Only one decision, Senator


Despite our fondest hopes to the contrary, we are becoming inured to the notion of Sen. Lisa Murkowski voting against the confirmation of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court in the wake of the vile smear campaign against him promulgated by the political Left.

The vote on his confirmation, delayed in the wake of perhaps history’s most scurrilous political attack, is scheduled for Thursday. Murkowski has been noncommittal during the entire sorry process, saying she wanted to keep an open mind until she heard all the facts – and they are few and far between.

The middle of the road is a dangerous place for politicians and armadillos, as she might soon discover.

Kavanaugh stands accused of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford in the mid-1980s – some 35 years ago – while both were at a high school party. She claims she does not remember exactly where, or even when, or other details – and people she says were there when it happened say they have no idea what she is talking about – but he stands accused, and convicted nonetheless. After all, in the #MeToo era, who needs proof?