Off her chest: Quinn-Davidson milks her resentment of mayor in tit-for-tat lecture over breastfeeding resolution


It was a simple resolution, the kind that is passed every time the Anchorage Assembly meets. Sometimes it’s to honor a do-gooder in the community or to recognize a scout troop. These resolutions are filled with “Whereases” and “Therefores.”

On Tuesday, the resolution was to honor breastfeeding, recognizing the first week of August as World Breastfeeding Week.

But the resolution, before it was even read, was prefaced by a bottled-up diatribe by Assemblywoman Austin Quinn-Davidson, who used its introduction as an opportunity to clobber the Mayor Dave Bronson for undoing her signature executive orders — the creation of additional baby-time leave for municipal employees, and the allowance of infants in the workplace as official policy.

They were never bosom buddies, but apparently Quinn-Davidson has been nursing her resentment of Bronson over the issue.

Quinn-Davidson executed the orders while she was acting mayor for eight months. She became mayor not through election, but because former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz resigned under scandalous conditions. Many conservatives wanted to hold a special election and create a temporary mayor, but leftists on the Assembly refused, and kept Quinn-Davidson in place as acting mayor, which allowed her to use her special mayoral powers to do what she could not do as a sitting Assemblywoman.

The Paid Parental Leave Policy was announced by Quinn-Davidson on June 30, 2021, the day before conservative Mayor Dave Bronson was sworn into office. The policy would have awarded up to 160 hours of non-cashable leave for eligible employees upon either the birth of an employee’s child or a placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care.

On Tuesday, Quinn-Davidson nipped at Bronson, saying that bringing a resolution forward such as the World Breastfeeding Week resolution was in direct contradiction to his having reversed the policies that she put into place. She had signed the executive order just as her wife was getting ready to have a baby.

In her lecture, Quinn-Davidson angrily noted that the mayor was just offering meaningless resolutions.

Anchorage City Manager Amy Demboski explained that when the Bronson Administration took over, there were lots of complaints about dirty diapers at City Hall, and worries that people bringing infants to work with them would sometimes pass them over to other employees during meetings that the new parents needed to attend. Such arrangements put too much liability on the municipality, Demboski noted.


    • I wouldn’t even give her that much credit.
      A real and honest parasite does not try to convince you, and berate you, and shame you, into believing that it is parasitizing you for your own good, as every radical leftist extremist parasite actually does.

  1. Suzanne how can you stomach these oath breakers please don’t give up and quit ma’am, your the only reporter of integrity Alaska has. Assembly 9 tell it to GOD that is who your contact is with, so help you GOD oath breakers. JESUS will tell you I know you not SCAT. Fair warning GOD is watching assembly 9.

  2. Don’t be surprised if the assembly 9 simply spontaneously combust, GOD had enough of being mocked by oath breakers. Team Suzanne team Alaska.

    • Amen! God has has enough. Pray for your state and the these Assembly members get out of office.

  3. Who cares?
    First of all, who cares whether the Muni recognizes any week/day/month? What difference does it make to anyone alive if the Assembly passes a resolution to recognize National Chainsaw Juggling day?
    If I was in charge of the Assembly none of these measures would see light of day. National Breastfeeding Week is already a nationally recognized week. How does it impact the Assembly, the Muni, or any of the taxpayers in any way?
    Frankly, I think the Assembly fills the first several hours of the regular meetings with crap like this just to wait out the people wanting to testify against whatever expensive, overreaching law they are proposing.

  4. Children do not belong in the workplace. Unless it’s an approved bring them to work day.
    If this has been happening it needs to stop immediately.
    As for AQD. Grow up. You’re not in high school any more. Work for the people. Not your pride.

    • Not being a fully informed voter is not only a local problem, but also a national problem….

    • Quinn-Davidson is and has been fully open about her lesbian life in many articles, and even in her member profile on the official muni website, which states:

      “Austin lives in West Anchorage with her wife Stephanie and their two dogs.”

      Her last name is a combination of her’s and her wife’s maiden names connected with a hyphen.

      Not to be confused with Perez-Verdia, whose last name is his wife’s last name, maybe so he could run as a Hispanic without being Hispanic.

    • AQD is what’s they/themselves refer to as the “Bull” in this relationship– their words not mine. It’s all rather confusing isn’t it.

  5. Don’t like it? Run for mayor (legitimately) and change it.

    But that would be hard since you’d lose your shirt in the election.

  6. She had signed the executive order just as her wife was getting ready to have a baby.
    How did that happen?

    • Funny, she says she does not need a man but in fact her wife need a man to have a child. These people are crazy and don’t make sense. Power went to her head! she needs to set down.

    • Just out of curiosity, I never quite understood how AQD as mayor could through executive order spent taxpayer funds without the approval of the assembly. Granting PAID leave comes out of the general fund and should have been subject to appropriations and a labor agreement.

