Oops: Anti-Trumper Jeffrey Toobin whips out his Zoom at the wrong moment


One of the most acerbic and harsh critics of President Donald Trump has been sidelined by his own penis.

Jeffrey Toobin, a lawyer, blogger, author, and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker, has been removed from his post as chief Trump critic for the left-stream media after he whipped out his penis and masturbated during a Zoom call, thinking he was off-camera.

The New Yorker said he was suspended after, on a joint video call with WYNC radio, Toobin switched to another call that was a phone-sex appointment, and masturbated; the camera was still on with the first call.

Toobin is the author True Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Investigation of Donald Trump, a critique of Trump’s first years in office.

He is an anti-Trumper who is a leading influencer on social media.

Toobin said in a statement on Monday: “I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers. I thought I had muted the Zoom video. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me.” But he never addressed why he was on a sexting call on the other line in the middle of a business meeting.


  1. Uups , lovely, thank you girl for wanting to see his penis, and for getting him to masturbate for you.. He’s been caught, with more than just his pants down. Your sexting call was very timely, excellent well done.

  2. It is interesting to see how the left is saying this is no big deal, to have empathy for him not condemnation.

    First axiom of politics in action here.
    “The action being taken by the person is not what causes the offense. It is the political affiliation of the person taking action that causes the offense.”

  3. HA! This reminds me of a guy that used to be married to my cousin. Some pictures of him on the internet showed him completely naked except for a Stetson cowboy hat that he had hung appropriately on its own hat hook in his groin area. That cost him dearly. His house, his family. What a tool.

  4. The New Yorker will have a special edition next month with some of the pages stuck together in honor of Jeffery Toobin

    • They’ve always been there, they’ve just been hiding in the shadows or in closets. Look at the TV commercials nowadays. The things they put on there trying to justify a new norm is ridiculous. I remember when we couldn’t even put a condom commercial on TV nowadays we got this man coming all different shapes and sizes crap. Well we already knew that at least anybody who has ever been in a collegiate locker room. Then there’s the black African Grandpa holding that Lily white baby saying it’s his granddaughter but then I put two and two together and figured out he must have married the white Grandma so he’s like the step Grandpa. I guess we have it all to blame on Bob Dole for him doing that super bowl commercial. Remember when he was on the beach sitting in his lawn chair and those beach babes ran by in bikinis, and he said in times like this I reach for my little blue friend and of course he was talking about his Pepsi can but many who watch the commercial thought he was talking about something else that was blue and in the shape of a pill. Anybody who knows Bob like I do being from Kansas knows that he had prostate cancer and hideout even the little blue friend could help him.

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