Palmer election results


In the Palmer City elections, City Council seats were won by incumbent Richard Best and Jim Cooper, while Thomas Ojala, an incumbent, did not win another term. The vote was Cooper-121, Best- 101, and Ojala-80, with only the top two winning seats.

Proposition 1 won by a large margin. It will allow the city to borrow $10 million to make repairs to the Palmer library, which was made unusable by a heavy snow load last winter. The cost to taxpayers will be about $135 per year for every $100,000 of their property value. The vote was 235 to 64 to approve the bond.

Proposition 2 also won by a large margin. It added property tax exemptions for seniors over the age of 65 and for disabled veterans and certain older widows. The exemption means $150,000 of a person’s property value will be exempt from property tax. The vote was 277 to 32 to approve the bond.

The preliminary election results are expected to be updated on Friday, Oct. 6, in the late afternoon. The election results are scheduled for certification at the Oct. 10 Council meeting.


  1. I don’t know how to feel about this unless I know which are democrats and which are republicans. Hopefully the R’s won; if not, we need to audit the results.

    • Only a few hundred people voted, instead of auditing the votes, it would be less expensive to publish the names of every voter, and to arrest the registered Democrats.

      • Only the Democrats would consider such a thing and get away with it. The IRS went after Republicans, the D-controlled Congress went after the Republicans, the Media went after the Republicans, Garland went after the Republicans, prosecutors went after Republicans…

        More likely, people just didn’t know about the election.

  2. With such pathetic voter turnouts in our local elections, all it takes is a relatively small number of highly motivated and well-financed people and/or groups to gain local power and pursue their agendas regardless of the desires of the majority. This is especially true and significant here in the Matanuska River Valley where the city of Palmer is the center of shopping, government and activity for the Valley of over 20,000 people, yet only about 6000 people live within the city limits proper and are eligible to vote.

    So, in this election, just around 300 voters made critical choices for over 20,000 people! What could possibly go wrong with this state of affairs!


    • Oh how I agree! Yet, we did better than the City of LA! 2.9% of the voters voted in the communist Mayor there.
      Dallas Texas was only 6.9%! Pathetic!

    • I guess I shouldn’t let my prejudice show here as a loyal Wasilla resident, but Palmer only has the Borough Government and the State Fair. I don’t believe you can say Palmer is the center of shopping or activity for the Valley. Wasilla has way more businesses. Palmer is a great place and has some awesome speciality places but it isn’t the “center” any more.

      • Besides the fact that almost any day of the week you can see full parking lots at Fred Meyer, Carrs and other shopping venues in Palmer, you have missed my point which is pathetic voter turnout. Wasilla was worse than Palmer. For your 10,200 citizens that live within the city, only 373 voted for mayor and only 309 voted for council. Local elections matter and when citizens don’t vote, they shouldn’t complain about the actions of their local government representatives! Democracy comes with some citizen responsibilities!

    • You concerned about the low voter Palmer turnout. Residents get more involved in what is happening in communities when they start reading God’s Word the Bible. There is an astonishment from evangelicals when after bringing the Bible into an illiterate third world nation the rabid increase it did to the once illiterate villages increasing their literacy development just by hearing the Bible thru a bible app or digital form in their language or its being read by them or to the villagers during church. Just as the rest of Alaska Palmer is just as illiterate.

  3. I’m not sure a new library is the best use of money while few Alaskans read and the ones who do are going digital. It seems a democrat thing to do just to secure government jobs in Palmer for Democrat library employees.

    • Public libraries should be closed, the employees should be arrested, and the books should be burned. Bookstores should also be made illegal. Reading is immoral.

    • here’s a thought. Why don’t you spend a day at the library so you can get an understanding of how they are used. A library is an important part of a healthy community.

  4. I ama always suspicious when winners are announced but party affiliation is not! That to me is how liberals work!!

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