Open letter from Rep. Mark Neuman


Hello Fellow Alaskans,

First, thank you to all the many folks who have kept me in their prayers and sent well wishes.

Surgery has been scheduled for mid-June to repair and fuse several of the damaged vertebrae in my neck and we feel confident with the medical team and treatment plan for a positive outcome.

Second, all the emails and contacts my office has received just bring home the huge disappointment I have with fellow members of the Legislature who committed to their constituents to be their voice in Juneau. Those legislators have turned their backs on their own constituents and the people of the state to vote on their own personal agenda.

Alaska State Chamber and recent Legislative polls show, in virtually every district in the state, overwhelming support for the full payout the Permanent Fund Dividend and that any changes to the structure of Permanent Fund Dividend only happen with a vote of the people.

Shame on them for not doing as they promised and for not being the People’s voice on the People’s floor.

State Rep. Mark Neuman
Proudly serving and supporting my constituents in District 8