  7. Nobody in an office needs to be raising kids while trying, and failing, to complete work tasks. Raising kids is a full time job, and one not taken on lightly by women who drop out of the workforce to do so. If Lil’ Austin needed her “wife” to stay home and raise a baby, then she should have made arrangements concerning that, instead of pushing her and everyone else’s childcare down the throats of hard working people. It isn’t fair to kids, nor workers, and it makes hash out of the idea that a woman can “have it all” all at one time.

    • As of the last reporting I read on the matter, Stephanie Quinn-Davidson works for Tanana Chiefs Conference. Therefore, this is not directly related to her situation, as they obviously make their own policies.

  8. Does this assembly know how to do anything else but complain? All these people know how to do is complain. Time for them to grow up, if that is possible?

  9. Oh my, her wife is or was pregnant? What happened there? Could it be that there was a man involved? Somewhere? Somehow? The horror! ?.

  10. City Hall must look and smell like a sewer by now. Progressive wonderland for a workplace – Ha! Whatever happened to work ethic and job productivity? Look out taxpayers! Another fleecing coming!

    • When baby is a tween, they will ask same question who is my dad? Wondering about his
      personality and characteristics the child inherited from his sperm nuclei.

  11. Another Whiney liberal we could do without. Who cares about her feelings. The 9 members of the hate squad show their colors again. Petty stuff.

  12. I got zero (0) nada-zip-zilch-null benefits or pay for staying home from work while in the early months of nursing my kids. (After 12 full-time years into the job.) Since when are muni/government workers an elite class on the public dime? Welcome to the world of everyone else.

  13. It’s double speak to complain about the government not caring about breastfeeding while thinking 160 hours paid leave should be sufficient time off (if you are a socialist, you can only take time off if you are going to get paid for it) and the rest of the time should be doable by just taking your infant into work. What does she think? Does she think being a mom is so easy that you can work a full time job while doing it? Or does she think being a muni worker is so easy that it requires very little attention? How about honoring breastfeeding by applauding the women that make it such a priority by pumping or staying at home and making sacrifices in order to breastfeed. More women should be honored for making those sacrifices that can’t be wished away. Less women should be shoving their kids under their desk and complaining about how it is unfair that they are the only ones that can breastfeed.

    No wonder we have more transgenders than ever. The only honor in being a woman is that a woman can do whatever a man can do and there is no honor in being a man that doesn’t have to do deal with the cursed unfair duties that come with being a woman.

  14. Dustin Darden was stating that to celebrate breastfeeding month women could be given pamphlet warnings about the dangers of adding alcohol and drug use while pregnant and lactating. Not a bad idea given how terribly selfish and narcissistic some women are in modern days.

    Of course, Chris Constant threatened to usurp more constitutional rights to freedom of economic association and political speech. Why is Constant not arrested? Darden’s idea was a good one and timely.

  15. Also stop inviting 10-minute soliloquies about anything, including flaunting lactation, combined with maligning the Anchorage Mayor thus creating a hostile work environment for him, while shutting up the public on the topic. Roberts Rules do not supersede the US Constitution in this jurisdiction at this time.

  16. Crying over spilled milk, she is. Last June when AQD signed her executive order to have babies in the office, the Delta variant of Covid was surging, and yet she wanted people to bring their infants to the workplace where they were more likely to catch it or spread it. AQD is a one-woman health hazard, an embarrassment to Anchorage.

  17. I am glad to hear Mayor Bronson put an end to work day care.
    If i had worked in any section where someone brought a baby, i would be very loudly objecting and grieving this distrubance to my work place.
    Babies are not conducive to the workplace.
    Additional leave for having a baby? There are already fmla and afmla benefits available. Do what the rest of us did, make family decisions about daycare, family and work. We homeowners should not shoulder these unnecessary costs.

    • Amen to “if I had worked in any section where someone brought a baby, I would be loudly objecting . . . ” Not that I don’t love babies, but the commitment to job performance and raising a kid in the workplace are not compatible. My job for many years required concentration, accuracy, timeliness, and other work performance values to do the job I was paid to do. How far does this “kids in the workplace” policy go? Once the cute babies become toddlers, it’s a new game. No thanks! Glad I’m retired and not in this “big kumbaya.” Snort!

      • There’s a time and a place for babies. I love babies. And although there was no alternate solution for this flight, I was on a flight once from the hell hole Seattle flying into anchor town on a red eye. The plane was bouncing all around in the sky nobody was sleeping. Flight attendants had a worried to look on their face has the passengers studied them for reassurance. Somewhere about three rows in back of me was a young child screaming their head off and the poor mother was doing everything she could to quiet the baby. After about 45 minutes of this, someone from in back of the plane in a calm voice said ” would somebody shut up that damn kid?” It was a desperate plea from an unknown person. I can imagine some part of that scenario happening in a workplace where someone is trying to concentrate on their duties.

