Over 150 Alaskans co-hosting event for Tshibaka at famous Bell’s Nursery, as campaign is in ‘full spring’


The list of co-hosts is long for a fundraiser for Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate on Thursday evening The location is at the Bell’s Nursery Espresso Bar at 13700 Specking Road in South Anchorage. In fact, so long that the organizers had to shrink the print on the invitation.

Bell’s is a destination nursery that also grows acres of greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers that are found in local stores. It’s a favorite place for people to shop for Mothers Day and wedding gifts. But the nursery will be closed to sales for the campaign event that is from 6-8 pm in the nursery’s espresso bar for the Republican candidate who is challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Wine served that evening will be from the Bell’s Nursery own 1.5-acre covered vineyard on DeArmoun Rd.

Tshibaka has been campaigning for over a year, since announcing the last week of March, 2021. She won an endorsement from Donald Trump nearly a year ago, and an endorsement from the Alaska Republican Party, and has been appearing all over the state to take her case for change to the people of Alaska.


    • Lucinda, I think ? you may might want to reconsider boycotting Bells.

      Lisa is an Establishment supported creation, her finances prove that point.
      A vote to rid ourselves of Lisa is a vote for ” sticking it to the man” Did you know Mitch gave little Lisa 7.4 million?

  1. Nancy wants cucumbers, so we might drop by and say hi to Kelly T., as long as that doesn’t offend anyone.

  2. sooo ,,,, I still don’t find any information on the issues from any candidates all websites ask for money . meet and donate is all ,,,,, issues folks. this one representative seat for our state is a big decision ,,,, could they please state where they stand for us to decide . do find what Santa stands for ,,, He’s a Bernie fan any help finding true values with Begich ect?

  3. I will never go to Bells Nursery again…. Didn’t realize they are Trump supporters…. Hello Diamond Greenhouses

  4. Yeah! Another lost cause we can waste our hard earned money on. Tsibaka has no hope of winning against Lisa. Lisa has raised way more money that Tsibaka and will crush her in November. Tsibaka’s latest campaign finance disclosures paint a grim picture. They also reveal that, contrary to her claim that Trump hosted a reception for her at Mar-a-Lago, Tshibaka actually had to pay for the whole event. She paid over $20,000 to get her picture taken with Trump. To get his endorsement, she had to claim to believe his lie that he won the 2020 election.

    Yet, despite debasing herself to get Trump’s love, Trump has not donated any money to Tsibaka’s campaign. His political action committee only gave her $5,000. Compare that the to $7 million that Mitch McConnells Pac has pledged to spend to support Lisa.

    What this tells me is that Trump doesn’t think Tsibaka has a prayer of a chance of winning. He is not going to waste his money supporting a lost cause. I guess those attending this fundraiser have money to burn?

    • A Fool,” I’m not Lisa” , that was reasoning enough for me to donate to Kelly.

      Apparently Kelly has received far more Cash from individual Alaskans than has your girl Lisa, AKA ” Daddy’s little Princess”. Imagine that!

      I’ll have inner peace knowing I did what I could to stick it to the Murkowski brand. That kind of peace has real value.
      We are all fools in the political game, but at least I’ll know I did what I could.

    • Okay, okay…. you’re pouring it on pretty thick. Over-dramatic rhetoric doesn’t change minds. A distilled translation of your comment would be as follows:
      “I’m against Tsibaka and Trump. I’m for Murkowski and Marxism; I relish being on the big money side. Listen to my awesome wisdom.”

  5. You Anchorage leftists/Marxist are so damn clueless, it’s pathetic. You spend your time worshiping Joy Reid, who has the intellect of an earthworm!

  6. Remember Al Gross? Alyse Galvin? Both big losers in a recent election, in spite of their enormous campaign funds. Funds mostly from out of state, I might add. Enough with the negativity. Kelly can win if y’all would just get off your butts and vote. Let’s get rid of murky once and for all!

  7. Bell’s Nursery just pegged my respect meter.
    Kudos on playing an active roll in trying to save this state and nation.

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