Palin bringing Colorado U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to Alaska for joint fundraiser


Congressional candidate Sarah Palin is bringing in Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert as she continues to seek Outside star-power to support her campaign. The fundraiser on Sept. 24 includes a reception and dinner at the Petroleum Club in Anchorage, with a contribution for the reception of $250, a VIP rate of $1,000, and $2,900 to be included in the dinner. The VIP rate includes a photo with the candidates.

The proceeds will be split between the two campaigns. For more information, constant [email protected].

Palin is running against three others for the two-year seat for Congress, which is now held by Mary Peltola, who won the special general election to fill out the remainder of the late congressman’s term. In the latest Federal Elections Commission report, it appears Palin has less cash on hand than the other two major candidates, Nick Begich and Peltola.


    • Greg,
      A bigger question is why the P-Club would even sponsor a Sarah shin-dig. Times must be tough in the Oil Patch, I mean Sarah and her Ass, oh, Aces and then her pick of Billy Walker seemed to drive the big oil players out. And why do you have to contact Lauren in Colorado for more information? Is it because Lauren is underwriting this event? Sarah hasn’t any credit with the P-Club? Ya got to wonder.

  1. Those two would have to pay me $2900, plus air fare from Juneau.

    But at least she’s gonna be in Alaska. And she brought a date.

  2. Someone needs to tell Boebert that she’s backing the wrong horse. Begich is more in line with her views than Palin is.

      • Chuck, Given Sarah’s record and after watching the video of that unstable lakeside press conference, who cares what Nick or even Mary stands for? At least they are not Sarah. Sorry pal, if you really love Sarah, don’t elect her so she has a harder fall. Poor woman. Electing her to office would be like giving Fentanyl to a crackhead.

      • I know that Nick believes in Conservative values because I took the time to meet him, discuss the issues with him, and listen to him talk.
        He’s been about everywhere in the state, giving just about everyone the same opportunity to do what I did…..

      • Sarah hadn’t posted why she quit? Why she sent Pie Spy crew to stalk certain folk, or why that lakeside house, buddy of your Pa’s struck it rich adopting that Russian baby?
        Have you told that baby money came with? Or did you all pillage thru it already? Will they end up seizing assets you acquired along the way? So many questions no answers.

  3. Confirming our worst fears about how Palin would behave if elected. Boebert is a national embarrassment.

    • How is Boebert an embarrassment? She stands up to the INSANE liberal b.s. going on in D.C. much more so than ANY of our representatives there – including Don Young when he was alive. The only thing lacking is that, apparently, Boebert doesn’t know Palin very well.

    • Boebert is a take no prisoners hard core right wing America First fighter. If we had more like her and less McConnells, Romneys, and Cheneys this country wouldn’t be circling the bottom of the toilet. The only embarrassment here is that you actually posted that garbage take on MRAK.

  4. I’ll be outside holding up my 4×8 Begich sign. Sorry Sarah. If you have to bring up barely recognized people from the Lower 48, then we know you don’t represent Alaska.

    • Walgreens just got new batches of psychotropics for guys like old Whid. An 80′ container worth. You’re going to need them in November.

  5. If you don’t know who Lauren Boebart is then you might not be as intelligent as you think. She owns a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado that encourages open carry. Safest restaurant in the world. The people that dont know who she is are the same people that think that Mayora Flores is contributing to the migrant crisis – just like ADN spews. Absolutely Ridiculous.
    I dont care who wins as long as we unify.
    Whoever concedes is the true leader.

  6. Personally my hero is Mike Bekes – he ran as the constitutionalist in district 16.
    – against me –
    When he didn’t secure the lead in the primary, he didn’t use rank choice to ruin his opponents chances.
    He did the honorable thing.
    Talk about leadership.

      • Howdy Bob, your past comments where Anti-Sarah, not just a little, but a lot. That’s not good or bad, just how you roll. It will all play out on Nov.8.
        My main concern is Nick supporters will see Sarah’s blood in the water, and go into a Biue Voting Frenzy for #2, for Mary more–so than last time. The embers of hate are hard to put out, even when covered with denial. Time will tell.

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