    • Several years ago I was sitting in an optional class with an extremely obese woman breastfeeding her infant directly behind me in a crowded classroom. The sounds and the smell were quite distracting from the subject material I was trying to comprehend. I didn’t want to offend anyone by walking out, but I’d just had enough in the first few minutes of that experience. Barf! Transpose that experience to the workplace? Not!

      • I reported for jury duty once in dillingham, and a woman with a little baby walked in and sat down. I knew the woman because she was from our village. She sat one row in front of me and that was right behind the public defender’s desk. She took her coat off and begin unbuttoning doing her shirt and began breastfeeding this baby right there in court. This went on for about 5 minutes without too much going on but whispering began and other slight commotions erupted. The public defender was walking back to his desk once and looked up and the vision hit him right square in the face. About that time the judge called the woman up to the bench and began just ripping her a new one over bringing this baby to court and the judge was saying she knew that she had tried this before and got tossed out of the Court. I guess that’s one way to avoid jury duty. Someone from back of the gallery area yelled white noise and the judge said no there ain’t going to be no white noise I want everybody to hear this. Anyway the woman got scolded and was threatened with contempt if she ever tried this again and got tossed out of the Court. So there is a time and a place for everything and perhaps breastfeeding in court proceedings isn’t the right place. It did provide a lasting memory though that’s for sure and for certain.

        • You are a good guy. Thank you for your posts. Yes there’s a time and place for everything. To clarify my previous post, I did not walk out of the class, but it was certainly tempting. I sat through the class for two hours and gleaned as much as I could from it. Fortunately, the distraction of the breastfeeding ended and the baby fussed and cried throughout the rest of the class. We don’t need that in a productive workplace.

    • Hallelujah! Frank finally gets it. Can’t have a baby without a fetus!
      Oh and Frank conservatives care a great deal about babies. Those precious little ones deserve a great deal of attention and care, not being handed around the office like some rubber plant.

    • Fetuses are only 2/3rds a person in Frank Rast’s bigoted world– Hmmm, I wonder if he knows where this came from, his great Grandpappy maybe, you know the one who worshipped Jefferson Davis.

  18. Who cares what Quinn Davidson has to say.
    She’s a has been. Her words mean nothing. She was a puppet on a string with our so called Assembly.

  19. Have you noticed how liberals always act as if they are the first person EVER to experience anything. On that premise they feel compelled to condemn anyone, who interrupts their special status with reality. So she hijacked another feel good, worthless, time wasting announcement, to make it all about her. Our tax dollars at work!

  20. Suzanne, Thanks for covering this issue. You do a great job of keeping us informed on the intricacies of Alaska politics. Also, Nice play on words in the title of this article.

  21. AQD, please just leave. No one cares what you have to say. You and your cronies absconded with the mayors seat for 8 months and somehow still kept your assembly chair, which was against the city charter. You and your feeble cronies do not care about anything except serving yourselves.

  22. WHY is she still in that fraudulent seat ? She has already gotten away ( or so it seems ) with alot of crimes… and now we have to discuss BREASTS ? one lady next to me yelled… hasnt she ever heard of breast pumps ? apparently NOT. Her wife is a ” fish expert ” apparently and submissively follows her around with head bowed dragging her feet. I dont get it .

  23. Quinn-Davidson RARELY shows up for meetings in person, claiming she has to stay at home to raise her wife’s child. The only reason she came in person was probably to scold Mayor Bronson for undoing the executive order she created on her last day as unelected mayor — which she now can’t personally take advantage of.

    She’s “safe from Covid” though, continually touching her full-of-germs mask, virtue signaling to the world that she’s protecting others, ignoring what I’ve said six times that HIGH ENOUGH VITAMIN D is the answer, not face masks that don’t work, the studies prove.

  24. You know, AQD, if the issue was sufficiently important, you could have taken action Oct 2020 when you replaced our pantless former mayor rather than 18 months later when your elected replacement (remember that you were NEVER elected Mayor and refused to hold an election as required by the Muni Charter) took office. You continue to demonstrate why you were never really suited for the position. Cheers –

  25. Of all the persons surely Quinn Davidson really stepped in it…Breast feeding is a hateful term. It is a slam to breast less person who might have lost their breast, or were born with a lower dangling part that might prefer to identify as mom, mother, breeder, rock or what every they wish. The socially noted term is chest feeding!

    Was this a slur on her part in her hateful use of the term BREAST in a way to put down non breasted baby feeders?

    So, sad when the “WOKE” are asleep with their own demands!

  26. A clear case of BDS.
    Bronson Derangement Syndrome.

    Sadly, toxic and contagious to all who suffer from liberal entitlement issues.

  27. If I ever catch a man “chestfeeding” a baby in public, I’m going to punch him in the face and gladly do the jail time.

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