrat Party of Alaska.
Paulette: given the distance between Murkowski and the rest of the delegation, wedges are not needed. One can easily drive a truck through the gap.
Lisa is a democrat.
Dan is a RINO.
I remain hopeful Nick remains a conservative.
very well said
The $10,000 she received from Sammy “the bankman” Fried for her last election pretty much sums up who she pledges her allegiance to.
Certainly not Alaskans.
A true Rhino Tripod that’s for sure. Watch out all their legs are a bit short.
Paulette must be aware of a different Murkowski. The one I am familiar with is an absolute detriment to Alaska’s economic interests. Both the Witch and Lieutenant Dan voted to confirm Deb Holland who did everything she could to strangle Alaska. Murky is in office only because of cheating, lies and corruption.
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